"Well? What else does he Feng do in the jungle? "

"Is it hard to say that besides Shang Jin, they are hiding other people?"

See he Feng's action, everyone on the field is surprised.

Immediately, their eyes looked at Jiang Qingyan one after another.

Obviously, now they have failed to kill He Feng. If they stay, they are not sure how he Feng will deal with them.

What if, like killing Zhang Zhen, you kill him directly?

Even if not killed, but with Tong Fei and others were abolished Dantian, it is not what they can bear.

"Vice President Cao, if you honestly stand still, he Feng should not be too embarrassed for you, otherwise he would not let me call my elder brother to come."

Seems to be aware of the thoughts of Cao Heng and others, Jiang Qingyan's cold eyes fell on them, "however, if you choose to escape now, then don't blame me for being impolite."

As she spoke, a breath of inner strength came out of her.

Although it was only in the middle of Ming Dynasty, at the same level as Cao Heng and Qi Jun, Cao Heng and others could clearly perceive that Jiang Qingyan's inner strength was much stronger than theirs.

If single to single, they are afraid that no one is Jiang Qingyan's opponent.

However, what Cao Heng and others are good at is not single to single

Therefore, even if they were aware of Jiang Qing's power, they were not afraid.

"Little girl, please get out of the way. We don't want to be enemies with you." Cao Heng stares at Jiang Qingyan and says.

Such a young man of ancient martial arts in the middle of Ming Dynasty should try not to offend him.

"Why don't you want to escape?"

Jiang Qingyan sneered, "once you join hands to deal with me, I may not be able to kill all of you, or even your opponent. But I don't think he Feng will take too long. And once he comes back, you can't escape, but the person who gives me a hand, I'm afraid it won't be much better than that person... "

Speaking, Jiang Qingyan pointed to Zhang Zhen, who was lying on the ground and had no breath.


Smell speech, Cao Heng and Qi Jun two people pupil not from a shrink.

Those ordinary people in the early Ming Dynasty were even more pale.

"Lao Cao, let's wait and see how he Feng wants to solve this problem. If he really wants to kill us all, we'll disperse and run away, and then we'll go to the police. I don't believe it. If he kills so many people at one time, the police can still stand by. "

Qi Jun said with a sneer.

But this sentence undoubtedly shows that he is afraid to escape.

"Well, let's wait for him here."

Looking at the direction he Feng left, Cao Heng nodded.

At the same time, somewhere in the jungle not far from Qiujing mountain.

In the dark, a figure is staring at the top of Qiujing mountain.

This man is Lu Xiong who follows Cao Heng and others to the top of Qiujing mountain.

Lu Xiong arranged for people to follow the people of the martial arts association. When he learned that Zhang Zhen, Cao Heng and others had come to qiujingshan driveway, he came as fast as he could, hiding in the dark and watching the battle.

After Zhang Zhen and others rely on the three nine Xuan array to make the strongest attack on He Feng, he thinks he Feng has only one way to die.

Because in his materials, he Feng is just a horizontal practitioner who practices one body and two body.

But don't want to, he Feng actually positive bear Zhang Zhen and others together, strength at least reached the refining body four.

Then he dodged the simultaneous shooting of ten sharpshooters and killed them

He Feng's strength has set off a huge wave in Lu Xiong's heart.

"I thought he Feng's biggest card was the top killer guard of Mingjin around him. Unexpectedly, his biggest card is his own strong strength

Looking at what happened in front of him, Lu Xiong only felt that it was full of unreal.

A young man, who is only twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, has a dark fighting power.

No wonder the killer of Mingjin peak can be his bodyguard!

"No, he found me and came after me. How fast... "

Suddenly, Lu Xiong finds that he Feng's eyes are on his side, and he rushes towards him, his face suddenly changes.


He didn't want to think about it, turned around and rushed towards the more dense jungle behind him.

In the middle of the night, as long as he enters the dense jungle, he Feng will never find him again.


However, as soon as Lu Xiongcai ran out for only a few meters, he heard a rush of wind breaking behind him.

"How can it be? How can his speed be so fast? "

Lu Xiong couldn't help looking back, his face full of horror.

Because he found that the distance between He Feng and himself was less than ten meters.

And it's getting closer.

Lu Xiong could not help but stop and did not continue to flee.

He Feng's speed is far beyond him. If he chooses to escape and leaves his back to He Feng, it will be very dangerous for him.

"Mr. He Feng, I came here today because I heard that a large number of people from martial arts associations came here to have a look out of curiosity. I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me. As for what happened just now, I didn't see anything. You can rest assured. "

Lu Xiong turned around and said to He Feng, who also stopped not far away from him.

There is no need for He Feng to ask, he took the initiative to explain up, played very well.

"If I am right, you are the master of the Lu family, Lu Xiong, who is a teacher in Jiangbin university?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in plain clothes, he Feng asked in surprise.

He had not seen Lu Xiong, but he had seen Lu Xiong's photos, so he could recognize the latter's identity at a glance.

I didn't expect that the master of the Lu family would appear in this situation today

Some unexpected, but think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

"It's me!" Lu Xiong nodded,

"Mr. Lu, you are a strong man with the highest strength, and you are willing to stay in Jiangbin University as an ordinary teacher?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, I'm only practicing to improve my health. Teaching and educating talents is my real goal."

Lu Xiong chuckled and said, "Mr. He Feng, go and do your own business. I have to go back to school."

Said, his steps back slowly, but the body is still facing He Feng, do not want to back to He Feng.

Watching Lu Xiong leave, he Feng raises his eyebrows

This action is not recognized by ordinary warriors. Only those killers who often wander on the edge of life and death will use this action when they retreat.

Lu Xiong, is he a killer?

"Mingjin peak, killer..."

He Feng murmured in his heart.

He suddenly remembered that Zhan Yu had been assassinated a few days ago. After pursuing her, CI Yue said that she had met a killer of Mingjin peak.

The whole city of Jiangbin, let alone the killer of Mingjin peak, is hard to find even the ordinary ancient warrior of Mingjin peak.

Since Lu Xiong has the highest cultivation of Mingjin and is also a killer, then

The man who blocked the moon piercing was probably Lu Xiong.

"Want to go? Hehe, you can see the pictures of my killing. Do you think I will let you go? Today, I have to kill people. "

He Feng's eyes suddenly burst out a burst of forest cold kill idea, immediately step move, toward landing male rushed up.

He was so fast that he immediately drew the distance between him and Lu Xiong, and then made a sudden fist.


With one punch, the powerful momentum is like a huge wave, sweeping towards the landing.

"Son of a bitch, do you really think that you are a four fold horizontal practitioner and can keep me?"

Lu Xiong gave a cold hum, then jumped up slightly, and suddenly burst out a burst of smoke in front of him.

Then, his figure disappeared in front of He Feng.

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