"It has broken through to the middle of Mingjin. No wonder we dare to fight with the two of us."

Cao Heng surprised said: "however, just break through to the Ming Jin mid-term, I'm afraid that even one of us is not as strong, how to fight against the two of us?"

"Brother Cao, no matter what his strength is, let's defeat him first." Qi Jun said.

"All right!"

Cao Heng nodded.

Immediately, both of them exuded the inner strength fluctuation of the middle Ming Dynasty. They were no weaker than Jiang Kuangdao, and they were much more powerful than him. After all, they were old-fashioned ancient martial artists of the middle Ming Dynasty.

"Jiang crazy Dao, look at the move!"

"Be careful!"

Two people light mouth, at the same time, attack to the river crazy knife.

Obviously, they are ready to make a quick decision.

They also have such self-confidence. If they fight alone, it will take a little time even if they can defeat Jiang Kuangdao.

But now two people join hands, I believe it will soon be defeated.


Jiang Kuangdao suddenly let out a roar and attacked Cao Heng and Qi Jun at the same time.

On the palm of his hand, it seems to condense the waves of ten thousand feet, carrying terror and pressure, sweeping down.

Last week, when Jiang Kuangdao fought with He Feng, he was still a great master of dielangzhang. Now he is more powerful and successful.

When he Feng was still in Dacheng, he said that Jiang Kuangdao could compete with the ancient warriors in the late Ming Dynasty.

Now it is perfect, and its combat power is no less than that of the ancient warriors in the late Mingjin period.

Under such circumstances, how can Cao Heng and Qi Jun be rivals?

When they realized the terrible power contained in Jiang Kuang Dao's moves, their faces changed dramatically.

"Bang! Bang

Jiang Kuangdao's palm finally collided with their attack, and a strong air spread out. Cao Heng and Qi Jun both retreated, their faces turned pale, and their momentum suddenly fell down.

"You two, do you want to fight again?"

Jiang Kuangdao said with a smile.

"Don't fight. We're not your opponent." Cao Heng shook his head.

Qi Jun asked, "your palm technique is powerful. Is it an advanced martial art?"

Jiang Kuangdao nodded, "well, it's a low-level martial arts, but I created it myself. I've cultivated it to a perfect level."

"Self created?"

Cao Heng and Qi Jun's looks changed slightly, and they immediately put up their thumbs.


"If I can create my own martial arts, I can't compete."

He Feng was a little impatient and said, "now, can you let director Jiang be the executive vice president of your Wushu Association?"

Cao Heng and Qi Jun looked at each other and nodded.

But Cao Heng still couldn't help looking at He Feng and asking, "Mr. He Feng, why don't you personally serve as the executive vice president of our Wushu Association?"

"No interest!"

He Feng just light back three words.


Cao Heng and others are speechless.

The executive vice president of Jiangbin martial arts association is second only to the president. What a honor this position is. Even if the mayor of Jiangbin met him, he would treat him politely, but he said he was not interested.

But think of He Feng that powerful and mysterious strength, they also gradually suddenly.

I'm afraid it's really hard for the executive vice president of Jiangbin martial arts association to arouse his interest.

"Since we are not so lucky to let Mr. He Feng be our executive vice president, we will ask brother Jiang to take the responsibility of our Wushu Association in the future."

Cao Heng looked at Jiang Kuangdao and said that he recognized his current identity.

"Don't worry, I will be duty bound to help the Wushu Association in the future."

Jiang Kuangdao naturally understood what Cao Heng meant. "In addition, if the performance of the people in the martial arts association can satisfy me in the next period of time, I will teach you this set of martial arts I have learned and give you some advice."

"Thank you, brother Jiang!"

Hearing this, Cao Heng and Qi Jun bowed to Jiang Kuangdao one after another, excited and expecting.

When the Jiangbin martial arts association was founded, the mysterious president taught them a set of array, but did not teach them other advanced martial arts. As a result, after leaving the array, the members of the martial arts association could not play a strong combat effectiveness, and no one could fight beyond the level.

They dream of getting a set of advanced martial arts!

Now, Jiang Kuangdao has given them such a chance.

It can be predicted that once Jiang Kuangdao teaches them his advanced martial arts "dielang palm", no one will be able to shake Jiang Kuangdao's position in Jiangbin Martial Arts Association unless the mysterious president returns.

"Brother Jiang, now that the matter here has been dealt with, I'll send Qingyan back to school first, and I'll leave the final business to you."

He Feng was relieved to see that Jiang Kuangdao would buy people's hearts.

At first, he thought Jiang Kuangdao was really a martial arts maniac and devoted himself to martial arts. It seems that he just didn't want to focus on fighting for power and profit, otherwise he would have annexed Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school.

As Jiang Yin, the business genius, and Jiang Qingyan, the elder brother of Xueba, how can Jiang crazy Dao not be smart?

He Feng doesn't worry about the management of Jiangbin martial arts association by Jiang Kuangdao.

"All right!"

The river crazy knife nods a way.

He Feng also no longer speak, with Jiang Qingyan drove away.

Cao Heng, Qi Jun and others respectfully watched him leave. Although he Feng did not become the executive vice president of their martial arts association, he gave up his position to Jiang Kuangdao, they all knew that Jiang Kuangdao was very obedient to He Feng.

He Feng is not the executive vice president, but if he wants to ask the Wushu Association to help, they have to listen.

Of course, it's not uncomfortable for them to follow the orders of a strong man who is at least equivalent to a master of dark strength.


"He Feng, what's the matter with Mr. Lu?"

He Feng just drove a Lexus car to leave, sitting in the co driver's seat of Jiang Qingyan can't help but ask.

She is really curious. Lu Xiong Mingming is an ordinary teacher in Jiangbin University. He has been teaching for many years and is about to become an associate professor. How can he suddenly appear here and be captured by He Feng?

"If I guess correctly, Lu Xiong should be the director of the film group." He Feng opens his mouth.

"What, Mr. Lu is in charge of the film group? Is he an ancient warrior Jiang Qingyan exclaimed, which was unbelievable. After all, he was a teacher in Jiangbin University for many years.

"Well, he is a killer at the top of Mingjin. At the same time, he also knows how to escape in Japanese ninja. I guess he should be Japanese."


Jiang Qingyan was even more shocked.

"It will come out later, and now I'm not 100% sure."

"Green smoke beauty, I will send you to school directly now?" He Feng said while driving

Jiang Qingyan is not in the mood to go to school at the moment, "I want to see how it will be in the end."

"OK, I'll take you to school later."

He Feng naturally doesn't care.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and called Ji Xinyu, telling her that he wanted to go there.

Half an hour later, he Feng drove to the Liuyue club.

"Brother in law, I heard from my sister that you arrested Lu's old man, Lu Daoxiong? What's the situation? "

Outside the Liuyue club, Ji Gang is waiting outside the door. Seeing he Feng coming, he immediately welcomes him and asks curiously.

But when he saw Jiang Qingyan coming down from the co pilot's seat, he exclaimed again, "I rely on my brother-in-law. Did you really go out with goddess Jiang at night? And, until now? Are you going to open a room together later? "

Ji Gang is also studying in Jiangbin University, and naturally receives the news that Jiang Qingyan wants to date he Feng in his capacity.

He thought he Feng and Jiang Qingyan would have dinner at most, and then watch a movie, and they would be separated at ten o'clock at most. But he didn't expect that they were still together in the early morning.

Single men and few women are still together in the early morning. What else can they do?

It goes without saying!

"Ji Gang, you think too much. He Feng and I just went for a ride in Qiujing mountain." Jiang Qingyan said faintly.

"Oh, I went for a ride in qiujingshan? At the top of Qiujing mountain, it's open and quiet. It's very suitable for doing bad things. "

As soon as Ji Gang heard that she was going to qiujingshan, she immediately gave her a bad smile and showed a "I know" expression.

"You... Are a hooligan. I won't teach you a lesson."

Jiangqing smoke beautiful eyes gush out the color of shame and anger, facing Ji Gang is a blow to blow out.

"You want to hit me? OK, I'll let you fight, but don't hurt your hand... "

Ji just saw Jiang Qingyan attack himself, not angry, but laughed.

He is now an ancient warrior in the late Ming Dynasty. He can break through to the peak of Ming Dynasty at any time. His physical quality is constantly improving under the moistening of his blood. Now even if he doesn't use internal strength, his physical strength alone is enough to compete with the ancient warrior in the middle Ming Dynasty.

In other words, his physical strength has reached the double of refining body.

Such a powerful body, let her Jiang Qingyan attack, how can he hurt?


Finally, Jiang Qingyan's Pink fist fell on Ji Gang's chest, and Ji Gang didn't move.

"Well? This Ji Gang, how strong is her body? " Jiang Qingyan's face is a condensation, looking at Ji Gang in surprise.

This guy, who usually seems to be quite low-key, is actually a strong one, and seems to be a horizontal practitioner with double body training.

However, what about the double training?

She raised her fist again and hit Ji Gang again.

"Alas, my body is so strong, you don't hurt me at all, so don't waste your time..." Ji Gang said helplessly.

But when Jiang Qingyan's Pink fist fell on his chest again, he couldn't say it any more. He just felt as if he had been hit by a big truck. The terrible impact made him snort directly, and his face was a little white.

"In the middle of Ming Dynasty, and it will break through to the later period of Ming Dynasty, are you also an ancient warrior?"

Feeling the strong inner strength of Jiangqing smoke powder fist, Ji Gang was dumbfounded.

"I won't use so little energy if I talk about it in the future."

See Ji just ate a little loss, Jiang Qingyan just let him go.


Ji Gang stares and wants to fight with Jiang Qingyan.

I'm an ancient warrior in the late Ming Dynasty. I want to break through the peak of Ming Dynasty at any time. I'm a whole level stronger than Jiang Qingyan. I'm afraid she won't succeed?

"Don't quarrel, you two. Let's get down to business first."

He Feng quickly interrupts them, then opens the trunk and carries Lu Xiong into the Liuyue club.

"Husband, is something wrong?" Wearing a white robe, Ji Xinyu is waiting in the hall.

See Jiang Qingyan with He Feng side, her beautiful eyes slightly pick, eyes reveal a touch of provocation.

"Xinyu wife, go to your room."

"He Fengning said in a voice:" for a while, I'm afraid some secrets will be revealed from his mouth, so we can't let outsiders know. "

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