Late at night, a large truck was driving on the highway to Nanjin city.

It's just that in the truck, it's not the goods, it's a group of people.

At the top of the truck, there is a light shining down, and you can see a dozen people sitting inside.

These ten people are introverted, but their eyes are cold, like ghosts in the dark, very terrible.

However, most of them are sitting on the edge. Only two of them are sitting in the middle. They are Lu Yuan, chairman of Lufeng group, and Lu Zhonghua, one of the four sons of Jiangbin city.

"Third uncle, are those people really dragon guards?" Lu Zhonghua frowned and asked anxiously.

Because he was well aware of the strength of the Dragon guards. Once the Dragon guards entered the Lu family, it was enough to show that the Lu family was going to die.

Lu Yuan nodded and said, "if it's not the Dragon guards, why should I burn down the villa and lead the members of the whole film group to flee?"

"Our Lu family and the film crew are extremely low-key in recent days. How can they be suddenly targeted by the Dragon guards? Is it because of the man named Zhan Yu whom my father and I assassinated last time? "

Lu Zhonghua guessed.

Zhan Yu's strength is not very strong. He just joined the Dragon guards. However, Zhan Yu's parents are not ordinary people, and they are young and have great potential, so they fight against Zhan Yu, so that they won't become a sharp blade for the Chinese army when they grow up.

But during that operation, they didn't seem to be exposed, did they?

"It should have nothing to do with that action. If I didn't guess, our Lu family was suddenly targeted by the Dragon guards today, it should be because of another person..." Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and his mouth spat out a name, "He Feng!"

"He Feng?"

"Well, this evening, my elder brother said hello to me. He said that people from the martial arts association had to deal with He Feng. He would follow in the rear to see if he Feng would be assassinated. I think he should have failed, and then he Feng should have guessed the relationship between big brother and the film crew, and even realized that big brother and our entire Lu family were Japanese. That's why the Dragon guards will attack the Lu family. "

"He Feng! When I have a chance, I will kill him myself. "

Lu Zhonghua clenched his fist tightly, and his eyes twinkled with hatred.

Lu Yuan's words made him understand that his father Lu Xiong might have had an accident.

But he had to leave Jiangbin city immediately, and he Feng couldn't get revenge.

This humiliation drove him crazy.

"Zhonghua, you have to bear with it a little bit. I've heard elder brother say that the power of Nanjin city is very strong. If we get their help, it should be easy to get rid of He Feng in the future."

Lu Yuan patted Lu Zhonghua on the shoulder.

He naturally knew that Lu Zhonghua wanted to kill He Feng immediately, but now the police and military in Jiangbin city are trying to arrest them. If they stay in Jiangbin City, they may not even be able to protect themselves. How can they deal with He Feng?

After all, they clearly know that he Feng is surrounded by a killer of Mingjin peak.

"Don't worry, uncle. I will suppress this hatred for a while."

Lu Zhonghua took a deep breath and asked, "however, after we enter Nanjin City, how can we find powerful people?"

"Only the elder brother knows a little about their position and identity. As for us, it's almost impossible to find them, but my elder brother told me that if something happens in Jiangbin City, as long as the remaining people go to Nanjin City, they will take the initiative to find us. "

Lu Yuan's voice is cold and quiet. "When we meet with them, we will not be like that. If a senior official makes a move, it will not involve the Lu family and others. Others will only defeat the Lu family politically."

Song Yan shook his head and pondered: "this Lu family must have offended some big people. What kind of people are they, with such huge energy?"

"We have been paying close attention to the Lu family. We have never heard that they have offended anyone."

Zhang Ziyan pondered for a while. She couldn't think of anyone the Lu family had offended.

Song Yan racked his brains and couldn't think of it.

A moment later, Zhang Ziyan said: "by the way, I suddenly think of a thing. There is a young man named Lu Weihua in the Lu family. I heard that he and he Feng had two conflicts. He Feng should not have done this thing, right?"

"He Feng? impossible! How could he have so much energy to make the whole Lu family disappear overnight? Moreover, the news media also said that Lu Xixian was seriously ill and went abroad for treatment. This is obviously intended to be heard by the public. It must be the voice of the province. "

Song Yan said, "well, I'm just shocked and curious. I want to know who has so much energy that I can easily destroy the Lu family."

Song Yan said, "by the way, is there any news from Mulong?"

"No!" Zhang Ziyan shakes her head and has a bad feeling in her heart. "He told me yesterday that he was going out to deal with He Feng, but up to now, he hasn't come back. He didn't even call me. As for He Feng, I don't know where he is now, but he should be OK. By the way, I also got a message that Xu Hongjie has disappeared. "

"Xu Hongjie is missing? What's going on? "

Hearing this, song Yan's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

"I'm not very clear about the details, but I heard one thing. Yesterday morning, Xu Hongjie took people to Yuncheng group and took he Feng away. Since then, Xu Hongjie has lost information, but it is less than 24 hours, so the police have not yet put the case on file for investigation. However, I don't think that even if we investigate, we can find anything. "

Zhang Ziyan looked at Song Yan and said, "Xu Hongjie is probably missing because of He Feng."

"He Feng, how dare he move Xu Hongjie? He wants to die. How can Xu Tianyin let him go? "

Song Yan exclaimed, I can't believe it.

Although the financial strength of Guangming group is not as good as that of song group, song Yan remembers his father's advice that he should not offend Xu Hongjie.

Therefore, although he didn't like Xu Hongjie very much on the surface, he never tore his face.

"I'm not sure whether he Feng did it or not, but he Feng's ability is not small, even Mulong may have failed. Brother Yan, I think we'd better go to the theatre next. We'll try our best to get involved in this matter of He Feng? " Zhang Ziyan worried.

"You first contact Mulong to see if you can get in touch."

Song Yan fidgety walked out of bed, lit a cigarette said.

What about He Feng?

How is that possible?

His mother's reputation is broken, the woman he likes is robbed, and he Feng beats her in the face many times. How can he give up these grudges?

See, Zhang Ziyan understand song Yan's mind, no longer persuade, take out a mobile phone to call Mulong.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

Zhang Ziyan put down her mobile phone and frowned, "I still can't get in touch. It seems that something happened to Mulong."

"Do you have a way to get in touch with the forces behind Mulong?"

Song Yan turns around and stares at Zhang Ziyan.

"I can't get in touch with them, but when Mulong is missing for a long time, maybe they will take the initiative to look for Mulong, and finally they may find us."

Zhang Ziyan naturally understands that song Yan's plan is to use the power behind song Yan to deal with He Feng, "if they find us, we can really put the responsibility on He Feng, so that we don't have to do anything, we can see he Feng killed by them."

"God knows how long it will take them to come to us..."

Song Yan snorted, "do nothing? Is it possible! However, I can't deal with He Feng, but I believe song Shiqun will have a way. "

Thinking of this, song Yan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

It was his father, song Shiqun!

Soon, song Shiqun's impatient voice came out on the phone, "why do you call me in the morning? Don't know if it will disturb me and your stepmother's rest? "

Song Yan Yanjiao mercilessly took out!

His wife just left with other men, and he soon got on well with other women. How can he not care about his wife?

What a son of a bitch!

"I've found out the person who posted the video."

Song Yan took a deep breath, pressing his anger.

"Who is it?"

"This man is He Feng, who killed the Qingfeng martial arts school."

"It's him?"

Song Shiqun's voice suddenly cooled down.

He had wanted Qingfeng martial arts school to unify the three martial arts schools and become the only martial arts school in Jiangbin City, but he didn't want to be destroyed by a man named He Feng. When he heard the news, he was ready to deal with He Feng.

But because Qingfeng martial arts school is just a small piece of his chess, he is not in a hurry, so he has not made any further moves up to now.

But don't want to, his wife and people's cheating video, actually is also the name of He Feng's hair.

"Yes, and Xu Hongjie is also missing. It seems that he Feng did it. You can tell Xu Tianyin about it and join hands with Xu Tianyin to deal with He Feng." Song Yan said.

"Hum, what qualification does Xu Tianyin have to let me join hands with him?"

Song Shiqun said impatiently, "now you send all the information of He Feng to me immediately. I'll send someone to catch him today. I'll make his life worse than death!"

"All right!"

Smell speech, song Yan on the corner of the mouth raised a touch of evil strange radian, immediately hung up the phone.

"Next, let your dog bite your dog."


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