At this moment, Huayang is very angry. It is the first time that he has been humiliated.

The person who humiliated him was an unknown loser.

If this incident is passed back to his family, he will definitely become a joke and never look up in the future.

"Who are you, what's your name, and who are you from?"

Huayang stares at He Feng coldly, trying to find out who he is.

"Cang Lang, who is this silly boy?"

He Feng did not answer Huayang's question, but looked to the side of Canglang asked.

Cang Lang was just about to open his mouth, but Hua Yang burst out laughing, "ha ha, you don't even know who the young master is, so you dare to fight me. You really eat bear heart and leopard gall. Then I will tell you now that I am from the golden gate, and my father's name is Hua Hai. "

"Jinmen Huahai, my God, this is a big deal."

"Let's go, let's get out of here. If we get hurt, we're dead."

"That young man has provoked people in Kinmen. I'm afraid he won't even see the moon tonight."

After hearing that Huayang had reported his family, some well-informed people around him looked flat. They did not dare to stay any longer and left as soon as possible.

Many people see this scene, but also aware of something wrong, do not dare to stay to see the excitement, have followed away.

"Canglang, didn't you say he was a member of the Jinlong Gang? How did he become Jinmen again?"

He Feng is to continue to look at Canglang, doubt way.

"Jinlong gang used to be their name. Now they have been completely bleached, so their name has been changed to Jinmen, which is a bit similar to the existence of martial arts school. But they disdain to be a martial arts school, so they are called Jinmen. It sounds like a sect."

Cang Lang explained in a hurry. Now he has a good understanding of the major forces in Nanjin city. "In Jinmen, there are 18 King Kong, each of which is powerful. Hua Hai is one of the eighteen King Kong. As for his name, it should be Huayang. "

"Ha ha ha ha, do you hear me? I'm from Kinmen, and my father is one of the eighteen King Kong of Kinmen. You dare to beat me. I really don't know how to write" death. "

Hua Yang pointed to He Feng directly and said in a cold voice, "now get down on your knees, kowtow and apologize, then abandon your Dantian, and finally let your woman come to serve me. If he can serve me comfortably, I may be able to spare his life."

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's ignore him and leave directly."

Ling Weiyu's face is very ugly. He Feng wants to teach Huayang a lesson, but he is worried about causing unnecessary trouble. So he wants to leave here. After finishing the work, he can return to Jiangbin city.

"Want to leave? Hehe, Nanjin city is our territory in Jinmen. Do you think you can walk away? " Hua Yang sneered.

"Little feather, leave it to me. Nothing will happen."

He Feng gently patted Ling Weiyu on the shoulder, indicating that women need not worry.

Then he looked at Canglang again, "how about the strength of this golden gate? Has it been investigated? "

Cang Lang nodded and began to talk to He Feng about the power of Nanjin city. "In Nanjin City, there are three ancient martial families, and there are at least one master in the middle and several masters in the early stage of the dark power. In addition to the guwu family, there are also some ordinary guwu families. Although these families are not aristocratic families and have been handed down for less than a hundred years, they all have more than one master of the early dark force. As for the golden gate, it is weaker than the guwu family, but stronger than the ordinary guwu family. The headmaster and the two vice headmasters have the strength of the early dark force. As for their 18 great vajras, they are all the accomplishments of the late Ming Jin and the peak of Ming Jin. "

"How many years has this golden gate existed? What's the inside information?" He Feng continued to ask.

"They were established ten years ago and have only developed for ten years now. On the surface, they have a general foundation, but they are very strong."

"It's a pity..."

He Feng sighed with regret.

If this golden gate is rich, there may be a lot of resources to assist cultivation, such as pills.

In foreign countries, Dan medicine is in short supply, because there are very few alchemists abroad.

Even in the kingdom of China, the value of Dan medicine can't be estimated.

"I asked you to kneel down and kowtow to apologize. Did you hear that?"

At this time, Huayang has some impatience, staring at He Feng and shouting.

"Well, since the inside information of the golden gate is general, just discard it."

He Feng shook his head, sighed, and then walked towards Huayang.

"You, what do you want to do..."

Huayang heard he Feng's voice, just feel some incredible. But looking at He Feng's cold eyes, he knows he Feng is not joking.

This bastard really wants to waste himself.

Does he want to die?

However, he Feng's present strength is far stronger than he, which he can't compete with.

If he Feng wants to abolish him, he can't resist at all.

"Stop! You stop for me

Hua Yang roars at He Feng: "do you want to be the enemy of our whole golden gate? I tell you, the power of Kinmen is beyond your imagination. If you abandon me, not only you, but also your relatives and friends will die. "

"I'm not afraid!" He Feng chuckled and continued to move forward.


Hua Yang mouth corner mercilessly drew to draw, did not expect he Feng to be able to give such an answer, "is really a madman!"

He Feng was cursed fiercely in his heart. Huayang's eyes narrowed slightly. He immediately took out a round black object from his pocket and threw it into his mouth to swallow.

"You want to get rid of me? Well, do you think it will be that easy? "

Hua Yang gave a cold hum.


The next moment, a majestic breath surged out of his body.

He had a dispirited atmosphere, suddenly became strong and powerful, as if there were signs of breaking through to the middle of Ming Dynasty.

"Boy, I remember you, you wait for my young master's revenge."

Huayang took a deep look at He Feng, and immediately turned around to fly away with the fastest speed.

Just after fighting with He Feng, he knew very well that even if he had more strength in his body now, he would never be his opponent.

Therefore, he chose to escape decisively.

"Well? This guy is carrying pills. "

See Huayang escape, he Feng's eyes not by a bright.

He thought that the inside information of Jinmen was really not good. He did not expect that even the son of one of the eighteen King Kong had carried this kind of pills to quickly recover his inner strength.

It can be imagined that there must be a bigger pill in this golden gate.

Thinking of this, he Feng took a step in the direction of Huayang's departure.

It seems to be a simple step, but it shortens the distance between the two sides, and appears behind Huayang in the blink of an eye.


He Feng's palm fell directly on Huayang.


Huge energy poured into Huayang's body, which made Huayang fall to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The original powerful breath on the body once again became dispirited, and his face was even more pale to the extreme.

"You, what have you done to me? Why can't I mobilize my inner strength? "

Huayang felt the changes in Dantian, and asked in a trembling voice.

He had some kind of guess, but he didn't dare admit it.

"Dantian is broken by me. How can you mobilize your inner strength?" He Feng went to Huayang and said with a low smile.

"What did you say, you abandoned my elixir field?"

Huayang just felt a whirl of heaven and earth, the whole person would faint in the past.

Dantian, for an ancient warrior, is more important than life.

The vast majority of ancient warriors would rather die than have their elixir fields abandoned.

Once the elixir field is abolished, it is not only powerless, but also worse than ordinary people. With the continuous loss of Qi and blood, the time of death will be closer and closer. It is almost sentenced to death, but the execution will be postponed for a few years, which is more terrible than being killed directly.

"You insult my woman, I just waste your Dantian, did not completely beat you into a vegetable, you should feel lucky."

He Feng's voice was cold. "As for the Golden Gate in your mouth, do you think I really care? It's just dark strength. I'm not afraid of other people's fear. "

"You, you are also a strong dark power?"

Huayang shocked looking at He Feng.

Just now he Feng's speed is too fast. It's absolutely hard for ordinary people who are strong in Ming Jin to do it. It can be seen that he Feng is really a powerful master in dark Jin.

It seems that this time I've kicked the iron plate.

At this moment, Huayang's heart in addition to shock, there are endless regret.

I'm really pinched by the door, and I insult a woman who is a master of dark strength. Isn't this going to the toilet with a lantern, looking for death?

"Do you have any pills on you?" He Feng didn't pay attention to Huayang's mood, just asked the questions he was concerned about.


Huayang was stunned. He took out a black round object from his pocket and handed it to He Feng. "I'm left with an intermediate Huiyuan pill. It's all my father gave me to protect my life. He can only get one for me at most every year."

He Feng took back Yuandan, feeling the efficacy of it, quite satisfied.

The energy contained in this round of Yuan Dan is not strong, but it is a great help to the ancient martial arts in the early and middle Ming Jin. It can instantly restore the inner strength of the user's Dantian to the peak level.

If you are an ancient warrior in the late Ming dynasty or at the peak of Ming Dynasty, even if you take it, you will not be able to restore your state to the peak.

However, the general Mingjin strong, certainly can not have such a pill.

Because Huayang's father was one of the eighteen King Kong of Jinmen, and his status was noble, Huayang was able to have such a pill to protect his life.

"Do you have many pills in Jinmen?"

He Feng suddenly smiles at Hua Yang and asks, even licking his lips.

Looking at He Feng's expression and eyes, Huayang suddenly has the feeling of being watched by a thief

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