"Brother Xiaofeng, I eat tomato. How can I listen to his girlfriend completely? Shall I talk to him again? "

Ling Weiyu took down the earphone and said with some depression: "after all, we are not liars, but we have enough money to sign him."

Now she has hundreds of millions on her card. Even if I spend 300 million on eating tomatoes, it's not hard.

But now, my girlfriends who eat tomatoes think they are cheaters, which makes Ling Weiyu very depressed.

"Little feather, I think we have already explained to him whether we have enough money. At that time, I told him that I could pay him 100 million yuan in advance. " He Feng pondered: "I have said that, but they are still willing to choose millet. It seems that they need money urgently in the near future, and no accidents can happen. So, they chose more reliable millet. "

"And now what?"

Ling Weiyu is not very willing.

She is willing to offer such a high price, the other side is still reluctant to sign. Not because of other reasons, but because they are not trustworthy and make each other feel at risk.

"It's OK. Isn't it a supreme God? The level of listening to the wind at night is no worse than that of them. I'll think of a way to build him with all my strength and make him the supreme god of our country. In this way, I can save some money. " He Feng waved his hand indifferently.

Since the other party does not believe them, even a little risk does not want to take, he Feng has nothing to say.

Although it will be a little troublesome to build a supreme God, he Feng is not so busy next, but is willing to spend some time to promote the guy yetingfeng.

After all, this is one of his favorite authors.

"Well, all right!"

Ling Weiyu also sighed helplessly, feeling some pity.

"Little feather, don't worry about these troubles. If I listen to his girlfriend when I eat tomato, I will suffer losses in the future. When he suffers losses, he will come to you on his own initiative. We still have a chance." He Feng chuckled.

"Well, there should be a chance. Even if he signed a contract with millet, he would not bind his pseudonym. "

Ling Weiyu nodded with a smile. She was in a better mood, and immediately began to eat with He Feng. She was chatting while eating. The smile on her face never stopped. She enjoyed such a moment.

At this time, a few people suddenly came in, led by a young man in fashion, wearing a pair of sunglasses, hand is a watch that you know is valuable.

Young people also look handsome, long hair elegant, it seems that some free and uninhibited feeling.

He took off his sunglasses, and there was a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

"Mi Shao, are you here?"

When the foreman saw the young man coming in, he quickly welcomed him and said respectfully, "there is no room downstairs, but I have reserved a box for you upstairs."

"Box? It's boring for me to eat alone in the box. "

Mi xingxu frowned and glanced around the hotel. There was no empty table.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something, eyes suddenly lit up, "eh, there is such a beautiful beauty?"

He is staring at the direction of He Feng that table.

"Mi Shao? Is it really you? Don't you want to eat upstairs? Why don't you come to my table and make do with it, and I'll order another one? "

Sitting not far away, Hong Guanxi seems to recognize mi xingxu's identity. He comes over with an excited face, and his tone is very respectful, polite and full of expectation.

Mi xingxu is now seeing a beautiful woman, is ready to go to say hello, but suddenly stopped by a person, which makes him very unhappy.

He glanced at Hong guanxi as if he had some impression.

Then, he lightly spit out a word, "roll!"

Hong Guanxi's face didn't show a sign of stagnation. He was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

Because he was very clear that although the man was a little younger than him, and he didn't achieve much, it was absolutely easy for him to play with him.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, MI Shao."

Hong Guanxi repeatedly retreated to one side. Now he's reacting. It seems that something's wrong with MI Shao at this time, and he's just in the way of the other side. No wonder the other side will be angry.

Mi xingxu ignored Hong Guanxi and continued to walk towards He Feng's table.

The chairman of a newly listed company will not pay attention to him.

"Well? Mi Shao is walking towards that bastard. Does that bastard know Mi Shao? "

Hong Guanxi looked at the direction of MI xingxu's walking, his pupils suddenly shrunk, and his heart was full of worry.

If they know each other, they'll be in trouble.

Even if I didn't know you before, it would be very troublesome if I knew you later.

"Hello, three. There is no place in this hotel, but I don't want to eat in other restaurants. I wonder if I can sit in your vacant seat and eat with you?"

Mi xingxu directly sat in a position next to Ling Weiyu and said with a smile.

Their side of the table is a square table, with four stools, just a stool is empty, next to Ling Weiyu, opposite He Feng.

He Feng light glanced at Mi Xing Xu, he had already noticed this person, just don't worry about it, see this person just sat down, eyes have been staring at Ling Wei Yu look, he is very unhappy back: "can't!"

Smell speech, MI Xing Xu's pupil couldn't help squinting, but beauty at present, he still want to maintain a little demeanor, immediately said: "handsome boy, give me face?"? Today's meal is free. Hehe, you may not know? This restaurant is owned by my family. After a while, I'll ask the waiter to serve all the signature dishes in our restaurant. How about that? "

Mi xingxu reported to his family, which surprised everyone on the field.

In particular, people who know the background of Nanjin small stalls are all surprised.

"It turns out that this young man is actually the young master of the rice family. No wonder he dared to scold Hong Guanxi like that, and Hong Guanxi didn't dare to reply."

"Well, I recognize it. It seems that this man is master michinsuk, the son of Mr. michinsuk, the owner of this restaurant."

"If I read it correctly, it seems that MI Shao has a crush on that beautiful woman..."

"What's the point? Who doesn't like such a beautiful woman? But I think that only the dragon among the people like Mi Shao is qualified to enjoy the beauty. "

At this moment, almost all of them stood on the side of MI xingxu. Many of them looked at He Feng with sympathy in their eyes.

He is a poor loser. What's his qualification to be with such a beautiful woman?

These people's comments are not small, into the ears of He Feng and Ling Weiyu, which makes Ling Weiyu's face quite ugly.

As for He Feng, he looked a little cold.

Naturally, he doesn't care about what these people say, but he cares about Ling Weiyu's feelings

Therefore, his face is also ugly, light vomit out a word, "roll!"

This is just what mi xingxu said to Hong guanxi, but mi xingxu didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. Now he Feng said to MI xingxu.

This makes the whole audience instantly quiet down, all face shocked, incredible looking at He Feng.

Did he eat bear heart and leopard gall?

How dare you let the rice roll?

Hong guanxi is also some silly eyes, but immediately sneered, "really an idiot, even rice less dare to offend, next I'm afraid is how to die all don't know."

Thinking of this, he directly sat down and said to his brothers: "brothers, you can let other brothers not come. This man, it's not our turn to do it. Mishao will deal with him. "

"How will mi Shao deal with him?" Asked a man next to him.

"I've heard a little about the means of MI Shao!"

Hong Guanxi kept his voice very low. Only the people at their table could hear him: "this man, even if he doesn't die today, I'm afraid he can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."


A few people are to pour to suck a cold air, looking at He Feng's eyes, all showed sympathy.

"What did you say, boy?"

"Get down on your knees and apologize!"

"Believe it or not?"

Mi xingxu's three followers immediately surrounded He Feng and cheered coldly at him. They exuded a trace of strong breath. It seemed that they were ready to start at any time.

These three people are all the ancient martial artists who have cultivated the sense of Qi.

Others are not allowed to start in Nanjin small stall, but they have no scruples.

Because this small stall is owned by the rice family. This rule is made by the rice family. It can restrain others, but not themselves.

Mi xingxu also narrowed his eyes, but he didn't look angry. On the contrary, he had a smile on his face, "ha ha, you just told me to go away?"

He is really a little curious at the moment. Doesn't he know his identity at all? I dare to be presumptuous with myself.

"I said get out, don't you understand? Or do you not know what "get out" He Feng said impatiently.

This mi xingxu sitting here seriously disturbed his interest in eating with Ling Weiyu.

"You're right. I'm so old that no one has ever told me the word" go away. ". So, I really don't know what "roll off" is. How about you help me? "

Mi Xing Xu Rao looked at He Feng with interest and said with a faint smile.

But in the conversation, he also exudes some momentum, which is similar to the three bodyguards behind him.

Obviously, he is also a half step ancient warrior who has cultivated his sense of Qi.

"Well, since you have made a request, I'll help you."

He Feng is easy to talk and nods directly.

Immediately, stand up, ready to bypass Ling Weiyu, to MI xingxu.


"To die!"

"Get down on your knees..."

As soon as he got up, he surrounded his three bodyguards and drank a lot, and immediately hit him at the same time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

But the next moment, he Feng just casually out of a few punches, three people with inverted fly out, fell on the ground.

All around the crowd, suddenly silly eyes.

These three characters look very powerful. How could they be so easily put down by him?

How powerful is his strength?

"He, how can he dare to fight even those with less rice?"

Hong Guanxi's eyes widened and his face was full of wonder.

But immediately, there was a deep sympathy in his eyes.

What's the use of being brave for a while? Is it difficult for him to be able to take rice if he has a little ability?

You know, this Nanjin stall is a place with few meters!

Many people also gradually want to understand this point, but do not worry about Mi Xing Xu, one by one sympathized with He Feng, think he Feng to bad luck.

He Feng didn't pay attention to the people's eyes, but continued to walk to MI xingxu.

"Asshole, you dare to fight even the young master's people. You are looking for death."

Mi xingxu directly clapped his case and stood up, not afraid of He Feng. At the same time, he yelled: "manager Du, take him for me."

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