"Oh? I didn't expect that the Wangs wanted this pill so much. Are you going to use it yourself, nephew Wang Xuanxian? "

Said Jason in surprise.

Wang Xuan a face is indifferent, "this don't bother Jiang Er Shu worry, Jiang Er Shu just need to understand, my Wang family to this broken border Dan, potential in must."

"Well, if it's something else, I can certainly give it to my nephew. But this broken border pill... We Ling family also need it very much! "

With a sigh of regret, Jiang Xun immediately said to Jin Song on the stage, "I'll pay 1.11 billion yuan!"

Wang Xuan frowned, but still followed the price increase of "1.12 billion!"

"1130 million!"

"1140 million"

"1.15 billion"


This time the price increase is 10 million, and the scene of two people almost without a pause, so that everyone in the audience is stunned, a face of shock.

At the moment, other major forces have given up bidding, including the rice family did not bid again, quietly watching the Jiang family and the Wang family bidding.

Originally, some forces were ready to join in and try to buy pojingdan, but seeing the attitude of the Jiang family and the Wang family, they gave up wisely. It's not good to offend either of the Wangs or the Jiangs.

"Dad, didn't the Jiang family buy a breakthrough pill last year? Why do they want to buy it again this year?"

Mi's direction, MI Xingchen asks mi dongkun in a low voice.

Mi dongkun chuckled and said in the same low voice: "the Jiang family really doesn't need this broken border pill, but... I asked them to bid."

"You let the Jiang family bid?" Mi Xingchen can't help frowning and doesn't understand the meaning of MI dongkun.

But Mi Jiaqi, who was on one side, said with a smile: "brother, what dad really means is not to let the Jiang family buy this broken border pill. Instead, let the Wangs buy this broken border pill at the highest price. "

Smell speech, MI Xingchen Mou son suddenly a bright, "I understand, Dad, this is to intentionally weaken the economic strength of the Wang family, in the future, if we fight against the Wang family, the Wang family has no resistance."

"Ha ha, this day will come soon."

Mi dongkun smiles faintly, and then continues to appreciate the bidding of Jiang Xun and Wang Xuan.

At this time, the price has been reported by jiangxun to 1.54 billion.

"1.6 billion!"

Wang Xuan stares at Jiang Xun coldly for a while, and immediately shouts, his eyes are red, but he is still full of momentum and has a kind of indomitable toughness.

Originally, he thought that he could win at most 1.12 billion yuan, but because of Jiang Xun's intervention, he has now raised the price to 1.6 billion yuan.

Moreover, it seems that Jason still does not mean to give up.

"1.65 billion!" Jason didn't hesitate too much and calmly increased the price.

On the surface, his expectation of getting this broken border pill was also extremely strong.

"1.65 billion!"

"1.7 billion!"

"1.75 billion..."


Before I knew it, the price of pojingdan was more than twice its actual price,

But Jiang Xun and Wang Xuan are still enjoying themselves and continue their crazy bidding.

"I'll give you two billion! Jason, if you increase the price again, this broken border pill will be yours. "

Finally, Wang Xuan can't help roaring, and his voice is full of cold air.

Jiang Xun was no longer called "Jiang Er Shu", but by his first name.

"Two billion, such a high price..."

When Jiang Xun heard Wang Xuan's offer, he showed a playful smile on his face and said, "OK, the Wang family is really rich in financial resources, and we Jiang family feel inferior. This broken border pill belongs to nephew Wang Xuanxian. "

Seeing the smile on Jiang Xun's face, everyone understood what was going on.

For a moment, they look at Wang Xuan's eyes, all become strange, like looking at an idiot.

Rao is Wang Xuan again silly, now also understand how to return a responsibility.

I was cheated by Jason!

"Jason, did you bid up the price on purpose?" Wang Xuan stares at Jiang Xun and roars angrily.

"Did I do it on purpose? I'm not quoting normally. If you don't want to break the border, you can not increase the price just now. I didn't put a knife on your neck to ask you to increase the price. "

Jiang Xun said indifferently: "now that you have won the breakthrough pill, you say that I deliberately bid up the price. Can't you afford it? Is it hard to be true that the Wang family is now in vain, and they can't even afford a broken border pill? "

At this time, a voice came from the direction of the rice family, "it seems that the Wang family is far worse than the Jiang family in terms of strength and financial resources, at least in terms of courage. I'm afraid the Wang family will be surpassed by the Jiang family sooner or later. "


As soon as the voice came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"What's the meaning of MI Er Ye's saying that the Jiang family will surpass the Wang family?"

"Is it true that the rice family is going to deal with the Wang family?"

"What's more, when there was a conflict between the Jiang family and the Wang family, the MI family came forward. Did the MI family and the Jiang family reach an alliance?"

"Wang family, it seems that it is really dangerous."

Just when people speculated whether the rice family and the Wang family had reached an alliance, several more people stood up.

The Han family stood up in the direction of a middle-aged man, named fan Tianbo. The one who came to the Han family was a master of dark strength. He said faintly: "the son of Wang Qing, the head of the Wang family, is just like this."

Wei Jianmin, the master of the Wei family, said: "Wang family, the downhill road is very serious."

Huang Weifang, the second master of the Huang family, stretched his waist and said, "the Wang family is becoming more and more different..."


At this time, Liang Mingchen, sitting next to Wang Xuan, stood up and glared at the crowd. "You people, why do you look down on Wang Xuan?"

As he spoke, he sent out a wave of inner strength in the middle of the dark period.

Many people are aware of this breath, and all of them are in different moods. When did the Wang family have a strong man in the middle of dark power?

Isn't it true that there is only one middle-term strong man left in the Wang family at most, and he is seriously injured. He can only play 60% or 70% of his strength?

Mi dongkun looked at Liang Mingchen, "hmm? You should be a warrior of Cao family in JIANGCHANG Province, right? Let's leave the affairs of our major families in Nanjin City alone. Otherwise, we can only invite the Sha family to come forward. "

"Of course, our Cao family is not interested in the affairs of your major families in Nanjin city. But Wang Xuan is the grandson of our Cao family. If you humiliate him, you humiliate our Cao family. So please pay attention to your words. Let me hear you say half a bad word again, but don't blame me for being impolite. " Liang Mingchen snorted coldly and immediately sat down again.

He is now facing almost half of the people in the ancient martial world of Nanjin City, so he can't be too tough.

Rao is so, Jiang Xun and Wei Jianmin and others, still did not dare to say anything more, the original standing people also sat down, so as not to be targeted by the Cao family.

Only mi dongkun, indifferent eyes staring at the direction of the Wang family, with a chill.

If the Wang family does not die out, the Cao family may become stronger and stronger. In the end, even their rice family may be destroyed.

Therefore, Mika must destroy the Wang family first. Anyway, when the Sha family will be the backer, the Cao family will have nothing to do with them.

"Hum, these people look down on me now. When I get the broken border pill and become the master of dark strength, I will go to the Cao family to practice. As soon as I return to Nanjin City, you will cry. "

Wang Xuan's heart is cold. He tries to hold back his grievances. He looks around at the people and writes down the people who look down on him one by one, waiting for the future.

Then, his eyes looked at Jin Song on the stage, "old Jin, can you announce the auction result of pojingdan?"

"Oh... Good!"

Jin Song on the stage seemed to be about to fall asleep. Hearing Wang Xuan's voice, he opened his muddy eyes and said, "excuse me, does anyone want to increase the price?"

No words!

It's just a breakthrough pill. It's two billion yuan. It seems that it was deliberately fried by the Jiang family. When Wang Xuan quoted the price, everyone thought it was a fool.

Now, if there's a price increase, isn't it more stupid than Wang Xuan?

"That... I'll give you two billion and one million!"

But at this time, a lazy voice, in the direction of Guiyi medicine hall seat upload open.

Although the voice is not big, it is clear in everyone's ears.

For a moment, everyone looked in the direction of the sound source.

"Damn, isn't he Feng the one who increased the price?"

"He Feng? What's wrong with him? He dares to raise the price even though he's worth two billion yuan. "

"I heard that he seems to be a triple exerciser, so his internal strength cultivation may be the peak of Mingjin. It seems that he wants to use it himself, and then break through and become a master of dark strength. "

"I heard that he married Wang Xiangyun, the goddess of Nanjin City, and Wang Xiangyun is worth billions now. No wonder he dares to buy broken border pills."

As soon as Wang Xiangyun's name appears, everyone looks at He Feng and gnashes his teeth.

This bastard, it's so hateful, actually took the goddess's hard-earned money to buy pojingdan, and was fired twice the price of pojingdan.

What a beast!

"That he Feng also wants to buy the broken border pill? Ha ha, this is interesting! " In the direction of the rice family, a group of people laughed with great interest.

Jiang family and others are also a burst of consternation, immediately have watched the excitement.

"He Feng, how do you want to buy this broken border pill? It's not good for us warriors. I'm afraid you don't know. If you use the breakout pill, it's hard to step into Huajin again in your life. As for the myths and legends of a higher realm, it's even more extravagant. "

Ling Xun is more silly, a face shocked looking at He Feng said.

From the beginning of the bid to now, he Feng has never offered a price, and seems to have no interest in it at all.

However, he Feng made a bid when Po Jing Dan was fired to 2 billion yuan, and no one else took part in the auction.

It seems that from the beginning, he was waiting for this moment.

"Brother Ling, don't worry. I have my own discretion."

He Feng did not explain too much, just said with a smile.

"Well, I can't understand what you young people think." Ling Xun helplessly shook his head, no more advice.

"Brother he Feng, you're awesome!"

"What courage

One side of Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing, both to He Feng thumbs up.

And Ling Tian smiles, it is to curl a mouth, very disdain to He Feng.

Obviously, in his opinion, he Feng wants to buy broken border Dan just to impact dark strength.

What qualifications does such a person have to become the younger martial brother of master Xia and join master Huajin?

Might as well give him that opportunity!

"He Feng?"

Wang Xuan thought that the breakthrough pill had already fallen into his pocket. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he Feng had another foot in it. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He had an impulse to kill people. "Are you sure you want to rob me?"

In his tone, there was an undisguised intention to kill.

He Feng didn't look at Wang Xuan, but casually said: "if it's a man, just sit down and bid with me fairly. If it's not a man, go back to the Wang family or the Cao family. "

"Asshole, this asshole!"

Wang Xuan tightly clenched his fist, wanted to take people to rush up and kill He Feng directly, but he knew he couldn't do it, otherwise he would be expelled before he got close to him.

However, let him continue to bid, he is not so bold.

The wealth of the Wang family is really scarce.

It would be a waste of money to buy a broken border pill with so much money. He will inherit all the money in the future.

"Well! I'd like to see how long you can hold this broken border pill. "

Wang Xuan took a deep look at He Feng. With a cold hum, he could hardly bear it. He immediately sat down and said, "Uncle Liang, as soon as the auction is over, I want him to die!"

"Don't worry. If someone helps him, I'll stop him. Then I'll let young master Cao Xin kill him and take the broken border pill from him."

Liang Mingchen nodded.

He Feng is really too arrogant, at this moment he Feng also gave birth to a obliteration.

"Two billion and one million. Is there anyone else to bid?"

Seeing the silence under the stage, Jin Song began to ask.

This time, the following is really quiet down, no one spoke.

But everyone's eyes, looking at He Feng, have changed a lot.

There is envy, there is jealousy, there is anger, there is... Intention to kill!

In this regard, he Feng as if not aware, a face of enjoyment of embracing Ling Weiyu sitting next to him, the woman in his arms, enjoying the gentle countryside.

"Since no one offers any more, I'd like to announce that Mr. He Feng owns this high-level breakthrough pill."

Jin Song announced with a smile that he knew the name of He Feng when he auctioned the heart protecting grass.

Ling Xun opened his mouth and said, "He Feng, after you get the heart protecting herb and the border breaking pill, I'll invite old man Xia to come and ask him to escort you to leave. You can go with me to the Ling family, and then take the border breaking pill at the Ling family. How about that?"

"Thanks for brother Ling's kindness, but I don't want to use it for the time being. I just met brother Xia once, and I don't want to accept his favor so soon."

He Feng quickly declined.

I'm kidding. He's waiting for all the forces to deal with him. How can others dare to protect him if Xia Cheng is such a top secret power expert?

"But if you don't let old Xia protect you, I'm afraid you will be in danger."

Ling Xun worried.

He Feng is mysterious smile: "Ling elder brother, you can rest assured, for a while, you just wait to see the excitement."


Ling Xun was speechless.

I don't know where this kid got his confidence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since the auction of pojingdan is over, it's time to start the auction of the last item tonight. I think all of you would like to know what the last auction item is now? "

When Jin Song said this, he yawned and said, "this auction item is a set of martial arts boxing. Its name is" king of beasts boxing ", which is provided by Guiyi medicine hall."

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