It wasn't very loud, but when it sounded, the whole room was quiet.

Everyone is looking in the direction of the sound!

When they saw who the offer was, they all exclaimed.

"It's him? The man named He Feng, how dare he offer 5.1 billion yuan? "

"I'll go. He had robbed the heart protecting grass of the rice family before, but now he still wants to rob the local level martial arts that the rice family likes? Is this a dead beat? "

"The key question is, where did he get so much money? The Wangs certainly won't give him money. Is it the goddess Wang Xiangyun who gave him money? "

"Well, is there any other explanation besides this? Is it hard for him to be a warrior with a level of intelligence and no background to earn more than five billion yuan? No, it's not more than five billion. Plus the previous breakout pill, it's more than seven billion. "

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on He Feng again.

"Damn, how can that beast get so much money? Where did he get the money? " Wang Xuan stares at He Feng darkly. He never thought he Feng would take part in the bidding of the king of beasts boxing.

What's more, when the price has risen to 5 billion, no one dares to bid with midongkun.

Why is he?

Or did Wang Xiangyun save too much private money in the past two years?

"Wang Xiangyun, a cheap woman, doesn't know how to give money to her family. Instead, she gives it to a man. Cheap, cheap, cheap..." Wang Xuan clenches his fist tightly.

"Don't be angry. I'll kill him myself when the auction is over."

Cao Xin on one side seemed to feel the killing intention of Wang Xuan, and he spoke faintly.

"Cousin Cao Xin, he Feng's money..."

"I understand. You don't have to say much."

Cao Xin interrupts Wang Xuan and then closes his eyes again.

He didn't want to care about what happened in front of him.

All he has to do now is wait for the auction to end.

Wang Xuan immediately sneered, "Hey, he Feng, it seems that now cousin Cao Xin has a will to kill you, you just wait to die. However, cousin Cao Xin is the genius of the younger generation of the Cao family. He can't even compare with MI Xinghua in Nanjin city. If you die in his hands, you will be proud. "

"He Feng, you... Didn't you say you were not interested in the king of beasts boxing? Why?"

On the other hand, Ling Xun was stunned to hear he Feng's offer.

Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing's brother and sister are also shocked to see he Feng. They don't understand why he Feng will bid, and they still offer such a high price.

"Brother Ling, don't talk. Just watch the excitement."

He Feng mysterious smile, no more said, just staring at Mi dongkun there to see.

"Watching the crowd?"

Ling Xun and others blinked, as if to understand something.

Then, a touch of worry appeared in their eyes.

Is it really good to pit the rice family like this?

At this time, in the backstage, in another hall, Xi Zhenxing and a group of people are watching the big screen, which shows the scene of the auction.

"Eh, it's he Feng again. He dares to bid with the rice family at this time. It's killing him."

A middle-aged man was surprised to smile, and immediately looked at another middle-aged man, "master Xi, I'm afraid the rice family is determined to get rid of him now. Don't you want to protect He Feng?"

Xi Zhenxing chuckled, "ha ha, Hua Wenyuan, I'm not afraid to tell you that although he Feng hasn't officially joined our Guiyi medicine hall, if the rice family wants to move him, I won't stand by."

"What if we want to move him?"

Hua Wenyuan is a man about sixty years old. If ordinary people reach this age, they will be very old. But Hua Wenyuan was a big man with a terrible momentum and a buzzing voice.

"That's not easy. You and I can play one game." Xi Zhenxing shrugged, as if to say something trivial.

But Hua Wenyuan's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

It seems that he Feng's position in Xi Zhenxing's mind is even higher than he imagined.

I just don't know what Xi Zhenxing has in mind about He Feng.

"Master Xi, let's not talk about your fight for the moment. Can you tell us first, where did you get that beast king fist from? "

At this time, another middle-aged man asked.

The man was quite young. He looked less than fifty years old, but he was quite fierce, like a sword.

It's Fan Yi, the leader of Nanjin branch of tianhuoyao hall!

As soon as Fan Yi asked this, many of the staff of the three major medicine halls in the hall looked at Xi Zhenxing one after another, hoping that he could give an answer.

After all, in the early stage of the earth level, only the ancient martial artists in the later stage of the dark strength are qualified to practice, and they have to have a certain background.

For example, some ordinary martial arts practitioners, even when they reach the peak of dark strength, have no certain opportunities, they can only cultivate advanced martial arts of human level.

"Ha ha, it's OK to tell you that this man is a friend of mine, and he will soon become the honorary elder of our Guiyi medicine hall." Xi Zhenxing said with a smile.

"What? Will Guiyi medicine hall have another honorary elder? "

Hua Wenyuan frowned when he heard this.

Honorary elder, that is equivalent to master Huajin.

If Guiyi medicine hall has one more Huajin master, it will be more powerful. Even if the other party is only Keqing, and the informal elder, it will also increase the external deterrent power of Guiyi medicine hall.

This is not good news for Baiyun medicine hall. After all, Baiyun medicine hall usually has the biggest competition with Guiyi medicine hall, which often leads to disputes and even occasionally faces each other.

"Awesome, it seems that the development of Guiyi medicine hall is faster and faster." Fan Yi smiles blandly. He doesn't know what he's thinking.

But when he said this, Hua Wenyuan's face was more ugly.

Xi Zhenxing took a look at him, did not say anything, eyes back to the big screen, with a faint smile.

Brother he is really bad enough. He is going to kill the king of the rice family.


With He Feng's sudden offer, the whole auction house is boiling again, and everyone is talking about him, but he Feng himself is sitting there calmly, holding Ling Weiyu's slender waist, talking and laughing, as if other people's comments have nothing to do with him.

"He Feng, are you sure you want to compete with our rice family for this set of beast king boxing?"

Midongkun did not immediately offer, he just stared at He Feng, the killing intention in the eyes did not hide.

"Don't you talk nonsense? I've got the breakthrough Dan, and I'll be able to break through the dark force soon. If I get the king of beasts fist again, I may be able to practice it to the extreme. When the time comes, it will bring out the power of heaven and earth, and refine my dark strength. Then I have a great chance to step into Hua Jin. Do you think I will give up such a good opportunity? Why, you still want to take the rice family to pressure me, let me give up? Let me tell you, he Fengtian is not afraid of anything. How can he be afraid of your family? "

He Feng light said, it seems that there is no rice home in the eye.

"Good, very good..."

Mi dongkun took a deep breath and said coldly, "5.2 billion!"

As soon as his voice fell, he Feng's voice rang, "5.3 billion."

"5.4 billion."

"Five and a half billion!"

The opening of the mouth is an increase of 100 million, and the total price has reached more than 5 billion, which makes the whole audience sigh.

However, they are also very clear that the emergence of earth level martial arts is a once in a blue moon. If they miss such an opportunity, they may never have a chance to practice earth level martial arts in the future.

Mi dongkun has been staring at He Feng. Although the MI family really wants to get the beast king fist, but

The one-time expenditure of more than 5 billion yuan is quite hard even for the MI family.

"He Feng, I'll give you six billion yuan. If you can increase the price again, this set of king of beasts boxing belongs to you." Midongkun said, squinting.

Smell speech, public not from surprised, even rice family also defeated?

It seems that the MI family can only provide 6 billion yuan of working capital at most!

However, it's enough to see how powerful the MI family is if they can spend 6 billion at a time. At least the other two families, Ling family and Wang family, don't have such ability, especially the ordinary guwu family.

They can't help but look at He Feng. Now mi dongkun has directly reported the price to 6 billion yuan. Will he Feng continue to increase the price?

How much is He Feng?

"Six billion?"

He Feng murmured and said with a smile: "since you report six billion yuan, I'll... I'll give you the king of beasts boxing. After all, brother Feng, I'm not good at boxing."

"Not good at boxing? what do you mean? Since he is not good at boxing, why did he bid just now? "

"Well, I seem to understand something."

"Damn it, he Feng is good or bad. It turns out that he deliberately raised the price, making the rice family more than a billion yuan."

"It's really bad enough. It's a billion yuan of real money. Even the rice family is estimated to be very painful, isn't it? However, if he does this, he is undoubtedly looking for death. It is estimated that the MI family will make him die very ugly. "

"Ha ha, in fact, even if he doesn't do it, the rice family won't let him go."

Looking at He Feng's successful smile, we don't know what's going on. They all shake their heads and smile bitterly. Some people look at him with sympathy in their eyes.

"Brother he Feng, why are you..." Ling Xun gave a bitter smile. Previously, he Feng let them watch, and they guessed that he Feng might be in kengmi's house.

But why do you show it in public? Isn't this a deliberate hatred?

Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing's brother and sister are speechless. He Feng is really like what he said.

"It's really idiotic. He thinks the Ling family protects him, but does the MI family really dare not move him? I don't know if cousin caoxin can kill He Feng tonight... "Wang Xuan sneers and looks at He Feng as if he is an idiot.

"He Feng, you have seed. When the auction is over, I'll come back to you."

Mi dongkun's lungs are about to explode at this time. He's smart all his life. Now he's been cheated by a young man in front of the whole ancient martial world of Nanjin city.

If his rice family can't kill He Feng today, their rice family, especially his rice dongkun, is bound to become a joke of the ancient martial arts in Nanjin city.

He Feng didn't seem to feel the murderous spirit of MI dongkun, but said awkwardly: "what... Since I have seed, after a while, the auction will be over, can you not come to me, let Mi Jiaqi of your family come to me, that girl is very beautiful, and she is qualified to be my maid..."


"He Feng, do you want to die?"

"Believe it or not, my family makes you think even death is a luxury?"

He Feng voice a fall, rice many experts have stood up, glaring at him, but almost did not immediately rush up to him.

There's no way. This is an auction organized by the three major medicine halls. Rao Shi's three aristocratic families have to abide by the rules, otherwise they will suffer.

"He Feng, I will cut off your tongue and kill you with one more knife."

Mi Jiaqi can't bear it now, and finally said a word, but the tone is full of endless killing.

How can she bear to be so frivolous by He Feng in front of the guwu world in Nanjin city?

"Er, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that just now. I'm really wrong."

See the people of the rice family are so strong, killing intention, he Feng quickly apologized.

Just when everyone thought he Feng was afraid, he Feng continued: "after all, if I had known that Miss MI was so cruel, she was a poisonous woman, I would not have said that. This kind of woman, where has the qualification to be Feng elder brother my warm bed servant girl? It's a thousand miles worse than my little feather. no I'm wrong again. How can I compare her with my little feather? Is she qualified? "

While speaking, he came close to Ling Weiyu's ear and spoke in a low voice, ignoring all the people present.

However, the crowd was shocked by his words.

This is not to belittle Mi Jiaqi, but to humiliate her.

It's not only humiliating Mi Jiaqi, but also humiliating the whole Mi family.

"He Feng, it's over!"

"Even the Ling family, don't try to protect him."

"But people like him really deserve to die. Just marry our goddess Wang Xiangyun, and even get better with other women."

At this moment, no one thinks he Feng can live through tonight.

But some people feel puzzled that he Feng has the courage to challenge the rice family like this.

He doesn't look like a fool. Why did he die like this?

"Jiaqi, don't worry about him. After taking him down, I'll put him at your disposal. "

Mi family direction, MI dongkun see Mi Jiaqi's face are white down, know daughter is angry to the extreme, can't help patting her shoulder, low voice comfort.

"Good!" Maggie took a deep breath and sat down.

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