"What is the meaning of boxing? Does Mi Xinghua's boxing contain a trace of boxing? This... How is this possible? "

"It's his will of martial arts. This Mi Xinghua is dedicated to martial arts, and his mind is pure. That's why he honed a little bit of his boxing spirit."

"When he understands the meaning of boxing, as long as he is polished for a period of time, his cultivation will grow, and his martial arts realm will step into the micro realm, and it will come naturally."

"Into the micro..."

When these two words appear, everyone on the field has a "clatter" in their heart. Looking at Mi Xinghua's eyes, they are full of endless shock.

The reason is very simple. It not only represents the realm of martial arts, but also represents the cultivation of martial arts.

Hua Jin!

It's just around the corner that strength is in the minute and cultivation is in the power.

That is to say, MI Xinghua has great possibility to make great achievements in the future.

"Oh? How could anyone in Mi's family understand the meaning of boxing? Moreover, it was condensed with indomitable fighting spirit. No wonder from the beginning to the end, even if he saw the three dark forces I easily killed, he didn't have the slightest fear and still stood up and let me die. "

He Feng looks at Mi Xinghua with great interest, suddenly in his heart.

At the beginning, MI Xinghua wanted to attack him and defeat him or even kill him. Once this idea comes out, MI Xinghua will not be defeated. Otherwise, it will be the collapse of the will of Wudao, and I'm afraid the road of Wudao will stop here.

"Since you didn't mean to kill me, please spare your life."

He Feng murmured in the heart, bullied the body but up, waved a fist to welcome up.


Two people's fists collide with each other, making a dull impact sound. He Feng's body immediately retreats, as if unable to resist Mi Xinghua's fist.

However, his retreat is very calm, easy to unload all the strength of MI Xinghua's fist.

Even the intention of boxing did not affect him at all.


Mi Xinghua gave a big drink and continued to fight.

The shadow of his fist flickered like a huge net over He Feng.

But he Feng's body is like a loach. He can always find a space to shuttle out. Even if he occasionally touches his fist, he can easily remove his strength.

"Eh, he Feng's body method is really mysterious. Although Mi Xinghua has the intention to help, he can't help him at all."

"No wonder Jiang Heng and others were easily attacked and killed by him, but he Feng's physical strength should be the appearance of refining body quadruple."

"He Feng is a character. Unfortunately, he met Mi Xinghua... "

"No wonder the Wangs agreed to let Wang Xiangyun marry he Feng. He seems to be only 26 years old now, isn't he? If you give him enough time to grow up, even if he can't be a great master in the future, it's not a big problem for him to cultivate his six fold physique. "

At the same time, many people shake their heads and feel sympathy for He Feng.

Because the person he met was Mi Xinghua who understood the meaning of boxing.

"What's the matter with Xinghua? Why didn't he kill He Feng by using the rice family's" zhanhuangquan "directly? He understood the meaning of the boxing. If he used" zhanhuangquan ", even I couldn't stop it. It's more than enough to kill He Feng." Midongkun frowned.

Next to him, MI Xingchen also asked, "Dad, does the boxing that my cousin is using now seem very common? Why didn't he kill He Feng directly? "

Although Mi Jiaqi didn't say anything, she also looked at Mi dongkun suspiciously.

In her eyes in public, full of cold intention to kill.

He Feng despises her in public. She wants to see he Feng killed with her own eyes.

"Don't worry, be patient. Since Xinghua is stronger than he Feng, it's only a matter of time before he Feng is killed."

Midongkun frowned.


Mi Xinghua can only nod helplessly.

"It's interesting. One is outstanding in body method, and the other understands fist. However, although Mi Xinghua understands the meaning of boxing, he Feng is still at ease. I'm afraid that even if Mi Xinghua has a killing move, he Feng can't be killed. In the end, I'm afraid I'll have to do it. "

Wang direction, Cao Xin did not take He Feng seriously, can see now, he is obviously a little interested, "now, barely qualified to let me draw the sword, died in my sword."


"He Feng, if you can block my next fight, then we can draw in this competition."

On the court, MI Xinghua and he Feng fight for a few minutes. He stops attacking and stares at He Feng.

As he spoke, the momentum of his body rose steadily, and he looked like a king.

Rich aunt Zhan makes him look like the God of war.

"Is this the emperor's boxing of the rice family? When was the power of zhanhuangquan so terrible? "

"Mi Xinghua, absolutely trained zhanhuangquan to a perfect state, and could give full play to the 12% power of zhanhuangquan. With this punch, he is enough to defeat the middle-term strong

"The rice family, worthy of being the first family in Nanjin City, has cultivated such demons."

"He Feng, you are in danger!"

All of us are shocked by the powerful momentum of MI Xinghua.

At the same time, for He Feng pinch a sweat.

"It's a good idea, a natural fighter. Let me see if my daughter-in-law's pursuer has any real skills. " He Feng casually smile.

He can feel that although Mi Xinghua said from the beginning to the end that he wanted to kill him, when he really started, there was no intention of killing in MI Xinghua's moves.

Yes, it's endless fighting spirit!

Therefore, he has no intention to kill Mi Xinghua.


Mi Xinghua fell down and pushed his legs on the ground. Under the impact of the force, his body jumped up more than three meters, and then dived toward He Feng, like the God of war from the sky.


Rolling fist meaning, as if the surging Tianhe, carrying the mighty power, flocking to He Feng.


He Feng chuckled.

At this moment, he still stood in the same place, did not show his mysterious body method, looked as if he was shocked by Mi Xinghua's fist intention.

When the overwhelming shadow of the fist was about to fall on him, he raised his hand, spread out his fingers, and made a fist.

The same fighting spirit as Mi Xinghua erupted from his body.

In addition, this war spirit, fighting in the sky and in the field, seems to kill the gods and the Buddhas, full of the domineering spirit of giving up others.


Two fists!

It is not so much the impact of two forces as the attack of two wills.

In addition to the strong fluctuation of energy, the people around felt a wave of will that seemed to roar at the sky.

Everyone is frightened!

Is this really a fight between two dark level warriors?


Mi Xinghua's body flew back and landed on the ground, making a loud bang.

Under his legs, there is a clear crack.

He Feng is the same, with cracks at his feet.

On MI Xinghua's face, there is a happy look.

As for He Feng, as before calm calm, as if nothing happened.

"How strong! In front of them, I feel so small, just like a mole ant. They can smash me with one blow. " Xi Junzhe couldn't help exclaiming.

"How strong is He Feng?"

Xi Xueqing also murmured, immediately subconsciously looking to the side of Xi Zhenxing.

Xi Zhenxing had a hand with He Feng, so Xi Xueqing felt that Xi Zhenxing knew what level he Feng's cultivation had reached.

However, Xi Zhenxing gave a mysterious smile, "everyone's cultivation is a secret, and you can't tell others about it. In a word, he Feng's strength is definitely stronger than you think. "

With that, Xi Zhenxing shut up and quietly looked at the front.

Do you really think that you can defeat he Feng if you understand a little bit of martial arts will and use your fist?

Are you kidding me? Even he, the top man of dark strength, is not the opponent of He Feng, OK?

As for the question Xi Xueqing asked, how strong is He Feng

He wants to know, too, OK?

"Why did Mi Xinghua and he Feng not move at all?"

"Who won?"

"Isn't the battle over yet?"

Looking at the two people standing quietly on the field, everyone around was puzzled. Mi dongkun and others also frowned.

There are only a few people with strong accomplishments, looking at He Feng in shock.

This young man is hiding deep enough.

Although just now he Feng's martial will is just a surprise, but it is deeply shocked them.

"I thought brother he was not qualified to take part in the master's examination. With his talent and his age..."

Xia Cheng looked at He Feng in shock, but he didn't know what he thought of. His eyes suddenly showed excitement. "If I can bring him to the master, the master will surely teach him as a closed door disciple. Our Xia family will be more valued by master. "


"Xinghua, how are you?"

In the direction of Mi's home, MI dongkun sees Mi Xinghua standing in the same place. After half a minute, there is no movement. He can't help asking.

Mi Xinghua gradually raised his head. Instead of fighting any more, he arched his hand at He Feng, who was standing opposite him. "He Feng, thank you!"

As for what it was, he didn't say.

I'm afraid that in addition to him and he Feng, few people know.

"You're welcome!" He Feng shrugged.

"The Wangs are very lucky. Wang Xiangyun's vision is really good. "

Mi Xinghua takes a deep look at He Feng and turns to return to Mi's home.

This scene, see people a Leng Leng, in the end what situation? Who won?

"Second uncle, give he Feng 2 billion, I lost."

Mi Xinghua came to MI dongkun and said to him.

At the same time, it also solved the doubts in people's hearts.


Mi Xinghua, who understands the will of martial arts, loses to He Feng?

What the hell is going on?

"Xinghua, you, how can you lose?" Midongkun asked in disbelief.

The strength that MI Xinghua showed just now, even his second uncle, was ashamed of himself, but he was extremely surprised. He thought that the MI family would soon become the first real family in Nanjin city.

But don't want to, MI Xinghua and he Feng after a blow, inexplicably admit defeat.

"He Feng's will is stronger than mine. If my fist meaning is a stream, then his fist meaning is the sea, there is no comparability. "

Mi Xinghua faintly replied, and immediately said: "my obsession has been put down. Wang Xiangyun will not be able to affect my cultivation from now on. I'll go back and shut up first. If there is no very important thing in the future, don't disturb my cultivation. "

Then Mi Xinghua looked at He Feng again, "He Feng, although you are better than me now, I believe that I still have hope to surpass you in the future."

Finish saying this words, also don't wait for He Feng to reply, turn round to leave directly, left the crowd of silly eyes, of course more people are shocked to look at He Feng.

What did Mi Xinghua say just now?

Said he Feng also understood the martial arts will, has the fist intention.

And he Feng's martial will is stronger?

"Can I have the two billion from the rice family?"

He Feng walked slowly to midongkun and said with a smile: "after you buy the beast king boxing, the rice family has no money, right?"

Mi dongkun's eyes fall on He Feng, as if to see through him, but he Feng's whole person is like a pool of ancient water, he can't see anything at all.

This young man is very deep.

"It seems that I have to discuss with my third younger brother about whether the plan for the Wang family needs to be changed."

Mi dongkun flashed some ideas in his heart, and then felt out his mobile phone, "ha ha, you look down on our rice family too much. Although it has just spent 6 billion, it's no pressure for my rice family to take another 2 billion."

Took he Feng's bank card, MI dongkun quickly transferred money in the past.

After a while, he Feng received a message to remind the account.

First, he won a billion yuan in the competition with Xi Zhenxing. Then Xi Zhenxing helped him auction the king of beasts fist. After subtracting the two billion yuan of the frontier breaking pill, he got four billion yuan. Then he killed Jiang Heng, Kang fan and Huang Chonglin and won six billion yuan.

In addition, the two billion yuan that Mi's family has transferred to him now, the balance on his card

It has reached 13 billion!

"The rice family, they do have money."

He Feng looks at Mi dongkun and smiles. He immediately looks at Mi Jiaqi. "In fact, MI Erye didn't need to transfer the two billion yuan to me, just let Jiaqi be my maid. At that time, everyone will be a family. Of course, I won't worry about the small sum of 2 billion.... "

"Shut up

Mi Jiaqi scolds angrily, stares at He Feng coldly, and her eyes can almost kill people.

She doesn't want to put up with this asshole molesting her in public any more!

"Mr. He Feng, although you are powerful, you are not allowed to tease me like this. Please pay attention to your words." Midongkun also said with an ugly face.

After seeing the strength of He Feng, he also knows that he Feng is not so easy to deal with. Even without the protection of Ling Xun, they have to send real experts to deal with He Feng.

Just a few of them

It's not enough!

"Well, since you girls Jiaqi don't want to be my bed warming maid, forget it. But in the future, even if she wants to be my bed warming maid, she won't be qualified. "

Said, he Feng stretched a stretch, turned and walked away.

This scene, of course, is to see the rice family all gnashing their teeth, especially Mi Jiaqi, if not knowing that he Feng is not the opponent, I'm afraid they will rush up.

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