At the same time, nanjinshi military region.

Now it is late at night, but in the computer room, a group of people are constantly tapping the keyboard in the computer room, and there are dense codes on the computer screen.

These people, one by one, look nervous, as if they are doing something extremely important.

"Yueyue, what's the matter? Did you locate the other party's IP location? "

Mahong stood behind Chu Yue and asked in a low voice for fear of disturbing Xu Huai and others.

"Uncle, although the location of the other party has not changed, the IP address has been changing. With my technology, it's hard to lock in the other party's final position. " Chu Yue helplessly shakes her head, does not hit the keyboard, but looks at Cao Rui next to her.

Cao Rui ranks eighth in the list of hackers in China, and her technology is much better than her.

However, Cao Rui gave up and sighed: "these guys have the help of experts. I can't lock them in. If you attack harder, you may be noticed by the other side. "

As he spoke, he looked at his cousin Zhu Yongliang.

Zhu Yongliang ranks second in the list of hackers in China, second only to Xu Huai. His hacker technology has exploded. I don't know if there is any hope.

"Give me a little more time and I'll be able to lock them in." Zhu Yongliang's hands hit the keyboard quickly.

Although the air conditioner was turned on in the machine room, there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Don't think about locking the location. Their IP is changing all the time. We can't lock it here at all."

At this time, Xu Huai's voice rang out. He stood up and looked at Ma Hong and said, "staff Ma, I can't lock their specific location, but I have probably judged their location. You're going to get your hands on this right now, and we're going to get there. When I get close to them, I can find out where they are

Zhu Yongliang sighs powerlessly, and looks at Xu Huai in surprise.

He is younger than himself, but his computer skills seem to be much higher

"OK, now take your computers and go to the playground."

Mahong said, looking at the two middle-aged men behind him, he said: "war maniac, Wu Shulin, you now immediately lead the members of the Dragon Guard and wolf head team, fully armed, follow me."


They quickly nodded and ran out.

Before long, two large trucks and a number of military cross-country vehicles left the military region quietly from another secret exit of the military region.


The central Wetland Park is the largest wetland park in the south of the Yangtze River that Nanjin city plans to build in three years. It is located in the southern suburb of Nanjin City, surrounded by mountains, lakes and mountains. The traffic is not very convenient for the time being. There is no spacious road. It is said that construction will start next year and a big road will be built.

However, there are still a few scattered old buildings here, but because of the construction of the Wetland Park, there are few people living in these old buildings, which have been taken down by the government and will be demolished at any time.

In one of the buildings, the light is dim. You can't detect the light from a distance, but if you get close, you can even see people walking in the building.

Around the building, there are many dark shadows. Once someone comes near, they will be found for the first time.

At this time, on the third floor of the building, a group of people are surrounded by a young man. The young man is sitting in front of the computer desk, and his slender ten fingers are constantly jumping on the keyboard. At that fast speed, ordinary people's naked eyes can hardly see the rhythm of his fingers. At a glance, it seems that there are countless fingers beating.

If the top hackers are here, they will be able to recognize their identities when they see their hands.

Thousand hands!

The former hacker ranked the first in the hacker world, because of the appearance of dragon, the ranking of thousand hands dropped by one, ranking second.

Qianshou looks about twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. His flawless facial features look very handsome. In his eyes as bright as the stars, it seems that there is a twinkling of evil light, which makes him look a little strange.

"A group of rubbish, did you find out the approximate position of my side at last?"

Looking at the four red dots on the screen, Qian Shou didn't hit the keyboard any more. He crossed his fingers and held them at the back of his head. He said to the people around him, "are the bombs buried?"

"Mr. taketo, a total of 2206 heat sensitive miniature bombs have been hidden. As long as we start the explosion engine, once they touch or even get close to the bombs, they will be detonated one by one. "

A middle-aged man standing behind him said, with a sneer on his face, "these idiots, they also want to get rid of our mieshen Pavilion. Today they are waiting for despair."

"Well! Originally, we didn't intend to be cruel to them, but since they wiped out the branch in Jiangbin City, we should teach them a lesson. Otherwise, they would think that we are easy to deal with

A thousand hands sneered, and immediately looked at the two men who were not far away. "From now on, you two will follow hall leader Xiao. With your ability, you can also help the dark sun hall. Do you understand? "

People in the ancient martial arts circles of Nanjin city only think that the dark Xutang is an ordinary force similar to the killer trade union, which specializes in collecting money to eliminate disasters for others.

However, they did not know that the dark Xutang was actually the power of the mieshen Pavilion, often secretly attacking and killing the pillars of the kingdom of China.

Xiao Tianyan is the leader of the dark Xu hall.

"Thank you, Mr. taketo!"

The two men bowed their thanks.

They are Lu Zhonghua and Lu Yuan of the Lu family.

As soon as they arrived in Nanjin City, they were discovered by the people of dark Xu hall, and then brought here.

After learning that the branch of mieshen Pavilion in Jiangbin city was taken away by the Dragon guards, and that the military of Nanjin city was still preparing to deal with the branch of mieshen Pavilion in Nanjin City, Qianshou rushed to Nanjin city at the first time to help the branch fight back.

"Lord Wuteng, the man named He Feng..." Lu Zhonghua asked reluctantly.

Lu Xiong is his father, but now he Feng has nine contacts with Lu Xiong, and many people in the Lu family have been arrested because of He Feng. Naturally, Lu Zhonghua hopes Qianshou can help get rid of He Feng.

"He Feng, his real strength is not consistent with the information you provided."

At this time, the next Xiao Tianyan suddenly said: "you say he Feng's strength is double, and he has a killer at the top level of Mingjin as a bodyguard. But in fact, he Feng's real strength is much stronger than his bodyguard. "

"How can it be? We have also investigated that he Feng is very young and has no background. How strong can he be? " Lu Zhonghua frowned.

"How strong can it be? Ha ha... "

Xiao Tianyan rolled a white eye, sneered: "that I tell you, even if it's me, it's not necessarily He Feng's opponent."

"Ah? How is that possible? "

Lu Zhonghua said in disbelief that Lu Yuan was also shocked.

They are quite clear about Xiao Tianyan's strength. He is a real master of dark strength, and he is not an ordinary master of dark strength.

Can he Feng be stronger than Xiao Tianyan?

"Just now, outside Junlin Hotel, hundreds of people from the ancient martial world of Nanjin city witnessed his strength. He Feng's fighting power, even if it didn't reach the later stage of dark strength, was not much worse. And his cultivation is nothing more than a four fold exercise. "

Xiao Tianyan will just get the news out.

Although he had known the news for a long time, he still sighed when he said it himself.

It's only 26 years old, and its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the later period of dark strength.

Even if he is the genius of the younger generation of the high ancient martial family, is that all?

"Don't worry about He Feng. He Feng, we don't have the ability to kill him at present. There's no need to provoke him for the moment. Now our goal is to inflict a heavy blow on the Dragon guards to avenge the annihilation of the branch of Jiangbin city. As for the matter of He Feng, we will solve it later. "

Qianshou said impatiently, "they are only ten kilometers away from us. Let's pack up and evacuate."

"All right!"

Xiao Tianyan agreed to come down and immediately arranged for people to help with the packing.

As for Lu Yuan and Lu Zhonghua's uncle and nephew, they are still shocked and speechless for a long time.

"He Feng is very deep. If you don't kill him as soon as possible, I'm afraid he will become a disaster in the future. "

Lu Yuan sighs powerlessly!

Because he knows, with his ability, want to wipe out He Feng, is just like a fool's dream.


"Staff Ma, just in front, has been determined. Their IP address shows that they are in the building."

At this time, Ma hongchuyue and others have been walking close to the building. Xu Huai is holding a computer with a red dot on it, and they are getting closer and closer to the red dot.

"Lao Wu, why do you feel something is wrong?"

One side of the war crazy staring at the building, frown said.

Wu Shulin nodded, "really, it's very quiet inside. There's no sound coming out. Will there be ambush?"

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Huai.

Their actions are very secret, only the Dragon guards and wolf team know, so this operation is unlikely to leak out.

If the other party knows their action this time, it means that Xu Huai may be detected by the other party's hackers when he probes into the other party's location.

"Don't worry, I've been very careful, just to avoid being found by the other side. Otherwise, I would have been locked in their position. "

Feeling questioned, Xu Huai said displeased.

"I'll take two people to touch it first." Wu Shulin road.

Mahone nodded, "well, you should be careful."


Wu Shulin immediately said: "Zhou Hui Jingke, you two go with me."

With that, Wu Shulin and the two quickly left, like three ghosts, towards the front of the building.

A minute later, Wu Shulin and the three of them came to a dark corner under the building and listened to the movement.

"Captain, there seems to be nothing inside. Have they got the news and withdrawn?" Zhou Hui frowned.

"You two wait here. I'll go in and have a look."

Wu Shulin told him that he leaped like a civet over the window above his head, pushed open the window and went in.

Zhou Hui and Jing Ke waited patiently below, but before long, Wu Shulin returned and jumped down from the second floor.

"They don't seem to be here. There's only one computer in it. Let's go!"

Wu Shulin said, then took two people to return quickly.

"Captain Wu, what's the situation?" Mahong saw Wu Shulin coming back and asked in a hurry.

Wu Shulin said: "they should have withdrawn a long time ago. There was no one in it. There was no danger. There was only one computer. There were some other things I didn't check."

"No one?"

Mahong's face slightly changed, looking at Xu Huai.

Xu Huai frowned and said, "it's strange. About 20 minutes ago, this computer was clearly operated by someone, and it was also a powerful hacker. It could rank in the top ten in the global hacker list."

"Let's go in and have a look."

Mahong shook his head and immediately led the way to the building ahead.

"Protect the staff officer Ma!"

The war madman called the Dragon guards and immediately followed Mahong.

For a moment, the Dragon guard team, the wolf head team, Chu Yue and others, more than 40 people, walked towards the building.

The building is four stories high, with a courtyard of more than 100 square meters under it. Two trees and various flowers are planted. But now the ground is overgrown with weeds, and no one has taken care of it for a long time.

"Leave a few people in the yard, and the rest go in and search the building to see if they find anything."

Mahone orders, then steps into the building.

"There's a computer on the third floor, but it's on." Wu Shulin said.

"Go to the third floor." Mahong nods and goes straight to the stairway. Chu Yue and others keep up.

As for the other members, they are now running around the building to see if they can find anything.

"Staff Ma, there is a cup of hot water here. According to the water temperature, they should leave for about half an hour." Wolf team's Huang Qisheng said.

"Half an hour..."

Mahone's face suddenly became ugly.

He has been preparing for today's action for a long time. He even asked the people above to move. Is it all in vain?


Just then, the white light on the computer screen flickered, and a harsh noise came out. A figure wearing a mask appeared on the screen.

"Hello, Mr. Ma. I'm glad you can come to our temporary office of mieshen Pavilion."

The voice of the masked young man is obviously processed, and it is the voice of the computer system.

"You're very quick. You've escaped so quickly. I suggest you go back to your country. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be so lucky next time. " Mahone stared at the screen and gave a cold hum.

"Yes? I don't know if I will have good luck next time. However, I'm afraid there will be no next time for staff Ma and all of you present. " The masked man began to laugh, and the laughter was very strange. "Next, I wish you a happy journey. But you only have one hour. "


As his voice fell, the computer screen actually made a harsh noise again.

Moreover, the voice was much more rapid.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in people's minds.

"Officer Ma, be careful!"

The battle maniac's face changed slightly. He rushed up at the first time and knocked Mahong to the ground.

The rest of the people have to retreat!


A loud noise spread from the computer screen.

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