At this time, he Feng has come to the door of Junlin Hotel, and saw me eating tomatoes.

"Tomato God, why does it seem that he doesn't have much spirit? Did he code very late yesterday?" He Feng went up to say hello.

I eat tomatoes, wearing an ordinary shirt, lower body is casual cowboy, foot on a pair of black casual shoes, but also more formal.

However, his eyes are very red, and his eye circles are black. I know that he didn't sleep well last night or even didn't sleep.

"Hello, Mr. He Feng. You're right. I'm trying my best to save the manuscript for my new book now. I was coding all night last night."

I didn't hide the fact that I was eating tomatoes. I said with a smile, "are you and Ling Dong going to leave today?"

"Yes, the main purpose of our coming to Nanjin city is to talk with you. Now that your meaning is clear and you want to cooperate with millet, we don't have to stay any longer." He Feng said with a smile.

When I said this, I was a little embarrassed when I ate tomato. I apologized and said, "Mr. He Feng, I'm really sorry. I can't help it. My girlfriend doesn't want any accident. She hopes I can be more stable in the next two or three years. But she's right. We're just getting married. We need a lot of money to buy a house in the future. We really need a stable family. "

"Newly married?"

He Feng chuckled and said: "tomato God, so to speak, your relationship with your girlfriend must be very good, even to the point of marriage."

I grabbed my head and said with a smile: "ha ha, it's OK, but we've been together for more than two years, and we're old enough to get married."

He Feng asked: "tomato God, I venture to ask, do you know what your girlfriend does at home?"

"Well, I'm not very clear. I heard her say that her family is doing business outside. But I think when we are about to get married, she will make it clear to me

"What about your girlfriend? What does she do?"

He Feng pretended to be curious and asked: "I seem to have heard that your girlfriend spent a lot of money because of some special reasons. Tomato God, I'm really curious. What's going to cost so much? And it's something I can't understand? "

"Tong Tong?"

I eat tomato to see he Feng one eye, don't understand why he Feng suddenly want to inquire about Wei Tong.

But he Feng seemed really curious. He thought about it and asked, "Mr. He Feng, have you ever heard of the ancient warrior?"

"Ancient warrior? Ha ha, I've heard of some. " He Feng smiles.

"Have you ever heard of the ancient warrior?"

I was quite surprised when I ate tomato. "Since you've heard of it, you should know that the ancient martial arts practitioners burn money. If you buy any pill, it will cost millions. It's normal to spend tens of millions a year if you want to practice quickly. Those with high accomplishments spend hundreds of millions a year. "

"Do you want to tell me that your girlfriend is also an ancient warrior?"


I eat tomato nodded, "Tongtong is a gifted guwu, so it is difficult to get the support of the family, so I gave her all my money to practice."

"I see!"

"Mr. He Feng, when did you and Ling Dong get their tickets? If there is enough time, I'll treat you to lunch or dinner. You've come to Nanjin for my business this time, and I've let you go for nothing. I'm really a little sorry not to treat you to dinner. "

"Tomato God, let's go to the elevator first. I have something to tell you."

"All right, let's go."

They walked side by side and soon got into the elevator.

Not many people came to the hotel at this point, most of them left the hotel, so there was no one in the elevator, only he Feng and I ate tomatoes.

"Tomato God, you should know that I speak more straight, right?"

Into the elevator, he Feng said directly: "so, there's something, I'll tell you directly."

"Mr. He Feng, you can tell me anything directly. I'm rather homely, and I don't like to speculate on other people's minds. I like to deal with people who are straightforward." I eat tomatoes and laugh.

"Look at this picture first!"

He Feng took out his mobile phone, opened a photo and handed it to me to eat tomato: "this is just when I had breakfast in the hotel restaurant!"

"What picture?"

I eat tomato frowned, picked up the mobile phone to look up.

At one glance, his face changed immediately.

"This is... Tong Tong? No, Tongtong says that she is practicing. How can she have breakfast with a man in this hotel? "

I look as ugly as I am when I eat tomatoes.

If it is in peacetime, her girlfriend and a man eat breakfast together, or even use the same reason to cheat him that he is practicing, he will not be too angry.

But now it's different!

He Feng said the photo was taken when he was having breakfast in the hotel.

Generally speaking, no one will go to the hotel to have breakfast when they are full. Basically, there is only one possibility.

Spend the night in a hotel!

Did Tong Tong spend the night in this hotel last night?

Didn't she say she practiced at home last night?

"I know it's hard for you to accept this reality, but I don't want to see you continue to be cheated, so I tell you."

He Feng took the mobile phone back from my tomato eating hand, "tomato God, over the years, you've been cheated by people."

"No, it can't be true. How could Tong Tong do this to me?"

I eat tomatoes and keep shaking my head, my face has turned white.

He stared at He Feng and said, "Mr. He Feng, is this picture really taken by you in the hotel?"

"Tomato God, if you can't accept this kind of blow, just think I'm lying to you." He Feng said casually.

I took a deep breath from the tomato and said, "I know it's a big blow for me, but I can't fool myself. No matter how hard the blow is, I need the truth now. Mr. He Feng, please help me

"Well, you look like a man, so I'll take you."

He Feng nodded, then pressed the "26" layer.

A moment later, the elevator came to the 26th floor, two people stepped out of the elevator.

"Tomato God, are you sure you think it over? I can tell you that the identity of your so-called girlfriend and the man in the photo are not simple. They come from big families. Even some officials give them face. "

He Feng reminded: "if you don't know anything, maybe it's nothing. But if you tear your skin, you may cause great trouble and worry about the future. "

My face has calmed down when I eat tomato. When I was just in the elevator, he also wanted to know something clearly.

He gradually understood why his girlfriend didn't treat him very well when they first knew each other. After knowing that he was rich, he came together with him.

Over the past two years, Wei Tong seems to care about him, but in fact, he does not feel warm.

This woman, the performance is very good!

Of course, I didn't want to believe it completely without seeing it. He hoped he Feng was cheating him, but he still wanted to pursue the truth. He didn't want to be regarded as a fool by others.

"Mr. He Feng, I've thought it over. No matter whether I get into trouble or not, I should at least know the truth. I want to know, in the past two years, whether I have really been cheated as a fool. " I eat tomatoes, said firmly.

"Well, in that case, come with me."

He Feng nodded, took me to eat tomato and walked to the front corridor.

Soon, they came to the door of room 2608.

"I'll kick the door open?"

He Feng looked at me and asked.

"Well!" I eat tomatoes and nod.

He didn't want to kick the door and see the scene that broke his heart, but if he didn't, he couldn't see the truth.

"Well, you can see clearly."

He Feng said and raised his leg and kicked out.


A dull voice rang out, but the metal door just shook violently, and there was no sign of breaking.

"I'll go. What's the origin of Junlin hotel? Even the quality of a door is so good?"

He Feng couldn't help but be surprised. Although he didn't use much strength in his foot just now, it was equivalent to the full strength of the Mingjin ancient warrior. It was reasonable that he could easily kick open a door.

It seems that, just like Xi Zhenxing said, the origin of Junlin hotel is really not simple, otherwise it would not even fight against a door like this.


In the room, there was an angry shout.

It's just that the voice is a little flustered.

It seems that he Feng's action has been noticed by the other party.

"Well! It seems to be a little more violent... "

He Feng touched his nose. He was still too gentle just now.

With that in mind, he kicked again.


This kick is much more powerful. It directly uses the power of the four level cross trainer, and the metal door falls to the ground.

After the door fell, appeared in He Feng and I eat tomato in front of, is empty nobody living room.

"They're in the bedroom!"

He Feng's eyes glanced at the closed door not far away and rushed to it.


Another kick.

This foot strength is also not small.

The door collapsed and fell.

For a time, a pair of men and women in the luxurious bedroom appeared in front of them.

It's mi Xinghua and Wei Tong.

At this time, they were wearing clothes in a hurry. Fortunately, they were all ancient martial arts, and their movements were much faster than ordinary people. With such a little effort, they had already put on their pants and coats.

"Who? Get out of here

Mi Xinghua stares at He Feng at the door of the room and drinks angrily.

But Wei Tong, at a glance, saw standing behind he Feng I eat tomatoes, can't help exclaiming, "Jiang Kefan? You, why are you here? "

Jiang Kefan didn't answer her, but his face was very ugly, pale as paper, and he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

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