Yuan Mingde still knows something about He Feng. At the hotel auction last night, he bought a high-level breakthrough pill for 2 billion yuan. Then outside the hotel, he killed the young strong men in the early stage of the three dark forces, even defeated the Cao family's middle strong men, and defeated Wang Xuan, the young leader of the Wang family.

And the Ling family in Nanjin city supports him. Guiyi medicine hall also protects him and wants to pull him into Guiyi medicine hall. Even Xia Cheng, who moved to the Xia family in the city, wanted he Feng to be his younger martial brother.

You know, the master of Xiacheng is the master of Guangjia family in Guanghui province.

But in the end, he Feng refused.

It can be said that he Feng now has a great reputation in the ancient martial arts circles of Nanjin city. Few people have never heard of him, and few dare to offend him, because at least there are Ling family and Guiyi medicine hall standing behind him.

But so what?

This is Junlin hotel!

They will not be afraid of the Ling family, and they will not be afraid of the division of a unified medicine hall.

"Well, I realize my mistake!"

Under the gaze of Yuan Mingde, he Feng nodded apologetically.

"In that case, then..."

"I broke the two doors of your hotel. I know these two doors are very valuable, so I am willing to bear the maintenance and labor costs. I will transfer the money to you after the repair."

As soon as Yuan Mingde spoke, he Feng interrupted him.

"What did you say?" Yuan Mingde's eyes suddenly cold down, "are you kidding me?"

Those security guards behind him, their momentum has become more powerful one by one, staring at He Feng with a murderous face.

As for MI Xingquan and Wei Tong, looking at He Feng is like looking at an idiot.

This idiot, he doesn't know how powerful Junlin hotel is, does he?

How dare you act wild here!

court death!

And at this time, outside this room, there have been some spectators, obviously attracted by the news here.

"What's the matter? It seems that someone is making trouble in Junlin hotel. Who is so bold? "

"I just heard the voices of He Feng and Mi Xingquan. It seems that they are the people who make trouble. However, MI Xingquan has apologized and accepted the punishment, but he Feng... He doesn't seem to give the face of Junlin hotel. "

"What, he dares to fight against the Grand Hotel? This is death! Neither the Ling family nor Guiyi medicine hall can protect him! "

"He he, after all, is a young man. He is too impulsive. Of course, he may not know the power of the grand hotel."

These onlookers are the upper class of Nanjin city. They know the aloofness and horror of Junlin hotel. They feel sympathy and pity for He Feng at this moment.

Xia Cheng and Jin Song were going to leave, but Xi Zhenxing saw them off. When they heard that someone was making trouble in Junlin Hotel, the manager and security guard of Junlin Hotel rushed to see them out of curiosity.

"He Feng? Is He Feng the one who made trouble? It's troublesome. Come on, let's go in and have a look. "

Hear people discuss that the trouble is He Feng, three people face color changed, rushed into the room.

"Manager yuan, I'm not kidding you. I'd like to apologize to your hotel for kicking your door and make compensation for it. But if you want to punish me, I'm sorry, I won't accept it. "

He Feng shrugged, calm, as if not aware of those security looking at his eyes, has revealed the intention to kill.

"Brother he, don't be impulsive!"

When Xi Zhenxing heard the speech, he was in a hurry. He quickly went to He Feng, blocked him behind and said to Yuan Mingde, "manager yuan, he Feng doesn't know the rules of Junlin hotel. He doesn't mean to offend him. Don't blame him."

"Manager yuan, I'll ask he Feng to make amends to you. How about giving old man Xia face?" The summer city loses to smile a way, at this moment he also chose to help he Feng.

"Manager yuan, I will teach him when I come back, and please calm down." Jin Song also opened his mouth.

Xi Zhenxing, Xia Cheng and Jin Song are all the strong men at the top of the dark strength. Especially Jin Song is the president of Nanjin Martial Arts Association. They have a high prestige in the ancient martial arts world. Even the owners of major families and even the strong men of their older generation will give Jin Song great face.

If yuan Mingde wants to have a better development of the Nanjin branch of Junlin Hotel, he should not offend these three people.

"Well, I can give three people face. You ask them to apologize and pay for the maintenance of the door. In addition, his punishment can be the same as Mi Xingquan's, washing dishes in our hotel for one month. "

Yuan Mingde light way: "as long as he promised these, I can forgive him."

"Washing dishes for a month?"

When Yuan Mingde said this, Xi Zhenxing and others all frowned.

They all know that he Feng's temperament will definitely not agree.

But this is the grand hotel.

"Brother he, what do you think?" Jin Song has a headache and looks at He Feng.

Xia Cheng whispered in He Feng's ear: "brother he, I suggest you lower your head and bear it. The background of Junlin Hotel, even my master, is not easy to offend."

Smell speech, he Feng vision not from a flash.

Xia Cheng's master, he is not only the master of Huajin, but also the master of the high ancient martial family.

Even he is not easy to offend. At least he is the influence of the high ancient martial family, even


"Brother he, you can decide for yourself. But you can rest assured that I am still willing to stand on your side and face all this with you. "

At this time, Xi Zhenxing narrowed his eyes, finally gritted his teeth and whispered to He Feng.

Obviously, he has already guessed what decision he Feng will make.

Are you kidding me? Let the powerful master wash the dishes?

How is that possible?!

He pondered that he Feng might expose his accomplishments this time. After all, Yuan Mingde and his family are too strong and have a deep background. Although the accomplishments of the security team are not very strong, everyone carries guns.

He Feng has no choice but to expose his accomplishments.

But he also believed that once he Feng exposed his master's accomplishments, the other side would certainly give him face.

After all, he Feng is not an ordinary master, but a 26 year old master.

This kind of talent, even among the four royal families, is the top. Junlin hotel will not lose face.

And Mi Xingquan and Wei Tong are a little silly when they see this scene.

"Who is He Feng? Can you ask the master of the study hall and Mr. Jin to help him? "

Mi Xingquan's heart was shaking wildly, and he was afraid.


Fortunately, this is Junlin hotel!

Otherwise, no one from Junlin hotel will stop him. He Feng will not let him go today.

And with Xi Zhenxing and others as the background of He Feng, even if he really hurt him seriously, I'm afraid it's hard for the rice family to stand up for him.

"Thank you, three brothers!"

He Feng arched his hand to the three people, and immediately looked at Yuan Mingde and said, "manager yuan, I can apologize and compensate. But you asked me to stay in your hotel and wash dishes... Ha ha, I'm really sorry. Although I can cook, I can't wash dishes very well. "

"Brother he..."

Jin Song and Xia Cheng are in a hurry. They want to persuade him, but they are held by Xi Zhenxing and wink at them.

This makes them move. What does Xi Zhenxing mean?

Did he forget the powerful means of King's Landing Hotel?

Yuan Mingde's face sank. "You don't know how to wash it, you have to wash it too."

"Yes? What if I insist on not going? "

He Feng's eyes narrowed.

He didn't want to expose too much, just didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, because he had too many enemies abroad.

But he was bullied to the end, and he was not afraid of anything.

Even if it really caused trouble, he believed that he could handle it!

"No? Have you really thought it over? "

Yuan Mingde stares at He Feng coldly.

"Yes He Feng only returned a word, look calm.

Voice down, the whole room instantly quiet down, the atmosphere seems to solidify in general.

Even outside the room, everyone held their breath and was shocked.

He Feng is really bold. Even if he offends the guwu family, he dares to challenge Junlin hotel.


This guy is dead!

Yuan Mingde's eyes shrank, and the power in the middle of the dark power in his body ran wildly, as if he would start at any time.

A group of men behind him also worked hard, while the security guards at the top of Mingjin put their hands on the handle of the gun.

As long as Yuan Mingde orders, they will take out their guns at the first time.


Yuan Mingde was not in a hurry to give an order, because he found that when he Feng's reply came out, Xi Zhenxing's internal strength was working.

He knows that he Feng is a young genius. He is only 26 years old. He has the strength to defeat the middle-term strong of dark strength, and understands the will of martial arts. Xi Zhenxing wants to win over He Feng.

But yuan Mingde originally thought that even if Xi Zhenxing wanted to win over He Feng, he would not fight them for He Feng's sake.

After all, there is no shortage of genius in the world of martial arts.

There are so many geniuses like he Feng in places with a strong atmosphere of ancient martial arts. There are even more excellent geniuses than he Feng.

But now, Xi Zhenxing's response is beyond his expectation.

He Feng, Yuan Mingde did not pay attention.

But Xi Zhenxing represents Guiyi medicine hall, and he also knows that Xi Zhenxing's master is the master of Guiyi medicine hall, the real great man.

There is no sign of taking the lead in the confrontation between the two sides!

"Ma De, hurry up and kill him."

Standing in the back of the rice star spring heart vicious curse, he has a little worried, because he Feng does not die, he is a little worried about his safety.

"Mr. He Feng, I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

I eat tomato is a face of guilt, heart regret to death.

He Feng has said hello to him before, saying that the backstage of MI Xingquan is very hard, but he still wants to see the truth.

Now, the truth he saw, but for He Feng caused big trouble.

If anything happens to He Feng, he feels that he will live in guilt all his life.

Full ten minutes later, he Feng has been waiting for some impatience, "do you want to do it or not? If you want to do it, hurry up. My girlfriend is still waiting for me downstairs."


He Feng this words a, all people on the field immediately all silly eyes.

Doesn't this guy know that he's on the line of life and death, and still cares about his girlfriend?

Isn't that wonderful?

Yuan Mingde looks at He Feng like an idiot. Is he brain sick?

Such people do not know what Xi Zhenxing likes about him, and they are willing to fight with the Junlin hotel for him.

"Master Xi, are you sure you want to fight with us for He Feng? Have you considered the consequences of this? "

Yuan Mingde looked at Xi Zhenxing and said.

At this time, he no longer paid attention to He Feng.

It is Xi Zhenxing that gives him quite a headache.

"Of course!"

Xi Zhenxing just nodded.

Yuan Mingde frowned and said, "is it worth it? As far as I know, it seems that he hasn't officially joined your Guiyi medicine hall, has he? "

"It's true that I didn't officially join him, because the position I applied for from him is more important. I have to talk to my master face to face. But I believe my master will agree. At that time, he will not only be a member of the headquarters, but also an important person of the headquarters. "

Xi Zhenxing also knew what yuan Mingde was thinking, so he directly moved the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall out, "manager yuan, I advise you to think it over before you make a decision. I can tell you that if you really order to move he Feng, it must be you who regret it at last. "

"Will I regret it?"

Yuan Mingde sneered, "he is not qualified to make me regret. It's the leader of the learning hall. Since you have made a decision, you should bear the consequences. Captain he, you and I are entangled with Xi Zhenxing. Others, take He Feng. If he resists, he will be killed. "

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