"Tomato God, do you really think it over? Our Maple language Chinese network is not a big website. If you sign a contract with us, it may not be very good for your reputation. People in your circle may say something bad about you. "

He Feng said with a smile.

Jiang Ke said with a smile: "how can I care about these now? No matter what kind of website Fengyu Chinese net is, I believe Mr. He Feng and Mr. Ling Dong, even if it is just a new station, but under your leadership, it will definitely become a new star in the whole industry in a short time, and even enter the whole content mutual entertainment market. I am willing to contribute my part to Fengyu Chinese network. "

He Feng could see that Jiang Kewei wanted to repay him.

If he does not agree, Jiang Kewei will feel uncomfortable.

"OK, let's talk about the details later. You take your ID card to my friend and I'll let her buy you tickets."

He Feng nodded and immediately looked at Chu Yue, "Yue Yue, help our tomato God buy a ticket."


Chu Yue naturally has no problem.

Immediately, under the gaze of many people, they left the room and went to the 24th floor. Ling Weiyu was still in the room.

After meeting with Ling Weiyu, they didn't stop and went directly to the front door of the hotel.

Here, two people have been waiting for a long time.

It's Hua Hai and Wang Wei from Kinmen.

"He Feng, I have taken all the elixirs you bought in Mingfei pharmacy yesterday, and the balance has been paid off. All the medicinal materials are in this box. You can count them."

Hua Hai saw he Feng and immediately brought a box to meet him.

"Don't count. I believe you."

He Feng took the box over, "after all, I can catch your son once, I can catch your son twice."


Hua Hai's face was angry. "Where is my son now?"

He Feng light way: "today, your son will go back."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Don't believe me?"

He Feng raised a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "why don't you believe me? Do you think I'll be afraid of you

Hearing this, Hua Hai's face became very ugly, and he felt endless humiliation in his heart.

But at the thought of He Feng's formidable strength, he can only bear it.

"Well, I hope you keep your word!"

Hua Hai takes a deep breath, turns around and leaves with Wang Wei.

"Brother he, you bought these elixirs for your friends?"

At this time, Xi Zhenxing came forward and said with a smile, "if you have anything else you need to buy, you can tell me now. I will arrange someone to deliver the goods to you immediately and send it directly to Jiangbin city."

"Yes? It can't be better. I'm in trouble with a suitcase. Brother Xi, please help me send it back together. "

He Feng quickly hands the box to Xi Zhenxing, and then successively reported a large number of Dan medicine name and purchase amount.

These pills are of human rank, from primary to advanced, and the amount is quite huge.

At this moment, there are a lot of onlookers around. When they hear he Feng's report about the purchase quantity of pills, they are all amazed.

The total amount of these pills, if ordinary people buy it, it is estimated that it will be at least 2 billion, right?

I don't know what preferential rate Xi Zhenxing will give he Feng.

"Brother he, let's get on the bus now. Let's go to the high-speed railway station first. As for the money for buying pills, I'll calculate the amount later and send a message to you. Then you can transfer it to me."

Xi Zhenxing asked a man next to him to write down the amount of pills He Feng bought, and handed him a box of elixirs, which he Feng said.

"OK, let's go first."

He Feng naturally understood Xi Zhenxing's meaning, that is, he didn't want to say the amount after the discount in public.

After all, he gave Hefeng the price, which was calculated according to the discount of the VIP, that is, 40% off.

When the price is mentioned, it is not the same as telling the outside world that the treatment he Feng enjoys in Guiyi medicine hall is equivalent to that enjoyed by the elder of Guiyi medicine hall, that is, the master Huajin who really joined Guiyi medicine hall.

It's easy for the outside world to doubt he Feng's true identity, or his true accomplishments!

Then he Feng said goodbye to Jin Song and Xia Cheng. After thanking them, he got on a Mercedes Benz business car with Ling Weiyu and others. Wu Shulin, the leader of the wolf team, was in charge of driving.

"Mr. Ma, just now, thank you for coming in time."

He Feng, Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue are sitting in the middle. He looks back and says to Ma Hong.

If they hadn't arrived in time, the Lin family would have directly retaliated against him, and he would have exposed more accomplishments, which would have attracted the attention of the outside world, and even attracted the attention of his former enemies, thus causing trouble.

But now, with he's family standing in front of him, Lin's family won't be too unscrupulous even if they want to deal with him.

"He Feng, you should be more careful. Lin family's style is quite domineering, especially Lin Zhiqiu, the boss behind Junlin hotel. If he wants to deal with you, I'm afraid it's hard for general staff he to stop him. "

Ma Hong's solemn reminder.

"Lin family, one of the four royal families?" He Feng couldn't help asking.

When he asked this question, many people in the car opened their mouths and looked at him in surprise.

In their conjecture, he Feng must be a direct descendant of the he family, and he is still a very important one.

But he Feng, a direct descendant of the he family, doesn't know much about the Lin family?

It's like a person who grew up in Yanjing, Kyoto, never heard of Yanjing University, the first university in China.

Isn't that strange?

But from He Feng's look, it doesn't seem like a joke.

"Cough... Don't look at me like that. Now I remember that the Lin family is really one of the four royal families."

He Feng touched his nose, quite embarrassed.

Brother Feng just forgot for a moment. As for looking at me like this?

Make brother Feng look like an idiot!

"What about Lin Zhiqiu's strength? Do you know? " He Feng continued to ask.

Ma Hong shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "I don't know the specific strength of Lin Zhiqiu now. But I once heard general manager he say that Lin Zhiqiu was not as good as him before, but five years ago he joined the sect and became a disciple of the sect. Few people outside know his accomplishments now. However, the progress of general staff he has not been slow in recent years. Even if Lin Zhiqiu has joined the clan, he may not be the opponent of general staff he. With the pressure of general manager he, he should not go to you for trouble. "

"He was a disciple of the sect..."

Xi Zhenxing, who was sitting in the last row, had a dignified face. "Brother he, if the other party really worships the sect and becomes a disciple of the sect, then you should be more careful next. None of the sect's disciples is of the same generation as Yi. "

"Oh? How much does elder brother Xi know about zongmen? " He Feng looks back at Xi Zhenxing and asks curiously.

He knew the four royal families of China, but he didn't know much about the clans of China.

Each of these sects in the kingdom of China is a secluded force. They seldom contact with the outside world, but their status is extremely superior to the royal power.

Xi Zhenxing said: "I just heard my master mention that there are eight sects in China, which are located in eight places of China with the power of eight trigrams. Every sect, at least, has a strong one of myth and legend. And the conditions for them to recruit disciples are also quite harsh. "

"How harsh is it?" The war crazy also curiously asked.

"A master who only breaks through Huajin when he is over 50 years old can only be their outside disciple." Xi Zhenxing said: "if you want to be an inner disciple of each major sect, you have to break through Huajin before you are 50 years old, or to break through dark Jin before you are 20 years old. Moreover, he has never used the pill


Once this is said, the war maniac and others are all stupid.

I have to say that the conditions for recruiting students are not generally harsh.

I'm afraid only the gifted children of the four royal families can achieve these two conditions?

"In addition, I heard from my master that all the major schools were extremely protective of their weaknesses, which resulted in their students' domineering style."

Xi Zhenxing looked at He Feng and said, "so I think that even if Lin Zhiqiu's strength is not as good as he Zongshen, if he really wants to deal with He Feng, he won't take into account he Zongshen's face."


Mahong and other people's faces changed, "so, isn't that little Maple dangerous?"

"He Feng, what should we do now?"

Chu Yue was also worried, "otherwise, we'd better not go back to Jiangbin city? You can stay in Nanjin military region directly. If you stay with Mr. He, Lin Zhiqiu will not dare to trouble you any more. "

"I'll go. Why do you think everything is bad? Elder brother Xi, what he said is the power of zongmen, but what I'm provoking now is not zongmen, it's just Lin Zhiqiu. Maybe Lin Zhiqiu hasn't made any progress in recent years, and his strength is still not as good as he Juncong? If his talent is average, he certainly has no position in the clan. He doesn't dare to trouble me. " He Feng rolled a white eye to say.

When Xi Zhenxing heard this, he was also surprised.

The clan is powerful, but each clan has many inner disciples. Not all of them are peerless talents. Although Lin Zhiqiu has great accomplishments, but

Isn't he Feng also a great master?

When the two sides meet, Lin Zhiqiu may not be able to get he Feng.

Thinking of this, Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "brother he has a point, and we don't have to worry too much. As long as brother he is a little more careful, it shouldn't be a big problem."

He Feng said: "do you hear me? Don't worry. I'm not worried at all. What are you worried about... "

"Yueyue, believe brother Xiaofeng, he will be fine." Seeing that Chu Yue was still worried, Ling Weiyu could not help holding her hand and comforting her in a low voice.

"Well, I don't know why you have so much faith in him."

Chu Yue sighed helplessly, but he didn't say anything more.


At the same time, Junlin Hotel, Yuan Mingde's office.

After a brief treatment of the injury, Yuan Mingde came to the office and made a phone call.

"Hello, who is it?" Soon, an old man's indifferent voice came out of the phone.

"Mr. Fang, I'm yuan Mingde, manager of Nanjin branch of Junlin hotel." Yuan Mingde said his identity in a respectful tone.

"What's the matter?" The old man's voice is still cold.

"There is one thing I want to report to the third master." Yuan Mingde said here, adding, "this matter concerns the face of the hotel, but with the participation of he Siye and he Juncong, I have to report to him."

"OK, wait!"

After a while, a middle-aged man's voice came from the phone, "what happened?"


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