"Brother Xiaofeng, just before we checked in, how did I feel like someone was spying on us?"

At this time, in a high-speed train, Ling Weiyu is sitting opposite He Feng. Next to her is Chu Yue.

As for Jiang Kewei, after he got on the bus, he took a computer and sat in a corner to code. There were few people in the whole carriage, so it didn't matter if he was sitting in a disorderly position.

Ling Weiyu continued to ask: "these people should be the people of guwu family in Nanjin city?"

"What? Little feather, can you feel it

Chu Yue said in surprise.

In her understanding, Ling Weiyu is an ordinary person.

And he Feng is also surprised to see Ling Weiyu, "little feather, you just really feel those people?"

"Well, yes, I feel that there are six eyes staring at us all the time, because the hostility in their eyes is very obvious, so I can feel it." Ling Weiyu nodded, "brother Xiaofeng, I am also an ancient warrior now. Is it strange that I can sense their existence?"

It's more than strange. It's very strange, OK?

"Xiaoyu, I just sensed that those people were Wang Xuan and Cao Xin. However, they were nearly 200 meters away from us, and there were so many people at that time that it was difficult to detect their existence even if they did not deliberately look for them. Unexpectedly, you can feel it? It seems that your perception is not so strong. " He Feng exclaimed.

As soon as he condensed his inner strength, his perception became extremely powerful. He had seen it before.

It's not only the perception that will suddenly become extremely powerful, but also the physical strength that will become extremely powerful. The strength of Mingjin at the beginning of its breakthrough can defeat the strong at the peak of Mingjin with the help of the physical strength. In addition, the savvy suddenly becomes extremely powerful. It's like being ignorant for a lifetime and being enlightened once. From then on, all kinds of martial arts will be learned, and each kind of martial arts can play a perfect power.

I didn't expect that Ling Weiyu would be such a warrior.

Ling Weiyu's perception now is absolutely comparable to Huajin.

"Wait, wait, I have something to say..."

At this time, Chu Yue was shocked and asked: "you two, why do you say something now that I can't understand? Xiao Yu was an ordinary man yesterday. How can he become an ancient warrior today? Also, he Feng, you just said that even if the dark strong don't deliberately look for them, they can't feel them. Why can you feel them? At that time, I didn't see you go to anyone deliberately? Is your strength stronger than the dark strength? "

Chu Yue is not only an excellent criminal police, but also a first-class hacker in China. She has strong logical thinking ability, and instantly grasped the key point in He Feng's words.

He Feng said with a smile: "Yueyue, I am stronger than the dark force. Is it strange?"

"Well, how is that possible?"

Chu Yue looks at He Feng in shock, "aren't you only 26 years old? How can it be stronger than the dark one? "

He who is stronger than the dark force is the master.

But just when he was in the car, Xi Zhenxing said that the world's first-class talents who can step into Huajin before the age of 50.

The vast majority of ancient martial arts people will never step into Huajin and become great masters.

But how old is He Feng now?

26 years old!

I'm afraid even among the four royal families, there are few such young masters of Huajin, right?

"Who said that young people can't be stronger than dark energy?" He Feng is rolled a white eye to say.

"He Feng, are you really the master of Huajin?" Chu Yue still doesn't believe it.

This news is really frightening!

"Master Hua Jin?"

He Feng smiles, "I'm not!"

"Not master Hua Jin?"

Chu Yue couldn't help rolling her eyes, "I thought you were so young that you really became the master of Huajin! However, don't you say that you are better than dark strength? Isn't that what is master Huajin? "

"Yueyue, I just thought you were very smart. How did you become stupid again in a twinkling of an eye?" He Feng said: "the one who is stronger than the dark force must be the master of Huajin? Don't you forget that there is still a realm in master Huajin? "


Chu Yue was a little stunned.

Then, she quickly understood he Feng's meaning, subconsciously exclaimed: "you, you are talking about... Myth?"

He Feng nodded with a smile and answered succinctly, "yes, myth."


Chu Yue was speechless at first, and immediately laughed, "are you teasing me?"

He Feng said he was the master of Huajin, and Chu Yue didn't believe it.

Now he Feng says he is a myth. How can Chu Yue believe it?

Is there such a genius in China?

There may be, but it's absolutely rare. It's an immortal monster.

She can't believe the man she just fell in love with is such a monster.

But gradually, when she saw that no matter he Feng or Ling Weiyu, they all looked at her with a smile and didn't mean to joke, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Feather, what do you mean

Chu Yue pointed to He Feng, "do you want to tell me that he is not teasing me, he is serious?"

Ling Weiyu just said with a smile: "Yueyue, you are very smart and come from the guwu family. Then you think I was just an ordinary person yesterday. Why do you become a guwu person today? Can ordinary people do it? "

"You mean he Feng turned you from an ordinary person to an ancient warrior?"

Chu month hears this words, the facial expression completely changed, two eyes stare at Ling Weiyu directly.

As a disciple of the guwu family, Chu Yue had never seen the mythical strongman, but she had heard about the mythical strongman.

It is said that the reason why those with strong real Qi are called "myths" is not only because they have the power to surpass human beings and compare with gods and demons, but also because they are the manufacturing machines of ancient warriors.

A mythical strong man can easily create an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty.

Then, as long as you have enough resources, you can bring this ancient warrior to the top of Huajin's cultivation

This is a myth!

If Ling Weiyu answers "yes" now, doesn't that mean he Feng

Is it a myth?


Under Chu Yue's gaze, Ling Weiyu nods gently.

Later, she added, "last night, brother Xiaofeng flew in front of me."

"Flying in the sky?"

Hearing this, Chu Yue opened her mouth completely.

If it is a maker of ancient martial arts, it may also have the element of luck.

But flying in the sky is a real symbol of the myth of the strong.

Her eyes slowly fell on He Feng

The man who is arrogant and arrogant, the man who is arrogant but sincere because of his overbearing behavior, is actually a myth that makes countless ancient martial artists crazy?

"Yueyue, do you believe it now?"

He Feng met Chu Yue's eyes and said with a smile: "I told you last night. What I used to treat you at that time was my Qi. But I tell you I'm a mythical strongman, and you don't believe it. "

"You, are you really a mythical strongman? My darling, I'm not dreaming, am I? My boyfriend is a myth? "

Chu month heavily shook to shake a head, still is some return but God.

She took Ling Weiyu's hand and put it on her arm. "Little feather, come and pinch me quickly. Make a little effort. I'll see if it hurts. Buddha bless, don't dream... Ah! It hurts. Let it go

Chu Yue screamed with pain, making the few two or three passengers in the carriage look towards them.

Even Jiang Kefan, who is plugging headphones in the codeword, also looks up here.

However, when he saw that he Fengzheng was flirting with Chu Yue and others, he was hurt and buried in the code.

Code life is more suitable for my little tomato

"Yueyue, I'm sorry. I tried a little harder. Don't be angry. I'm just trying to make sure you're not dreaming." Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"Of course I won't be angry. Ha ha, I didn't expect that my Chuyue's boyfriend is a mythical strongman in legend."

Chu Yue said with great pride: "originally, I was a little worried that my parents would not agree with him Feng, but now... Hum, if they knew he Feng was a mythical strongman, I think they would dare to oppose..."

"Well, Yueyue, there are many ways to let your parents not object to us, but I'm a matter of true Qi cultivation. At present, it's still a secret. Don't tell it out. Be sure to keep it secret for me."

He Feng touched his nose and said, "you know, the identity of the mythical strongman is too sensitive. If it comes out, it will not only attract the attention of the country, but also the attention of the strongmen all over the world. Maybe it will cause great trouble."

The ordinary myth of the strong may only lead to trouble, but he Feng is sure to lead to trouble, but also big trouble.

Therefore, he must try to keep this secret for a period of time, at least give him a little more time to improve his cultivation, so that he can deal with those troubles more calmly in the future.

"Well, I'll keep it a secret for you."

Chu Yue see he Feng said so seriously, also understand the importance of things, immediately solemnly nodded: "by the way, yunyun they know you are the identity of myth strong?"

"Wang Xiangyun, she doesn't know yet, but I will tell them later. I don't believe in other people, but I'm quite at ease with you. "

He Feng smiles and immediately looks at Chu Yue and says, "how about, Yueyue girl? Now that I know that I am a strong real Qi, do you feel excited?"

"Hey, that's necessary. I still can't believe it."

Chu Yue said with pride, "can't the mythical strong turn ordinary people into powerful people? You hurry up and turn me into an ancient warrior first. "


The corner of He Feng's mouth puffed, but he shook his head. "Yueyue, I'm not changing. I just help you to guide your sense of Qi and refine your inner strength, but it also takes some time, and you have to bear some pain."

"It doesn't matter. I came out of the military camp. What's the pain I can't bear? Hurry up. I didn't like practice before, but I couldn't guide the sense of Qi, so I just gave up practice. If you can make me an ancient warrior directly, even if I suffer a certain amount of pain, I am willing to

Chu month urges a way.

"All right, you can sit in here. Little feather, look around for me. Don't let people disturb you. " He Feng told the way.

"Don't worry, I won't let others disturb you." Ling Weiyu nodded.

Chu Yue sits beside he Feng expectantly. With the help of He Feng, Chu Yue begins to guide Qi and condense inner strength. Both of them close their eyes as if they are asleep. However, Chu Yue's face occasionally appears the color of pain.

Ling Weiyu sat on the edge, took out his mobile phone to read the novel, and felt around him at the same time.

Suddenly, Ling Weiyu raised his head and looked at the corridor in front of him.

"Those people, at last, will come to trouble?"

Ling Weiyu frowned and his face was not very pretty.


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