"Honey, let's get out of here first."

Ji Xinyu is aware of the crowd around and frowns. She doesn't like being surrounded.

"Well, let's go straight to the Liuyue club. As for these three people, you also let them go to the club. " He Feng pointed to Luo Fuguang and other humanitarians.


Ji Xinyu nodded and immediately asked her men to take them away.

A few of them got on a Mercedes Benz business car and went back to Liuyue club.

"Brother in law, what's in these two boxes? The box outside is made of a special metal. Can't it contain two boxes of money inside? "

As soon as I entered the gate, Ji Gang, who was looking at the two boxes in the hall, asked curiously.

"Hello, Mr. He Feng. I'm from Guiyi medicine hall. I've already delivered the things. Please check them."

A middle-aged man standing next to the box respectfully said that he was a master in the early days of dark strength, but now he acted as a "delivery man" responsible for transporting pills.

"No need for acceptance. Thank you very much!" He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, I'll go first. If you have any questions, you can contact the master directly."

With that, the middle-aged man left the club.

"Guiyi medicine hall? What's the situation, brother-in-law? This thing was sent to you by Guiyi medicine hall? What's inside is... "Ji Gang was shocked and had a guess in her heart.

"It's not money in it, but something more valuable than money. Open it and have a look." He Feng said.


Just when the middle-aged man was there, Ji Gang was curious, but he didn't dare to open the box. After all, it belonged to He Feng. Now he got the instructions from He Feng, and he couldn't wait to open the box.

As soon as the box was opened, a strong fragrance of medicine filled the air and immediately poured into everyone's nostrils.

There were not many people in the hall, only he Feng, Ji Gang, Jiang Kewei and Ji Xinyu.

In addition to Jiang Kewei, Ji Gang and others are all ancient warriors. When they smell the fragrance of the medicine, they feel that the inner strength in the Dantian suddenly becomes active.

"Oh, my God, this is a panacea, so many panacea? With these elixirs, I'm sure I'll be able to break through the dark force soon. " Ji Gang said happily, "brother-in-law, did you buy all these elixirs from Guiyi medicine hall?"

"The elixir was not bought from Guiyi medicine hall, but the contents of the other box came from Guiyi medicine hall." He Feng pointed to another box and said.

Ji Gang smell speech, also not nonsense, hurriedly another box also opened.

All of a sudden, a much stronger fragrance came out.

"This... This is pills? So many pills? "

Ji Gang felt her breath stagnated and said excitedly, "brother-in-law, I love you so much. Do you know that I am short of pills now, so you bought so many pills for me?"

"Why, you didn't use pills to practice by yourself before?" He Feng asked in surprise.

Ji Gang said with a bitter smile: "brother-in-law, you don't know our identity. We can buy pills, but our sister and brother can't show up in person. After all, the circle of martial arts is so big. If we show up in person, it's easy to be discovered by Ji's family. Therefore, we have entrusted other relationships to buy pills, but the price is half higher than that on the market, and they are all low-grade pills. "

"I see!"

He Feng nodded, suddenly in his heart, "then you don't have to worry about the pills any more. You use these pills first, and there will be a steady stream of pills for your cultivation in the future."


Ji Gang's face was full of ecstasy, and then he felt his head embarrassed, "brother-in-law, how much did these pills cost? Shall I give it to you at the market price? "


He Feng slapped Ji Gang's head, "smelly boy, if you talk about money, you can't use any of these pills in the future."

"No, I'm wrong, brother-in-law. I promise I'll never talk about money again." Ji Gang quickly laughs, but feels incomparably warm in the heart.

Then, his eyes fell on Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu, who were beside he Feng, "brother-in-law, are these two beauties?"


Another slap fell on Ji Gang's head. "It has nothing to do with you. I'll ask you this kind of stupid question later. You can't use any of these pills."


This time, Ji Gang is not feeling warm, but deeply depressed.

"Little feather, Yueyue, in the next few days, you will make use of these resources to accumulate your accomplishments to the peak of Mingjin. These resources are enough to promote the three ancient warriors in the early Mingjin period to the peak of Mingjin. "

When talking, he Feng looked at Ji Gang, "Xiao Gang, you should break through to the peak of Mingjin now, right? When you reach the peak of Mingjin, are you going to rely on your own ability to break through, or do you want to use pojingdan? "

"Broken border pill?"

Hearing these three words, Ji Xinyu and Ji Gang were surprised.

Ji Gang asked cautiously, "brother-in-law, what's the level of your broken border Dan?"

"Nonsense, since it is intended for you to use, of course, it's advanced."

He Feng took out the box containing the broken border pill.

When the box opened, a unique fragrance of medicine penetrated into everyone's nostrils. "There's only one human level senior breakthrough pill at present, and there should be several more in the future. However, I hope you can break through on your own. With your talent, it won't be too difficult for you to break through from Mingjin to dark Jin. It's just a matter of time

"Understand, just I don't want to break through the realm with the help of external force, so I'll give this broken realm pill to my sister first." Ji Gang nodded heavily.

"Xinyu, you should adjust your state during the day, and when I come here at night, you can take the pill to break the boundary and impact the boundary."

He Feng looked at Ji Xinyu and said.

Last time, he didn't find out what happened to Ji Xinyu.

This time, he wanted to see if Ji Xinyu would have the same strange situation as last time when he broke through the realm.

And that situation, in the end, is good or bad.

"Well, come back that night."

Ji Xinyu naturally has no opinion and agrees.

He Feng said: "Xiaoyu, Yueyue, if you don't have anything to do now, you can cultivate these pills first. I'll teach you how to absorb the power of these pills."

Ling Weiyu said immediately: "well, I don't have anything important. Anyway, Zou Xun has to deal with the affairs in the company."

Chu Yue said with a smile: "I have nothing to do. The Bureau has already given me three days off. Now I'm only the next day."

"Let's practice, and then try to refine all these pills in a week to reach the peak of Mingjin." Hefeng road.

"Break through to the peak of Mingjin in a week?"

Ji Xinyu and Ji Gang are shocked to hear he Feng's words.

They were born in Ji's family and knew all kinds of pills. It took a lot of time to absorb the power of pills.

It's almost impossible to absorb and refine so many pills in a week, OK?

"Don't worry, I have a special method. One week is enough."

He Feng grinned.

"All right, I'll take you to the practice room." Ji Xinyu said.

Later, the group went to the training room. Jiang Kewei, led by Ji Xinyu, went to find a place to code.

When they came to the training room, several people crossed their knees.

In front of them, there was a box of pills.

Some are junior, intermediate and senior.

It's reasonable to say that only those with strong dark strength can use the advanced elixir of human level. Because it's too expensive, the power contained in it is also terrible. Those with strong Ming strength can't completely refine it, and the remaining energy will be wasted and dissipated in the void.

But he Feng is not worried about it!

Wasting energy?

It won't happen to him!

"Little feather, Yueyue, now take this Xuanyuan pill, which is a primary human level pill. I'll teach you a set of Qi refining methods, which can absorb all the power contained in this pill into the Dantian."

He Feng takes out two Xuanyuan pills and hands them to the second daughter.

"Brother in law, what about me?"

One side of Ji Gang's eyes Baba of ask a way.


He Feng glanced at Ji Gang and said, "you are about to break through to the peak of Mingjin. Take three Xuanyuan pills at one time, and strive for a one-time breakthrough."

"Three?" Ji Gang widened his eyes, "how much energy does it contain? I won't be burst, will I?"

He Feng said, "are you afraid? If you're afraid, go out and turn left. Go to another training room by yourself and practice slowly. Maybe in ten days and a half, you'll be able to break through as soon as you get lucky. "

"Who said I was afraid?"

Ji Gang grabs three advanced Xuanyuan pills.

Then, swallow it in one gulp.


In a flash, Ji Gang felt as if there was a high explosive bomb in his body. It exploded as if he wanted to smash his body.

Fortunately, just when he could hardly hold on, a cool energy suddenly poured into his body, and then swam around along his meridians.


Ji Gang's meridians have a strong tearing feeling. It seems that they will crack at any time. It's very painful.

However, the pain was within his tolerance.

And just now, the powerful energy that almost burst his body is rapidly dispersing into every cell of his body.

"Concentrate on calmness, carefully sense the energy flow path in the body, and remember it firmly, without any mistake."

He Feng's voice rings in Ji Gang's mind.

Ji Gang didn't dare to be a little careless. She was absorbed.

And in this process, the breath of his body is gradually climbing.


I don't know how long it's been. Ji Gang's breath rises sharply.

Mingjin peak!

The last time he woke up, he almost broke through to the peak of Mingjin, only one step away.

This time, with three advanced Xuanyuan pills, he finally reached the peak of Mingjin.

However, his cultivation was not over, and he was still refining the residual energy of the three Xuanyuan pills.

"Feather, moon, it's your turn."

He Feng doesn't pay attention to Ji Gang any more. He lets him practice. He looks at Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue's second daughter.

"Well The two girls nodded one after another, and then took a human level primary Xuanyuan pill.

He Fengru's method of processing taught them the method of refining Qi, allowing energy to flow through the meridians and cells all over the body. However, the energy intensity that each meridians can bear is different.

Under the impact of energy, the meridians are also growing stronger and stronger. In the future, the speed of drug absorption will be accelerated.

This method can't be effective in a short time, but the effect in the later period is quite great.

Two or three hours later, after lunch time, he Feng stopped teaching the two girls and let them practice by themselves.

In the process, Ji Gang stopped practicing and went to another training room to practice martial arts.

Only Ji Xinyu is still quietly behind he Feng.

"Wife Xinyu, let's go out first."

He Feng stands up and says to Ji Xinyu.

"Well, good!"

Immediately, they walked out of the training room.

"Honey, let's go to lunch first? I've got it done! "

Ji Xinyu asked with some expectation.

At the same time, there is a trace of infatuation in the beautiful eyes.

Seeing this, he Feng only felt a burst of heat in his abdomen, like a fire burning, "cough, Xinyu wife, you want to do something bad again. But just a moment. Let's get down to business first. "

"Husband, let's have lunch and do some exercise after dinner. Isn't that serious?"

Ji Xinyu asked seriously.


He Feng speechless, this is no problem, "yes, it's serious. In that case, let's go... "

Ji Xinyu lifted the soft bangs in front of her forehead, "husband, do you want to ask about the three imprisoned people? I'll take you to them now? "

"I..." the corner of He Feng's mouth puffed wildly twice.

Then he scanned both sides and saw that there was no one around him, and there was an empty training room not far away from them.

He didn't want to, bent down and directly picked up Ji Xinyu.

"What are you looking for? Go to business... "


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