"What did you say?"

Li Yufeng immediately became angry. If he lost, he would kneel down and apologize to him. Would he have to shout for his grandfather three times?

Is this guy trying to find fault?

He Feng said: "you can hear what I said very clearly. Just say it directly. If not, I have to go out with my girlfriend now. "


Li Yufeng stares at He Feng angrily, "I can promise you your conditions, but my conditions have to be changed. If you lose, you also have to kneel down in front of me, apologize to me and call me grandfather three times. "

The conditions are as like as two peas, because Li Yufeng now wants to humiliate him with a heavy humiliation.

"I promise!" He Feng shrugged and said, "come on, how do you want to compare?"

Li Yufeng said: "we are more simple than three things, one is push ups, one is horizontal bar pull-up, and the other is barbell lifting. Whoever does more, even if he wins, two wins in three games. After each game, he can rest for five minutes. All the spectators here can act as referees. How about that? "

He Feng said: "I have no problem. Let's start."

"Well, you or me first?"

"You first!"

"Are you sure? If I do it first, I'm afraid you won't have the courage to continue to compete with me. "


He Feng urged: "hurry up, I don't want to waste time on such trifles."

"Well, I see how arrogant you are later."

Li Yufeng snorted coldly, and immediately turned to the people: "Dear customers, I'm sorry to delay your time. You have just heard what we said. I don't know if you are willing to act as a temporary referee?"

"Coach Li, of course we do. You should teach the monkey a lesson."

"That is, even dare to be the goddess's boyfriend, he does not look at his weight."

"Coach Li, you need to be a little more friendly. Don't make people cry."

Everyone yelled.

At this time, we just want to see Li Yufeng teach He Feng a lesson.

As for whether he Feng will win

No one thought about it.

"Well, since you are willing to act as a temporary referee, I will play with him now."

Seeing that most of the people supported him, Li Yufeng raised a smile on his face, and then took off his vest in front of everyone, revealing his strong chest and abdominal muscles.

"Wow, coach Li, I love you so much..."

"Coach Li, can you be my personal coach?"

"Coach Li, I want to invite you to see a movie..."

There were two or three other women who saw Li Yufeng's huge muscles and suddenly blushed and screamed, looking very excited.

The smile on Li Yufeng's face is even worse. He Feng glances at him disdainfully and says, "I'm starting to do it now. You can count it clearly. Besides, don't be scared later. "

With that, Li Yufeng fell down and was ready to do it.

"Wait, I'll do it with you."

At this time, he Feng suddenly prone to his side, two hands on the ground, "wait until you finish, I'll do it again, it will certainly delay time. Let's do it together. I'll follow your rhythm. You try to be quick. "

"Follow my rhythm?"

Li Yufeng sneered, "I'd like to see how you can keep up with my rhythm."

"Can we start?" He Feng frowned.

"Well, let's go."

With a faint smile, Li Yu Feng immediately bent his arms and began to do push ups.

And he Feng beside, is also fast to keep up with the rhythm.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten..."

The people on the side explained and counted out loud.

Some are responsible for counting Li Yufeng, while others are responsible for counting He Feng.

But they soon found out that there was no need to separate the numbers in this way, because as he Feng said, he was really following Li Yufeng's rhythm, neither fast nor slow. He did as many as Li Yufeng did.

Li Yufeng naturally noticed this.

This makes his face a little not very good-looking, just he said he Feng can't keep up with his rhythm, but now it is closely.

"Well, you have some ability to keep up with me. But I haven't speeded up yet. Now you can try again... "

Li Yufeng snorted and sped up.

He Feng ignores him and stares at him only from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he accelerates, he also accelerates.

Unknowingly, the two people have already achieved 50 or 60, and the speed is still the same, increasing at the speed of almost one per second.

"Eh, that monkey is very good. He can do so many push ups. I really underestimated him just now."

"Yes, but I think it's because he's lighter, so it's easier to do it."

"It must be, but even so, he can't beat coach Lee. I estimate that he can only make a hundred at most. Coach Li did more than 200 bends in front of us two days ago

"Yes, this kind of person is humiliating himself."

People looking at He Feng's eyes, quite surprised.

Obviously, he Feng's performance is beyond their expectation, but no one is optimistic about him Feng.

"Vivi, are you happy to see him come out for you?" And not far away, Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei are casual looking, not a bit worried.

They are very clear to He Feng. This is obviously bullying people.

"Hum, who makes him want to be my boyfriend? Since he wants to be my boyfriend, I'm in trouble. If he doesn't solve it, who will solve it?"

Gong Wei's charming mouth rose slightly, "sister yuan, how can we fall in love with such an excellent woman? Is it because he's good? "

Yuan Yashi didn't expect that Gong Wei would suddenly ask such a question. She was stunned. Then she shook her head and said with a smile, "emotion is something that you don't know. There's no specific reason. If you really want to say a reason, I think it is because he has a special charm. In the process of getting along with him, he will gradually be impressed by his charm. In a word, since I have become his woman, I will not regret it. "

"I envy you, sister yuan. Your parents agree with you. As long as you try to change their ideas, there will be no problem between you and he Feng. And I... "

Gong Wei said helplessly: "I don't know what will happen when I see my parents tomorrow. Will my parents think he is excellent..."

Yuan Yashi patted Gong Wei on the shoulder with a smile, "Weiwei, don't worry about it. Although he Feng is superficial, there is no doubt about his ability. At least I haven't seen any man whose ability is stronger than him. I believe he can be recognized by your parents in both work and life."

"Oh, I hope so!"

"By the way, will your blind date go tomorrow?"

"Yes, he works in Jiangbin city now. My mother said that he has a high education and a strong technology, and he seems to be a rich second generation. He has invested in many industries in Jiangbin city."

"Well! That's really good! It's a pity to have He Feng, otherwise you can really consider marrying him. "

"Oh, sister yuan, what are you talking about? I don't want to get married so soon. If it wasn't for He Feng, I didn't even want to look for a boyfriend. I just wanted to work. "

Afraid that Yuan Yashi would mention these things again, Gong Wei quickly changed the topic. "Look, Li Yufeng is already slowing down."

"It's really slowing down!"

Yuan Yashi shook his head and said, "this Li Yufeng is sure to lose, but will he admit it later?"

Gong Wei thought about it, shook her head and said, "it shouldn't be!"

"Then what? He Feng won't force him to kneel down and apologize, and then call grandfather? "

"I think, in terms of He Feng's style of acting... He will do it."


Yuan Yashi was speechless.

"I'll try to persuade him later, so as not to get into trouble again. I heard that the relationship between Li Yufeng and his new boss seems to be very close. It's really embarrassing. I can't come back to meigefei gym. " Gong Wei said.

"Indeed, meigefei is opposite your community. If you change the gym, it will not be so convenient for you." Yuan Yashi nodded.

On the other hand, after doing 100 push ups, Li Yufeng's speed obviously dropped a little.

Fortunately, he Feng beside him seems to have slipped, almost as fast as him.

"I didn't expect that this guy was so deep that he could compare with me when doing push ups. It's a pity that you can't imagine Li Yufeng's perseverance. " Li Yufeng mouth with a touch of disdain, continue to do push ups at a constant speed.

But those who watch the crowd are shocked by He Feng.

"I'll go. This guy is so powerful that he did more than 100 push ups at one time."

"It's really good, but he's certainly not as good as coach Li."

"That's to say, if coach Li is not good enough, he is not qualified to be the goddess's boyfriend."

Although he Feng's performance is somewhat unexpected, they are still unhappy with him Feng.

Who made him the goddess's boyfriend?

He's a loser. Why?

Five minutes passed quickly

"Two hundred one, two hundred two, two hundred three, two hundred four..."

The crowd continued to count, but the speed was much slower. It took about three seconds to count.

And now they look at He Feng's eyes, the color of shock is stronger, as if to see the ghost.

You know, ordinary people can't do 200 push ups, and it's quite powerful to do 100.

But he Feng did more than two hundred at a time. Compared with Li Yufeng, whom they adored, one was not more, one was not less. But the key is, Li Yufeng is sweating now, and his body is also full of sweat, breathing heavily.

In contrast, he Feng, not to mention sweating, even the atmosphere did not breathe, a calm face.

"Hey, can you do it quickly? How can you compare with me when you do it so slowly? "

When people were shocked to see he Feng doing push ups, he Feng raised his head and looked at Li Yufeng beside him. Impatiently, he urged: "if it doesn't work, don't compare it. You can kneel down and call me grandfather three times?"

"Well, our contest is not over, do you want me to give up? Dream

Li Yufeng where will listen to He Feng's words, still gritting his teeth.

After 200, he worked hard on each one, but he couldn't relax when he Feng was not finished.

"Two hundred sixty-six, two hundred sixty-seven, two hundred sixty-eight..." the counter continued to count, but now it took five or six seconds to add one.

"My God, there are more than 260. I remember coach Li made more than 240 a few days ago?"

"It's true that today we broke the record again. It seems that this is coach Li's real strength. But... Why is that guy so powerful? "

"Hum, he must have practiced a lot at ordinary times, and he's lighter, so he can do so much."

"Yes, no wonder he will promise coach Li. He is really insidious."

"Look, Li Jiaolian can't hold on."

Under the gaze of the crowd, Li Yufeng's arms finally couldn't support him. He slowly stood up. If he continued to do it, he was afraid that he would be directly tired, which would be a bit embarrassing.

"Coach Li, 273." Said the counting man.

Li Yufeng nodded and looked at He Feng. After he Feng had done two more than him, he also stood up and said, "in the first round, you lost."

"You're lucky this time. Let's take a five minute break and start the second round later. In the second round, let's play barbell lifting first. " Li Yufeng narrowed his eyes and said that he Feng was too light to beat him when doing push ups.

If you can lift a barbell, the stronger your body is, the better. That's the time to really test your strength.

In the second round, he must pull back.

"It's up to you. Then you should have a rest to save me too much time."

He Feng shrugged and turned to Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi.

"He Feng, you are a bit bullying people."

Yuan Yashi said with a smile and handed a bottle of water to He Feng.

He Feng unscrewed the lid and took a drink. He said, "it's not my intention to bully him. It's his own ignorance. No wonder I am."

"Well, this man is really annoyed. When he pesters me, my words are a little ugly, and he doesn't know how to leave. Just teach him a lesson. At least he won't bother me again. " Gong Wei agreed.

"He Feng, what are you going to do if he doesn't admit to losing two games?" Yuan Yashi asked curiously.

"Of course, it's forcing him to admit it, or let him forget it? That's not my style. " He Feng said.

"Sure enough!"

Yuan Yashi had no choice but to smile, just as she guessed.

Gong Wei reminds a way: "that you see to handle, don't make big trouble come to go.". Our company is now in the stage of vigorous development, and it is not suitable for negative news. "

"Well, I'll pay attention."

He Feng nodded.

At the same time, Li Yufeng is sitting at a table to rest. A companion beside him is massaging his arms and shoulders.

Li Yufeng's face is not very good-looking, this first round he Feng does not seem to win him a few, but he Feng's face is not red, breathless appearance, but let him know that he lost very ugly.

In the same way, it also made him lose a little confidence in him.

He was a little worried that there would be an accident in the second round.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Just then, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Li Yufeng immediately answered the phone and said, "Hello, cousin!"

"In the second round, what are you going to do if you lose?" The voice of a young man came over the phone.

"Cousin, do you know what's going on here?" Li Yufeng's uneasy way.

"Well, I'm watching through surveillance."

The young man said, "don't worry, I don't blame you. You just need to answer my question."

"Oh, thank you, cousin." Li Yufeng was relieved and immediately said, "if he really gets away with winning the barbell competition in the second round, I'll let him go. It's impossible for me to kneel down and apologize to him and call him grandfather. But... If my cousin doesn't want me to make trouble in the shop, I can leave directly. "

"Don't get me wrong. I'm calling you because I'm afraid that you'll lose face with our gym. You have to understand that you are the ace coach of our gym. I brought you here personally. You represent not only your personal, but also the face of meigefei gym. If you just walk away, won't our gym be ridiculed? Who will come to our store to keep fit in the future? "

"Ah? What do you mean, cousin

"Yufeng, what you are really good at is not doing push ups or lifting barbells. You are good at Sanda. So, after a while, the competition is over. No matter what the result is, you have to compete with him with your Sanda, so that we can see the real strength of our gym. Do you understand? "

"Yes, I see what you mean, cousin!"

Li Yufeng didn't know. His cousin wanted to beat the loser.

However, that loser really needs beating.

"OK, I'll see what you do. Come on." With that, the young man hung up.

"Stinky loser, you are waiting to be abused by me!"

Li Yufeng put the mobile phone away, and he was more confident.

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