"Do you kneel down or do I help you?"

For those people around watching, he Feng ignored. He grabbed Li Yufeng's collar and asked faintly.

"Asshole, go to hell..."

Li Yufeng waves his fist and smashes at He Feng's face.


He Feng kicked a foot, kicked in Li Yufeng's leg.


Suddenly, Li Yufeng bent his legs and fell on his knees.

"Ah..." his knees hit the ground heavily. The severe pain made him cry out. He just felt that his legs were going to be broken.

"Next, do you take the initiative to apologize, or do I call you to apologize?" He Feng continued.

"If you want me to apologize to you, dream about it!"

Li Yufeng stares at He Feng with hatred.

He has been beaten to his knees now. If he really apologizes, it's a shame. He won't want to stay in meigefei gym in the future.

"Well, I'll call you and apologize."

He Feng said, raised his hand will be a slap down.

"Cousin, help me!" Li Yufeng screamed with fright.

He has felt the power of He Feng. If he takes out this slap, he doesn't know how many teeth he has to lose.

For today's plan, we have to let our cousin help us to save him and teach that bastard a lesson.

He is in awe of his cousin not only because he is rich and his boss, but also because of his cousin Xue jingzhuo's strength.

He is very clear, even taught him to practice Sanda, once won the provincial Sanda Competition top three experts, were defeated by his cousin a move, and be convinced.

Li Yufeng clearly remembers that his coach said at that time that his cousin was the real martial artist. Unfortunately, his ambition was not in the martial arts field. Otherwise, he would be the first martial arts expert in Jiangbin city in the future.

It is because he deeply knows his cousin's strength that Li Yufeng still doesn't pay much attention to He Feng after seeing that he Feng easily defeated several of his accomplices.

Because he believes that as long as his cousin moves, he Feng will never come to a good end.

"Stop it

Sure enough, as soon as he called for help, Xue jingzhuo's voice rang.

Sound like thunder, as if mixed with some strange power, in the public ears.

He Feng naturally heard the sound, and his palm could not help but pause in the air, as if he was shocked by Xue jingzhuo's voice.

"Do you hear me? My cousin told you to stop. Do you know how powerful my cousin is? I tell you, my cousin can press you to death with one finger. You quickly kneel down to apologize to me, and then shout three times, so I may be able to let you go

Li Yufeng see he Feng's action stopped, can't help raising his head, to He Feng arrogant said.

"Mr. He, please apologize to my cousin Li Yufeng. I can let you go as if nothing happened."

At this time, Xue jingzhuo also followed.

His purpose is actually very simple, is to suppress He Feng in front of Gong Wei, let Gong Wei see clearly, he is much better than that man.

As for the relationship between He Feng and Gong Wei, he doesn't know much about it. He only heard that a reporter once disclosed that he Feng was taken care of by Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei at the same time.

He would not believe such news at all.

According to his own investigation, Gong Wei is a very excellent woman, and he Feng has no background, and it seems that shiyoulianjiu is taken care of by Wang Xiangyun. Will Gong Wei like such a man?

If his performance is much better than he Feng, there should be no big problem to win Gong Wei, right?


Just when Xue jingzhuo's mind was full of thoughts and his face was full of confidence, a clear slap suddenly sounded, which brought his thoughts back to reality.

"Ah What followed was the scream of Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng was covering his face, spitting out a mouthful of blood and four or five broken teeth.

Half of his face, are completely swollen up, with a clear palm print.

Later, he Fengcai slowly looked at Xue jingzhuo and asked, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you just said. Can you say it again?"

Xue jingzhuo's face suddenly became ugly, and there was a chill in his eyes.

This He Feng, is simply too does not give him face.

This slap was not only on Li Yufeng's face, but also on his face, which made him feel hot pain.

"He Feng, you have gone too far."

Xue jingzhuo stares at He Feng and says.

"Yes? I don't think... "He Feng light smile," besides, I have not too much, have something to do with you? "

With that, he Feng ignored Xue jingzhuo and looked at Li Yufeng, "now, can you apologize?"

"He Feng, you are presumptuous!"

Again and again, he Feng ignored and even despised him. Xue jingzhuo finally couldn't stand it and strode toward him Feng.

And his momentum gradually changed, from the beginning of the elegant, gentle, become wild, overbearing, like two extremes.


When he was about to get close to He Feng, the speed under his feet suddenly accelerated, and he rushed out like a cheetah, setting off a burst of breaking wind.

"Today, even if you are Weiwei's friend, I will teach you how to be a man today, so that you will not get into trouble outside and lose your life."

The voice falls, Xue jingzhuo has already come to He Feng's body, raised a hand and then drew to He Feng's face.

His speed is extremely fast, and every move is mixed with powerful power, the air seems to be shaking, full of power.

"Well? How can you cultivate your inner strength? "

Aware of the power contained in Xue jingzhuo's slap, he Feng is quite surprised.

It's no wonder that Xue jingzhuo dared to attack him after seeing that he had defeated several coaches. It turned out that his inner strength was due to cultivation.

Xue jingzhuo's accomplishments were not high, only in the early Ming Dynasty, but he was quite adept at using internal strength. Obviously, he had been stagnant in this realm for a long time.

At this moment, Xue jingzhuo looked at He Feng's eyes full of disdain and ridicule.

What if you can play? What about more power? In front of his real inner strength, he was just a local chicken and a local dog.

But soon the expression on his face froze.

Because, when he found that his palm was about to fall on He Feng's face, he suddenly couldn't move forward for half a minute.

One hand, like a vise, held his wrist tightly.

"It's powerful, but it's too slow."

He Feng shook his head and laughed, then waved his hand gently.


Xue jingzhuo's body, which was more than 140 kg, was thrown out. Fortunately, he had a good command of his strength. Instead of falling directly on the ground, he landed relatively smoothly.

But this scene, also appears very embarrassed, let him very humiliating.

"Ancient warrior, are you also an ancient warrior? How is it possible that you are just a loser with no background? How can you be a legendary ancient warrior? "

At the moment, Xue jingzhuo's eyes looking at He Feng have completely changed.

He thought he Feng had no background, just a slightly powerful ordinary person, so he Feng was ignored.

But now, this loser, who is not worth mentioning in his eyes, turns out to be an ancient warrior whose cultivation is more powerful than him.

In the past, Xue jingzhuo didn't have any idea of the ancient warrior. But by chance, he came into contact with the ancient warrior and became an ancient warrior. He knew the strength of the ancient warrior and was proud of being an ancient warrior.

So now that he Feng has become an ancient warrior, we can see how shocked he is.

"Why, if you can be an ancient warrior, I can't be an ancient warrior?"

He Feng sneered, "today, I don't want to fight with you, but if you annoy me or Wei Wei again, don't blame me for being rude. Now that you have become an ancient warrior, I think you should know something about the means of the ancient warrior. "


Xue jingzhuo's face was ugly, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Because the ancient warriors he saw were really domineering. In their eyes, those billionaires were no different from ordinary people.

Although he feels that he Feng's strength is stronger than he is, he really shouldn't have a direct conflict with He Feng with his acting style.

"Now, can you apologize?"

He Feng ignored Xue jingzhuo, and his eyes fell on Li Yufeng again.

"I, I would like to apologize..."

Li Yufeng dare to say no more. Even his cousin, who is regarded as a God by him, is thrown away by He Feng. The strength of the other party can be imagined.

So this time, Li Yufeng simply apologized.

"I'm sorry!"

"Well, don't yell for those three grandfathers. After all, I won't have such a naughty grandson as you."

He Feng stretched a stretch, to Gong Wei, "Wei Wei, Yuan Jie, now we can go."

"All right!"

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi both nodded, and then left meigefei gym with He Feng.

No one noticed that he Feng was in the middle when they left, while Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi were quite close to him.

"The loser just now, is he an ancient warrior? What is an ancient warrior? " At this time, someone in the crowd asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's some kind of martial arts master."

"If you can make boss Xue so scared, that loser may really have extraordinary skills."

"No wonder he can become the husband of Wang Dong of Yuncheng group. He may have real ability."

People looking at gradually away He Feng, eyes become a little different.

"Cousin, what should we do now? Is this not the end of the matter? "

Li Yufeng came to Xue jingzhuo with a cold tone.

"Of course not, but it's my business and I don't need you to take care of it." Xue jingzhuo looked at Li Yufeng in disgust.

That's it?

How is that possible?

Even if he Feng's strength is a little stronger, how about that? He is just a little stronger, not as strong as those people.

Besides, what about He Feng? Gong Wei's parents choose her son-in-law, only those with high military value?

In addition to the value of force, he is no better than he Feng in all aspects?


He xuejingzhuo is single, and he Feng... Married!

"Gong Wei, it will only belong to me, Xue jingzhuo! No one can take away the woman I like! "

Watching He Feng and Gong Wei walk out of the gym, Xue jingzhuo takes his eyes back and turns to leave.


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