The reason why he Feng chooses to leave Gong Wei's home at this time is not only because of the call from Chu Yue, but also because of the killer outside.

He can clearly detect that the other party seems to be intentionally or unintentionally peeping here.

It's just spying. It's not aiming with guns.

If the other side is really aimed directly with a gun, he Feng can't be so calm.

After all, this is a residential area, and there is a huge flow of people around. If the other party dares to shoot here and cause panic, it will be a big deal.

He Feng left Gong Wei's community all the way, and the feeling of being peeped at was always there.

Under the dark gaze, it seemed that there was a cool and cold killing intention.

Obviously, although the other side is willing to kill him, they are not in a hurry.

This is an extremely patient killer.

After leaving the community, he Feng drove Lexus to the direction of Liuyue club. Originally, from Gong Wei's side to Liuyue club, all the way was downtown, but he Feng went around to another dark path.

On one side of the path are houses to be demolished, and on the other side are several shopping malls under construction.

Only by building shopping malls first and then houses can the houses be sold better. It has to be said that the management of Jiangbin city is very smart. No wonder it can make the economy of Jiangbin city so prosperous.

"If there are dead people here, I believe that even if I don't deal with it, the management here will deal with it cleanly. After all, if the news about the death of people here goes out, it will have a certain impact on the sale of houses here. "

He Feng glanced around and immediately stepped on the brake at a place about to turn.


There was a sharp friction between the tire and the ground.


The car stalled.

The lights go out.

The door is open.

He Feng came down from the car and closed the door.

Without a word, he Fengjing rushed to a BYD electric car with the lights off 100 meters away.

"Oh, no, it's found out?"

Inside BYD's car, a middle-aged woman looks at He Feng, who is sprinting towards him, with a slight change of face.

In order not to let he Feng find herself, the distance between her and he Feng has always been controlled at more than 100 meters, and even the car is an electric car of choice. Unexpectedly, she was found.

But what if it's discovered?

"This place is a good place to start. It's no pity to be found here. It's time to start. Unfortunately, you can't kill him with a sniper gun. "

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart, but the speed of the middle-aged woman was not slow at all.

When he Feng just got out of the car and rushed to her, she pushed the door open, untied the seat belt and rushed out.

The whole movement, all at once.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

Body just rushed out of the car, the middle-aged woman then picked up a don't know where to take the automatic rifle, aimed at He Feng pulled the trigger.

Judging from the speed of the bullet shooting out of the barrel, this is by no means an ordinary rifle, but a modified one with extremely fast firing speed.

A whole clip of bullets, almost in five seconds, she was all hit out.

These bullets, as if forming a net, rushed to He Feng.

This bullet net covers a large area, blocking all the ways of He Feng. No matter how he dodges, he can't avoid all the bullets.

"Click, click!"

At the same time, the middle-aged woman was replaced with a new full bullet clip, aiming at the front.

"Well? What about people? "

The whole process, the middle-aged women have never been distracted once, eyes also did not move once, but the eye looking at the bullet to be shot he Feng, it is strange disappeared in her sight.

As if evaporated out of thin air!

"Are you looking for me?"

At this time, behind the familiar woman, a voice suddenly rang out.

"So fast..."

The familiar woman was shocked.


Shock is shock.

There was no pause in the movement of her hand.

Almost subconsciously, the muzzle of her gun instantly turned 180 degrees, aiming at her back, while her body had not turned at this time.

Her sense of crisis, as well as her instinct to attack, is faster than her own reaction.

"In the middle of the night, you, a beautiful woman, came out to see me. Without saying a word, you're going to shoot me. Isn't that a bit ridiculous?"

Who knows, she just turned the muzzle, then found that the muzzle of the rifle has been held by He Feng, deviated from the direction.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the rifle back.

"What else do you want? Do you want me to accompany you tonight? "

Seeing that she couldn't take back the rifle, the middle-aged woman didn't use any more force. She just looked at He Feng and said with a smile. There was no murderous air in her beautiful and mature face.

This middle-aged woman is not only good-looking, but also has a very good figure. At first glance, she knows that she often exercises and keeps fit. She is comparable to top models and full of power.

Although this kind of woman looks older, she is more charming. Even many young people may easily fall in love with her.

"Although you're pretty, brother Feng can't raise any interest at all at the thought that you are almost 50 years old now. If you can be 20 years younger, maybe Fengge will be a little interested. "

He Feng said with a smile: "however, at least you are a beautiful woman. If you can be cool and tell the people who let you kill me, I may spare your life."

"Little brother, my sister is so beautiful. Are you willing to kill me?"

The middle-aged woman said with a smile, looking very amorous.

Even, I don't know whether she intentionally or unintentionally, her neckline is inexplicably sliding down a little, showing a bit of beauty.

And the middle-aged mature woman doesn't seem to notice this, a pair of eyes just stare at He Feng.

But in the depth of her eyes, there is a cold intention to kill flashing.

As long as he Feng goes to peep at her, she will launch a fatal blow.

"Well! I'll correct it first. You say you are a sister. That's not quite true. It should be your aunt. "

He Feng said with a smile.

However, with his eyes gradually down, saw the other side of the neckline scenery, tone suddenly slightly stagnant, "in fact, I think it is OK to call sister."

"Well, go to hell!"

A kind of cold light suddenly swept by the middle-aged woman, and then her other hand, I don't know when a small and delicate red pistol appeared.

Such as blood general pistol, straight at He Feng eyebrow.

The next moment, she's going to pull the trigger.


Who knows, she was just about to shoot when she was shot in the abdomen.

Then, the strength of her whole body seemed to disappear at this moment, even the strength to move her fingers.


Rifles and pistols all fell to the ground.

And the middle-aged woman's soft body also fell to the ground.

"What's the matter? What have you done to me? "

The middle-aged woman lay on the ground, looking at He Feng, her face full of shock and panic.

She had never heard of such a way to make people lose their strength completely, but now it happened to her.


She was frightened to find that her inner strength in her elixir field seemed to be completely lost.

Dantian is broken!

"You abandoned my elixir field?"

Aware of this, the eyes of the middle-aged woman emerged a strong color of hatred.

For a warrior, Dantian is the foundation to settle down.

If the Dantian is gone, it's a death sentence. There are not many years to live.

And during this period, your enemies and opponents will come to you to settle accounts, making you a street mouse.

This life is more terrible than death.

"You are going to kill me. What's wrong with me destroying your elixir field?"

He Feng asked.


The middle-aged woman couldn't say a word.

It's true that she's going to kill each other. Instead of killing her directly, she's just destroying her elixir field. Why should she hate others?

"If I want to kill you, why don't you kill me? Just to get me to give up the employer behind me? "

The middle-aged woman asked coldly.

Now she also recognized, but she was shocked by the strength of the other side.

At a young age, her cultivation is so powerful that she is unpredictable, which is totally inconsistent with the information provided by her employer.

"Tell me your name first. What's your name?"

He Feng squats on the side of the other side, draws out a cigarette to light, and slowly takes a puff to ask.

"My name is Liu Yanhong!" Said the middle-aged woman.

"Which organization are you from?" He Feng asked.

Liu Yanhong pondered for a while, said: "I come from the red sun, but I'm just a small role in the red sun."

"Red sun?"

He Feng frowned.

I haven't heard of this organization at all.

Liu Yanhong hears he Feng's words, eyebrows slightly pick.

He didn't even hear of red sun?

Isn't it too ignorant?

"Red sun is one of the top 20 killer organizations in China. Our most brilliant achievement of red sun is to kill a great master of Huajin."

Liu Yanhong looks at He Feng's eyes with curiosity. She wants to know why he Feng hasn't even heard of HongRi.

"Oh, that's really powerful."

He Feng nodded and continued to ask: "although your cultivation is not high, even the dark strength has not reached, but I think you are good at shooting, and even reached the master level. The person who hired you to kill me should not be an ordinary person, right? Can you tell me his identity directly? "

Liu Yanhong frowned!

As a killer, it's taboo to disclose the identity of the employer. It's not allowed by the whole killer world.

"If you reveal his identity, there will be some trouble. But if you don't tell me, you won't be able to leave alive today. " He Feng sucked in the flue.

"Well, I'll tell you."

Liu Yanhong said helplessly: "the employer is a person from Jinmen, called song Shiqun."

"Wait, you say Song Shiqun is from Jinmen?"

He Feng is surprised.

"Er... You dare to offend him to death if you don't even know his identity?"

Liu Yanhong looked at He Feng with speechless eyes. "I know something about this song Shiqun. On the surface, he is just a rich businessman, but in fact, he is the rich man behind Jinmen in Nanjin City, and has a very high position in Jinmen. It is because of his financial support that Kinmen can develop rapidly in such a short time. This time, he paid ten million to kill you. "

"Ten million? When is brother Feng's head so worthless... "

He Feng looks depressed.

In the global reward list, his butcher's name is in the top three, and the reward amount is 300 billion.

And beautiful knife!

What's the difference between $10 million and $300 billion?

"Ten million is really not much, so many of our red sun experts are not willing to take this task. But how can you be so strong? "

Liu Yanhong looked at He Feng depressed, "I haven't heard of your name before, and the information provided by song Shiqun only said that your cultivation is double training. Originally, I thought this task would be extremely easy, just the Kung Fu of running errands. But you now show the strength, how also have to refine four or even five

"Er... Your red sun organization didn't know what happened at the Junlin hotel in Nanjin city last night?" He Feng asked.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Yanhong shook her head. "Last night, after I took the task, I rushed to Jiangbin City, but my mobile phone just stopped in arrears. I was going to charge the phone after this task was completed, so I don't know what happened to the outside world."

"Arrearage downtime?"

He Feng was speechless and said directly: "last night, in front of the whole ancient martial arts world in Nanjin City, I defeated the ancient martial arts in the middle of the dark force. You say, ordinary master gunner, how can you get me? "

"Defeated the ancient warrior in the middle of dark force!"

When Liu Yanhong heard this, she felt like vomiting blood.

He Feng's real strength, which she has just felt, really has the strength to defeat the medium-term master of dark strength.

But she thought he Feng has been hiding, the outside world and no one knows, but did not want last night he Feng just showed his real strength.

But she failed to pay attention to this information because her mobile phone was down. Even her friends in HongRi wanted to warn her, I'm afraid she couldn't be contacted.

Liu Yanhong wanted to commit suicide when she thought that she had come to such an end because her mobile phone was out of service.

"What's the matter? Do you hate that you didn't charge the phone bill in time?"

Looking at Liu Yanhong's regretful and depressed expression, he Feng forced himself to smile, "in the future, if the mobile phone is out of service, you have to pay the phone bill in time. Do you understand?"

"Well? You mean, you don't kill me today? "

Liu Yanhong was surprised.

He Feng shrugged, "reasonably speaking, I really should kill you, but today I'm in a good mood, I'll spare your life. Anyway, you don't have any threat to me in the future."

With that, he turned around and headed for Lexus.

Originally, he was really ready to get rid of Liu Yanhong, but he saw that the killer was such a beautiful woman. Although he was a little older, he still didn't want to kill her.

Anyway, Liu Yanhong's Dantian has been abandoned, which is equivalent to a useless person. Even if it is not abandoned, it will not pose any threat to him.

As for the other side's master level of gunshot, he Feng is very clear, Liu Yanhong no strength, in the future do not want to play a master level of gunshot.

"He Feng, don't worry, I will quit the killer world in the future. Be careful yourself. Song Shiqun is rich in financial resources. Although you are strong, he will not give up easily. One hundred million is not enough, but if he offers the price to one billion or several billion, someone will continue to deal with you. "

Behind him, came Liu Yanhong's kind reminder.

"It's OK. As long as the people who come here are not beautiful women, they will die as many as they come."

He Feng waved his hand, half of the cigarette butt in his hand was also bounced away by him, it was already out when he landed, and then he went into Lexus smartly, galloping away in the sound of a roaring motor.

Looking at Lexus leaving quickly, Liu Yanhong doesn't know why. She doesn't have any hatred for the other party's abandonment of her own elixir, but has a little regret.

"If I were twenty years younger, would it be a romantic night tonight?"


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