"Wenshu, do you think the old man will bite this time?"

He Feng didn't pay attention to Xue jingzhuo, but looked at Gong Wenshu and asked in a low voice.

Gong Wenshu stares at the fish float for a while, shakes his head and says: "this is not sure, old brother should know."

The old man said with a wry smile: "the fish situation here is a bit uncertain, because there are more people fishing and the mouth of the fish is very slippery. If you want them to bite, you have to work harder on the bait. Moreover, when lifting the pole, we must grasp the opportunity. These fish are so cunning that they don't bite hard at all. They run away after eating bait, and it's hard to get together. "

Xue jingzhuo frowned after listening to the old man. He didn't quite understand what the old man meant.

But he heard one thing clearly. The fish here are very cunning and difficult to catch.

"It's really hard to catch. The float vibrates gently, but it doesn't sink. It's obvious that the fish are eating fish food but they don't bite. Old brother, since the fish here are not easy to catch, why do you come here to catch them? It's better to go to the wild pond outside and catch some big ones. " Gong Wenshu said with a smile.

The old man said helplessly: "I also want to go out fishing at night, but the old lady at home won't let me. I'm only allowed to go fishing in this park, but how many fish can I catch here? From five o'clock in the morning to now, it's less than three jin. "

"It's only three Jin in the morning plus half a morning? That's a little bit less

"Yes, now I miss the time when I was young. At that time, I could make a ten jin fish in the wild pond. Sometimes a fish was more than ten jin."

"Hey, if you want to go out fishing, I can take you with me. I have several fishing friends who often go out fishing with me. At that time, my old sister-in-law and I will do ideological work and let her let you go out with me occasionally. "

"Yes? OK, you can add my wechat first. When you are free, I'll make an appointment with the old lady and you can tell me about her for me. "

The old man was excited when he heard this. He fixed the fishing rod beside him. Then he picked up his mobile phone and opened wechat to make friends with Gong Wenshu.

At this time, Xue jingzhuo asked: "old man, your fish floats have just suddenly stopped. Is there a fish bite?"

The old man looked at the fish float and said with some regret: "maybe he bit it, but obviously he didn't hook it. If he had lifted the pole earlier, maybe he would have lifted it."

With that, it didn't pay any attention.

In the morning and half a morning, with just two or three catties of fish, his interest in fishing is greatly reduced. It's better to chat with Gong Wenshu wholeheartedly.

"Old man, there is a fish bite again."

Before long, Xue jingzhuo said to the old man again, and wanted him to take a look.

"It's all right, no bite." The old man waved his hand.

"Not yet?"

Xue jingzhuo didn't believe it. "Maybe he really bit it. The float vibrated badly. I'll help you lift the fishing rod up and have a look."

The old man said casually, "if you want to mention it, you can do it. After that, help me hang up some bait and throw it down."

"All right."

Xue jingzhuo felt that his chance of performance had come. He quickly came forward to hold the fishing rod and lifted it up.

However, there was nothing on the hook and the bait was eaten clean.

"Well? How could there be nothing? " Xue jingzhuo frowned. He was very puzzled. The fish just floated continuously. Didn't there be a fish bite?

The old man seemed to have expected such a result and didn't say anything.

Gong Wenshu also looked at Xue jingzhuo. His face was normal and he was not disappointed.

Young people, fishing age must not be a few years, shallow experience, can not catch fish is very normal.


Xue jingzhuo didn't believe in evil. He hung a red bait with a fishy smell and threw the hook down.

Just now, he said that there was a fish bite, but he didn't pull the fish, which made him feel a little humiliated, so he thought that he must catch a fish.

"He Feng, do you think he can catch fish?"

Gong Wei stands beside he Feng and asks in a low voice.

But he Feng's voice is not small, "this is hard to say, but I see brother Xue's face confidence, fishing a few fish should not be a problem."

Hearing he Feng's voice, Gong Wenshu and the old man subconsciously look at Xue jingzhuo. Then they both look at each other and smile. They ignore Xue jingzhuo and continue to chat.

They are all old drivers in the fishing industry. They can judge Xue jingzhuo's fishing skills from the action he just threw the fishing rod out and the position where the hook and float fell.

This is obviously a novice!

"Hum, he Feng, the bastard, has returned me to the army. But I don't believe it. I can't catch a single fish. "

Xue jingzhuo snorted in his heart, but his eyes were fixed on the fish float.


All of a sudden, the fish float vibrated slightly. Xue jingzhuo was delighted and immediately lifted the fishing rod.

However, there was nothing on the hook, the bait was eaten clean, but the shadow of the fish could not be seen.

"What's the matter? I feel like I'm biting. " Xue jingzhuo frowned, then hung the bait on the hook and threw it out.

"Shua! Shua! Shua... "

In the next ten minutes, Xue jingzhuo would lift the pole almost every minute. Every time he felt that there must be a fish bite, but every time he was disappointed.

Ten minutes later, his confidence was almost polished, but he didn't think it was his skill, but he thought it was just the fish here.

It's smart to eat the bait on your hook but not bite it.

"Old man, the fish in this park are really hard to catch. Just like you said, the mouth is too slippery to bite. In the future, you'd better go fishing with Uncle Gong. " Xue jingzhuo put down the fishing rod, it seems that he gave up.

Ten minutes did not catch a fish, and then continue to catch, if not caught, it would be a bit embarrassing.

"Ha ha, good. I don't want to go fishing again in this park. It's boring." The old man laughed and agreed.

"Wenshu, since jingzhuo can't catch fish here, let's go ahead and have a look."

At this time, Yu nancui came up and said.

Originally, she wanted to see Xue jingzhuo's performance, but since Xue jingzhuo couldn't show his performance because it was hard to catch fish here, she didn't want to stay here any longer.

"All right!"

Gong Wenshu nodded and was ready to say goodbye.

"Old man, there is a fish bite." But at this time, a voice suddenly rang up.

That's what he Feng said!

"Mr. He Feng, you guessed wrong. The fish here don't bite at all. It must be the bait that makes the float tremble, not bite."

Xue jingzhuo shook his head with a smile. He looked like "I understand very well.".

"It's not really like a bite!" The old man stared at the fish float for a while and then shook his head.

Gong Wenshu looked at the fish float, but also did not speak.

"Mr. He Feng, let's go. Don't delay here." Yu nancui said.

"Uncle, since you don't lift the pole, I'll help you to do so, so as not to let the fish run away."

He Feng ignored them and went straight forward to lift the fishing rod.


A spray of water appeared on the surface of the water, and then a crucian carp of palm size was pulled up.


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