After returning to Yuncheng group, he Feng did not go to the finance department.

Now all the people in the finance department are working overtime. He is too lazy to bother.

Thinking that Yuan Yashi was still working overtime, he brought some food in the small supermarket downstairs and went directly to Yuan Yashi's office.

"Dong Dong..."

He Feng knocked on the door.

"Come in, please

Yuan Yashi's tired voice came from the office.

He Feng opens the door and sees the woman sitting at her desk looking at a document with a serious look.

She used to work in Wang Xiangyun's office and didn't have her own independent office, but now as vice president, Wang Xiangyun has arranged an independent office for her, and the office is next to Wang Xiangyun's office.

Tang Tang, vice president, does not have his own independent office, that can be a bit unreasonable.

With an independent office, it is much more convenient to work.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Yuan Yashi raised her head.

"Eh, he Feng, are you back?"

When Yuan Yashi saw he Feng coming back, she was surprised and said, "Wei Wei and I thought you would spend the night at Lulu's tonight."

He Feng smiles and walks to Yuan Yashi, "I was going to spend the night at Lulu's house, but I think that you and Weiwei are still working overtime in the company, I'm talking about you, so I'll come to see you immediately after dinner."

"Did you really come after dinner? Nothing? " Yuan Yashi looks at He Feng carefully.

He Feng even said: "of course, nothing..."

At this time, we must not admit it, or brother Feng will be too hypocritical.

Yuan Yashi narrowed her eyes, "whether you're dry or not, I'll know after a while."

"Well, you can do whatever you want."

He Feng touched his nose, "however, you have worked for such a long time, I think you are tired enough, inspection of things or later, I will help you massage, let you relax."

With that, he Feng went to Yuan Yashi's back, pinched her shoulder, and then massaged her temples.

Yuan Yashi said, "well, it's comfortable. If you can accompany me all day long, that's great."

He Feng grinned and said: "it seems that sister yuan has loved me to the marrow..."

Yuan Yashi rolled her eyes and said, "you think too much. I just think that if you can accompany me all day long, you can massage me at any time when I am tired, so that I won't be too tired when I work."


He Feng is a little speechless. Sister yuan has been with Wang Xiangyun for a long time and has learned to choke.

"By the way, what about Wang Xiangyun? In the office or downstairs? " Thinking of Wang Xiangyun, he Feng couldn't help asking.

"Well, after dinner, she practiced for a while, and then went to the lab again."

"Still working on the thing before her?"

"I don't know about that, because when I saw her go to the laboratory, she also brought some pills, or maybe she went to the laboratory to practice."

"All right!"

He Feng asks again: "that Wei Wei is also practicing?"

Yuan Yashi nodded and said, "well, she is practicing all day long. Do you miss her? Do you want me to call her over?"

He Feng thought about it and said, "since she is practicing, forget it."

"Are you going to spend the night at Vivian's house?" Yuan Yashi suddenly asked with some expectation.

He Feng pondered: "I may have to leave Jiangbin city in two days, and go to other provinces to deal with some things, so I'd better deal with things in Jiangbin city today and tomorrow, so as not to delay."

What he said was to plant spiritual seeds for MI Dongyu.

Mi Dongyu is not very familiar with him, and knows that he is a mythical thing. If he does not plant spiritual seeds, he Feng is a little worried after all.

Moreover, if Mi Dongyu can also break through to Huajin, he Feng will be a little relieved if there is another Huajin master in Nanjin city.

"I'm not going to spend the night at Weiwei's house tonight..."

Yuan Yashi tooted his lips, obviously a little disappointed.

She pursed her lips and suddenly said, "since you don't go to Weiwei's house for the night, I'll call Weiwei now and let her come over."

"Ah? What's she doing here? " He Feng is confused.

Yuan Yashi ignored him and just picked up her mobile phone and made a call to Gong Wei.

Three minutes later, Gong Wei came to Yuan Yashi's office.

As soon as she came in, she stared at He Feng and asked, "won't you go to my house tonight?"

He Feng has no choice but to nod, "I have to deal with some things tonight. Let's wait a few days."

Gong Wei had just learned about it from Yuan Yashi, so she didn't show much disappointment at the moment.

She just stares at He Feng for a few seconds and seems to be thinking about something.

Then, her eyes fixed on the big sofa in the office, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she said in a low voice, "take off your clothes."


He Feng doesn't know if he heard it wrong.

Gong Wei's voice is slightly enlarged, and she stares at He Feng. You are a legend, but you can't hear me clearly?

How irritating!

"No? Then I'll take it off for you! "

With that, Gong Wei has rushed to He Feng.

"Hey, Weiwei, don't be impulsive. I'm not going to spend the night at your house tonight. How can you trample on my dignity as a man?"

"Sister yuan, come and help."

"Are you two trying to strengthen your shoulders?"

"Hum, you are the strong one!"


These two women are crazy. He Feng says that they are tired. His daughter-in-law Wang Xiangyun's office is next door. Are they too brave?

But why does it feel exciting?!

It took nearly two hours for He Feng to disarm.

And two women gentle chat for a while, he Feng see Wang Xiangyun is still in the laboratory did not come out, then took the initiative to find the past.

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi went straight home.

"Dong Dong..."

He Feng came to the door of the laboratory and knocked.


After waiting for a full minute, the huge door of the laboratory was opened, and Wang Xiangyun came out with a little satisfaction on his face.

Seeing this, he Feng couldn't help asking: "daughter in law, did you succeed in your experiment?"

Wang Xiangyun didn't hide it. He said with a smile, "well, it should be almost there."

"Congratulations, I've been studying for so long, and I'm going to succeed." He Feng congratulated.

"What's so long, I started to study in these two days, OK?"

Wang Xiangyun said: "the research I did today is not the same as what I studied before. I'm still doing the final integration of the previous research, which needs a little time. What I'm studying now is this pill. "

With that, Wang Xiangyun also shook a Xuanyuan pill in his hand.

No, to be exact, it should be half.

"Why don't you study xuanyuandan? Even if you have worked out its prescription, you are not a pharmacist and can't make it. Moreover, even if it's refined, it's useless. Now the market of pills is basically controlled by the top ten medicine halls. Even if we open another medicine hall, it's hard to seize the market and make no money at all. " He Feng said.

"Ha ha, don't study the market. You may be good at making money, but when it comes to business, I'm more experienced than you. "


He Feng did not retort, because there is no way to retort, Wang Xiangyun this woman is a famous business genius, he really can't compare with each other.

I just don't know if Wang Xiangyun, a business genius, can match Ruo die.

After thinking about it, he thinks that their business talents should be similar, but Ruo die should be better in ability.

The reason is very simple. If the butterfly comes from a big family, he has been exposed to all kinds of top things since he was a child. His vision and ability are beyond people's imagination.

If Wang Xiangyun had been exposed to such a platform since childhood, her current achievements would not be as simple as a cloud city group.

He Feng asked, "have you come up with anything?"

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile, "there are no results yet, but there are preliminary progress now. By the way, can I buy some more elixirs for me? I can use it

"Daughter in law, since you have spoken, I have no problem. You can talk to Xueqing directly in the future. Let her father send someone to send her what she needs. Just keep the money in the account. I'll transfer it to him later. "

"Well, I'll look for her when I get to the Liuyue club."

Wang Xiangyun said.

"All right! Daughter in law, you haven't said why do you study xuanyuandan? " He Feng continued to ask.

"Go to the car first. Don't stand here. Let's go back to Liuyue club." Wang Xiangyun thought that he would go back and practice again later.

He Feng is not worried, and Wang Xiangyun left the building together, came to the garage.

As for Ling Weiyu, although she has many things to deal with, she doesn't need to work overtime, so after work in the evening, she drives away by herself and goes to Xingyuan instead of Liuyue club.

She hasn't been to see Aunt yuan these days, so she plans to accompany aunt yuan and her children and spend a night there.


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