Wang Xiangyun nodded and said, "Well! Moreover, our cost is very low. Refining pills also costs the pharmacist a sum of money, and may even fail. But we don't need a pharmacist, and the probability of refining failure will be very low, because we are mass-produced things, and everything is done step by step. "

He Feng gave the woman a thumbs up, "daughter-in-law, if you can really study this medicine, I am responsible for helping you open and stabilize the market."

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile, "ha ha, I'll just open the market. You're not good at it. After all, it's aimed at ordinary people, not guwu circle. However, I really need your help in stabilizing the market. I'm worried that the people in the pharmacy will be jealous and do something in secret when I heard you say that just now. "

"Well, I'll be responsible for stabilizing the market. Don't worry. Even if I don't have to do it then, as long as I declare that you are the daughter-in-law of the he family, few people will make any further decisions." He Feng said.

"Well, but the premise is that my research can succeed and turn these data into products."

Wang Xiangyun said: "in the next few days, I will stay in the Liuyue club and concentrate on the final research. As soon as the elixir arrives, I will start to practice. If I succeed in making potions, I will develop more kinds at one time, then apply for patents, and finally officially open up the market. "

"Well, I'll wait for your good news."

He Feng grinned and said, "if you can develop this potion, it will definitely attract wide attention. It's OK to win a Nobel Prize at that time."

Wang Xiangyun shook his head and said nothing.

It's just some potions that can slightly improve people's physique

If another of my own research is published, it should not be widely concerned, but shocked the whole world, right?

Wang Xiangyun is quite confident in his research.

However, it takes a lot of resources to make a share of the medicine. The good thing is that ordinary people can also use it directly. Once ordinary people use it, their physical skills will be improved in an all-round way. They directly have the strength to train more than one body weight. They have strong willpower, can endure pain, and even can directly reach triple body weight.

Now Wang Xiangyun's physique has reached the triple level of physical training.

As for the sublimation version

Wang Xiangyun is not sure, but she estimates that once her own research and development is successful, she can at least make people's physique reach more than quadruple.


More than half an hour later, they returned to the club.

"Xiao Feng, just now I received a call from my elder brother. The mieshen pavilion has retaliated against us."

He Bayun came out with a gloomy face and said: "a team leader of Yanhuang railway brigade with initial cultivation of Huajin was shot by a hidden sniper when he accompanied his wife for a walk in the community half an hour ago. His wife, though just an ordinary person, was also killed, which made the whole community extremely panic. "

"The people of mieshen pavilion are so arrogant?" He Feng's face is also a little ugly, "and, the high-level people of Yanhuang railway brigade, shouldn't their whereabouts be very secret? Is the identity of the captain exposed? "

He Bayun said: "the mieshen Pavilion seems to be keeping a low profile, but in fact they are very arrogant. Every time we hit their strength, they will retaliate against us. I expect that they will have follow-up actions. As for the captain... "

After a long pause, he did not hide anything. He said, "no accident. During the years when we lost control of the yellow and yellow iron brigades, there must have been many people who had fought the idea of Yan Huang Tie brigade, such as putting a few eye lines in, or buying several high levels of the yellow and Yellow Iron Brigade. In a word, the current Yanhuang railway brigade is no longer the Yanhuang railway brigade of that year. Compared with Tianlong Babu, it is weaker and weaker. Even compared with the dragon group, they are slightly weaker. Next, big brother is busy enough. "

To this, he Feng also has no way.

It is reasonable to say that the he family has given up Yanhuang railway brigade for so many years, and it is impossible to regain control.

Now it's as like as two peas, and it's even more impossible.

"Monkey, you can send a message back to Shenlong island in your capacity, and ask the family to help collect all the information about mieshen Pavilion. Don't keep a low profile. Now we can't have a direct conflict with mieshen Pavilion."

He Feng looked at the monkey and said.

"I know, boss. I'm going to send a message to my brother." The monkey nodded and turned away.

"Xiao Feng, it's best for you to collect information from the mieshen Pavilion. If you can't, don't force it. This force is not simple. In addition to numerous myths, we suspect that there may be the shadow of the three Japanese Dao sects behind it. Although your dragon mercenary regiment is powerful, it is still too weak in front of the three big sword sects. "

He Bayun gave a warning.

"Three big sword sect?" He Feng frowned. It's the first time he's heard about the "three big sword sect." are these three big sword sects very strong

He Bayun nodded and said, "we have eight sects in China. Do you think other countries will not have some powerful forces? Each of the three Dao sects is no weaker than the sect of our kingdom. There are many myths about the strong and the most powerful. "


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Why didn't you say it earlier?

Now he has the impulse to call the monkey back and ask him not to investigate the mieshen Pavilion. What if he is found?

But think about it or forget it. The reason why mieshen Pavilion retaliates against Yanhuang railway brigade is because he He Feng. If he turns a blind eye and doesn't care about anything, his conscience is a little hard.

"In addition, Xiao Feng, you have to be a little more careful next time. Since mieshen Pavilion will retaliate against Yanhuang Iron Brigade, it is likely that it will also attack you. Even... "

He Bayun said solemnly: "if they fail to achieve satisfactory results in the next revenge action against he's family, they may point the gun at you. And your cultivation talent is very terrible. In addition, they speculate that there may be he family experts to protect you. Next time, they will attack you, which is probably a myth. "

"Well, isn't it? The strength that I'm showing to the outside world is only seven fold training, which is equivalent to the initial strength of Huajin. They will send myths to deal with such a weak strength. " He Feng surprised said.

When Mi Dongyu, who just came to the hall, heard this, he suddenly began to smoke wildly.

Boss, we all know that you are very strong, but can you not say that you are weak?

It's also very powerful, OK?

He Bayun said: "you're not fake, but you're only 26 years old. In principle, when you are 26 years old, you will be able to break through to Huajin. Coupled with the cultivation of our he family, you may become a myth in your thirties. For mieshen Pavilion, this is absolutely a genius, enough to make them send out a myth. However, at the beginning, they should at most send out low myth. Even if you can't cope with it with your strength, it's not a big problem to run for your life. Just be careful yourself. You should also grasp the cultivation and strive to reach the true Qi State as soon as possible. "

He Bayun estimates that if he Feng breaks through the double of true Qi, he can fight against the myth of triple of true Qi even if he doesn't use unique skills.

He Feng nodded and said, "don't worry, er Bo. I will try my best to practice. As for mieshen Pavilion, I will also be careful. If they really send the myth of three realms of Qi to deal with me, I can only say that they have courage. But if it is lower than the three levels of true Qi, then I will let them never come back, and let the kingdom of China become their bone burial place.

"Well, it's domineering, just like your father used to be."

He Bayun also no longer said, patted He Feng's shoulder, "so late, you have a rest early, I also went to practice, and strive to reach the medium myth as soon as possible."


After he Bayun left, he Feng took a look at Wang Xiangyun.

But Wang Xiangyun ignored him and took Ji Xinyu and others to practice.

So big living room, leave he Feng with a few men only.

"Ah, brother Feng's life is not easy. There are so many beautiful wives, but they still have to keep empty rooms."

He Feng sighed helplessly, then looked at Mi Dongyu and said, "Mi Dongyu, come to the training room with me."

"Ah?" Mi Dongyu subconscious chrysanthemum a tight.

What happened?

You just said that if you want to keep an empty room alone, you're going to let me go to the training room with you. You don't want to make women and men, do you?

"Damn, what do you think?"

He Feng face suddenly black down, very ugly.

Suspect Maple brother anything, even suspect the orientation of maple brother, maple brother's orientation how can there be a problem?

"Well, I didn't think about anything."

Mi Dongyu quickly explained.

Knowing that he misunderstood He Feng, he was no longer worried and followed him to the training room.


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