"What's so strange about that."

Xia Bingbing patiently explained: "business dinner usually comes with a charity auction. For example, the car seller will take his car out for auction, and the house seller will take a house out for auction, and the money will be directly paid to the charity account. It's a disguised advertisement, and it's also a great good thing. "

"What shall we auction later?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in a voice, "won't auction omen?"

"It's underwear!"

Xia Bingbing gnashes her teeth and itches. This guy is too vulgar. Can't he be more elegant? It's awful.

"Yes, underwear." Zhao Chengfeng quickly correct, afraid to annoy the woman, but think about it, Zhao Chengfeng asked: "however, to tell you the truth, just a few sets of underwear, also can't sell much money, will not disgrace the name of our company?"

Smell speech, Xia Bingbing look some ugly, this is also Xia Bingbing worried. Why do so many business tycoons come to this dinner party? On the one hand, it is to give the president face and develop his business; The other is for advertising.

Because at the moment of auction, the whole screen will show the company's profile, products and other information, which will be directly photographed and put on the financial channel of the local TV station. This is a very special advertising campaign.

However, perfume lilies are most famous for their underwear and perfume. Underwear is not in good taste. Perfume is good, but it is not a big brand after all. If it's Chanel, it's another matter.

"I can't do it. I'll donate more money later." Xia Bingbing some dejected way, finish saying, then carry up wine cup, walked toward crowd again.

This is the dinner party. We should constantly communicate and discuss with people.

"Am I going to help her?" Zhao Chengfeng is suspicious. After thinking about it, he suddenly has an idea.

Because of the appearance of Wang Chenglin, Zhao Chengfeng became the first focus in everyone's eyes. However, because before everyone coax, look down on Zhao Chengfeng, now everyone can't wipe their face, go forward to make up. Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng is very free at the moment, only Wang Chenglin is with him like a little follower.

"Xiao Wang, what's the efficiency of the company recently? Have you rented out the facade yet?" Zhao Chengfeng while drinking wine, while knocking two Lang legs asked, appears particularly leisurely.

Wang Chenglin half butt next to the sofa, said with a smile: "the overall is still good, only the top floor of the ten or so facade, generally feel that the price is high, the location can not keep up with the next few floors, so we just come to see, did not rent out."

"Well, bring me a set of facade contract. Write down the rent for one year. Don't fill in the price. Send it to me when it's done." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

"Well, I'll do it now." Wang Chenglin didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and immediately prepared to go.

Wang Chenglin had the honor to have dinner with Zhao Chengfeng before. At that time, his boss, Nangong Ming, said that this is my brother. You can't listen to my brother's words, but if you don't listen to my brother's words, don't blame me for being rude!

Wang Chenglin knows Nangong boss well. The famous prince in Beijing wants money, power and power. He knows a lot of cattle. It is said that when he came to Beihai City, even the head of Beihai City met him in person. Even the boss respected people, Wang Chenglin how dare to make mistakes? I'm not sure I've done it as an imperial edict.

Wang Chenglin acted quickly. In less than five minutes, he finished the work and sent the contract to Zhao Chengfeng.

"A small shop with less than 30 square meters has not been renovated, and the rent is 880000 yuan a year?" When Zhao Chengfeng saw the contract, he was shocked.

Nima, it's too expensive. It's only a year's rent. If you buy it, it's not worth millions of dollars?

"Yes." Wang Chenglin explained: "the main reason is that the floor is relatively high and the passenger flow is not particularly large, so the price is lower. If it is the first floor, it will have to quadruple."

"I'll go to that one!"

Zhao Chengfeng is a little confused. This is the real profiteering, the real local rich man. If you don't do anything for a day, just wait for the rent.

Now it seems that the old lady Dong Fang spent billions to photograph Yida department store, but not all of them were hot headed. At that time, she looked a little too much, but the money will come back to her pocket sooner or later.

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry. After this chamber of Commerce banquet, our name has become a little more famous. There must be some people who come to rent shops at that time. When they start business this year, they will increase the rent next year." Wang Chenglin thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is not satisfied with the rent, so he gives some advice.

Zhao Chengfeng takes a look at Wang Chenglin and says that this is also a talent of NIMA. It's just a copy of Zhou Qipi. Sun Tzu is a bit too poisonous.

Ordinary businesses don't want to make money a few months ago when they open their doors. Yida department store is located here. As long as it doesn't sell defective products, it's absolutely not difficult to do business. One year later, there will be money coming back. But just when I saw the money back, the landowner immediately took a bite, which was not heavy enough to make you want to scold.

"From south to north, what you buy has never been sold." Zhao Chengfeng thought that he had a good command of business. He didn't expect that Wang Chenglin was even worse. He thought that he learned from Nangong Ming.

Zhao Chengfeng also did not make a statement, but said: "what, this contract is changed to five years, oh no, to ten years. Don't fill in the amount. I'll be useful later."

Zhao Chengfeng thought, unexpectedly to help women, that naturally let women fly to the sky, let perfume lilies attract much attention, just do things, Zhao Chengfeng really disdains to do.

"Yes, I'll get it right away." Although Wang Chenglin doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng wants to do, he still has to do it to the letter.

After two steps, Wang Chenglin suddenly came back, got close to him and said in a low voice: "Mr. Zhao, just now the head of the security guard recruited him. He and the woman were instigated by Li Shaodong, deliberately aiming at you, or I'll blow Li Shaodong out?"

"Well? I don't know what Li Shaodong is. " Zhao Chengfeng was very puzzled when he heard that he had never heard of anyone.

Wang Chenglin said: "Mr. Zhao, you don't know. He is the chairman of Shanda real estate in Beihai city. There are dozens of agencies in Beihai city. He is a character..."

"Can you show me who it is, at the scene?" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to hear all this nonsense. He interrupts and asks.

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