Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 20 Don't Touch My Square Handkerchief! (Third Change, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets

"This is unbelievable! I really didn't expect that this old man would be the first to pass the level!"

"With this skill, with this skill! There is really no need to practice any more!"

"Wow, I've lost my sight!"

"Who can imagine that an old man is so awesome!"

"0001 is amazing!" In an instant, the entire interstellar channel was swiped by 0001!

Really, it surprised everyone.

0438 looked at 0001 who was staggering away, and stammered:

"With this level, indeed, there is no need to practice anymore..."

Immediately, 0438 led the other four people in the team towards a place where no one was there.

Practice with your own square handkerchief.

Contacted for about five minutes or so.

They then went to find other people to gamble with.

But, after all the calculations, they ignored one problem.

That is, the number of people is limited.

Everyone has found their other half almost from the beginning.

And those who came later like them can only go to find those who have two phalanxes left to gamble.

This is tantamount to increasing the workload for them who are already tight on time.

Suddenly 0882 shouted:

"Xibaer, why don't you play with me anymore!"

"You can't give up halfway!"

Listening to 0882's request, the contestant frowned, and asked the NPC in red with a weapon beside him:

"Is there a rule that I can only play games with him?"

Facing the contestant's question, the NPC in red shook his head.

Did not speak.

Seeing the stance of the NPC in red, 0882 really has nowhere to use it.

"Okay, I want to see if you can win if you play with others!"

After all, 0882 is going to find the next contestant to discuss.

However, before he could take a few steps, 1122 reached out and patted his shoulder from behind.

Turning his head, 0882 was stunned.

"Huh? Are you going to fight?"

Faced with 0882's questioning, 1122 pointed at the red-clothed NPC behind him, and said with disdain:

"No, can't you see the NPC behind?"

"Fighting is prohibited on the playing field!"

"Xi, Xiba!"

"The two of us, let's gamble!"

Faced with 1122's invitation to a gambling fight, 0882 couldn't wait for it!

He just beat the previous contestant so much that he didn't want to play anymore, and was worrying about what to do with the next unfortunate one!

It's really sleepy. I came to send a pillow.

"Come on, come on!"

"However, I have a request, you have to call first!" 0882 rolled his eyes and said to 1122 with a smile.

1122 couldn't help laughing when he heard 0882's request.

She had never heard such a cheap request.

Let her fight first!

I really don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!

Thinking of this, 1122 stretched out his hand directly, signaling 0882 to put the square handkerchief away.

After 0882 was put away, 1122 moved his hands, and then took a deep breath.


Shout out.

As he unbuttoned his clothes, a gust of wind blew.

The two phalanxes came into contact.

Her square handkerchief turned over directly with the square handkerchief of 0882.

Looking at the overturned Fangpa, 0882 opened his mouth.


"Hit, hit it?"

"No, it's impossible!" 0822 said with a face full of disbelief.

How could his Fangpa be overturned so easily!

He can't accept it!

Because just now, he only needs to win one more phalanx to pass the level.

Results now.

He has to win both!

Moreover, the most annoying thing is that if the opponent hits his square handkerchief, he has to let the opponent continue to fight first!

After placing a square handkerchief again, 0882 looked nervously at the position where he put the square handkerchief.

1122 continued the previous appearance, moved his arms twice, and hit him directly!

The square handkerchiefs collided, and the square handkerchiefs of 0882 were overturned again!

Looking at his overturned square handkerchief, 0882 wiped the fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

Then he said:

"Luck, good luck!"

"Let's come again!"

Facing 0882's request, 1122 nodded and said:

"How many times, the result is the same!"

Faced with 1122's self-confidence, 0882 put the square handkerchief away again.

When 1122 had just moved his arms like the previous two times, 0882 suddenly stopped:

"Wait, wait a minute!"

"I want to change the position for my Fangpa!"

Saying that, 0882 moved his square handkerchief by one position.

But when 1122 was about to shoot again, he stopped!

"Etc., etc!"

Who, 0882 took a step ahead of 1122, and picked up his square handkerchief.

Seeing this, 1122 said impatiently:

"What are you doing?"

"Can't afford it?"

Facing 1122's questioning, 0882 snorted coldly and retorted:

"I can't afford it, I, I'm being cautious!"

Speaking of which, 0882 put his square handkerchief on a stone pillar about one meter high.

Looking at the square handkerchief on the stone pillar, 1122 frowned, and asked 0882:


1122's expression at this moment was completely captured by 0882, only 0882 said excitedly:

"No change, sure!"

Hearing that 0882 is confirmed, 1122 will do it directly!


With a sound, the two square handkerchiefs touched together, and then flew towards the sky at the same time.

Immediately, it kept rolling.

And because of the direction of the force, the square handkerchief of 0882 fell towards the ground.

It did not fall on the stone pillar again.


Positive, positive! 0882 kept praying.

But it's a pity.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that 1122 was going to get his square handkerchief.

"What the hell?"

"Don't touch my Fangpa!"

"Let me down!"

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