Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 25 What Is Chen Xiang's Background? (Eighth More)

"Order! Human Alliance Seed Project, ready to start!"

Hearing the words of the controller of the Zhongzhou domain, the liaison officers of the Zhongzhou domain were all surprised.

Just listen to them stammering:

"Boss, let's stop discussing with the members of the Human Alliance?"

"Order directly?"

Hearing the liaison officer's inquiry, the controller of the Zhongzhou domain angrily knocked on his head and said:

"Stupid, do you still have time to discuss with them?"

"Directly issue orders, each domain, prepare your own seed plan, the fire of human beings, cannot be extinguished!"

"We have to prevent it from happening!"

After finishing speaking, the controller of the Zhongzhou domain saw that those liaison officers wanted to open their mouths to refute, and immediately became angry:

"What else do you want to say? Am I not clear enough?"

"Or, my identity as the commander-in-chief of the war doesn't work anymore?"

Hearing that his boss had made up his mind to go, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Okay, okay, head."

"we know!"

After receiving the news from Zhongzhou Yu, Dongyu and Nanyu were stunned.

"What the hell? Is this human civilization about to fall?"

All of a sudden, the news that the seed plan will be implemented is everywhere!

Even Chen Xiang's interstellar channel is not immune:

"Have you heard? The seed plan is about to be implemented!"

"I heard that it seems that only 5,000 people in our northern domain can participate in the seed project."

"Gah, doesn't that mean that we are abandoned?"

"It's so unfair, just like this world, except for the show in front of you, everything is unfair."

"So angry!"

Chen Xiang happened to be watching these barrages at the moment.

The information in the barrage was captured by him.

"What seed plan?"

"Five thousand people?"

"Is there going to be a war in the Northern Territory? Was it abandoned?"

"Won't it be the same as Wandering Earth? Save the last human seeds?" Chen Xiang thought to himself.

However, he cannot leave now.

Once he leaves, the time of this world will be stopped!

Moreover, the live broadcast screen will also be static.

A series of follow-up problems caused by this, Chen Xiang has no solution yet.

So, he's not leaving the space until the show is over.

Think here.

Chen Xiang sighed.

At the same time, I prayed silently: My fleet, come quickly!

In the evening, Beiyu captured a signal again.

And, it was translated!

"Captain Chen Xiang, we have arrived at the border of the Northern Territory as promised, and are currently waiting for your further instructions!"

Looking at the translated information, the controller of the Northern Territory clicked his tongue.

"One afternoon, you repeatedly captured the signal of the G-class fleet and deciphered it?"

"What about the H-rank fleet?"


Looking at those silent liaison officers, the controller of the Northern Territory suddenly became angry.

But who knew, those liaison officers said in unison:

"Boss, what we captured was the message sent by the H-class fleet."

Immediately, a liaison added:

"Oh, by the way, two more were captured. It's very clear that they were launched by the H-class fleet."

"The information is exactly the same."

Hear from liaisons.

The master of the Northern Territory sat in his seat.



"This guy named Chen Xiang, what is his background?"

"Do you want to tell the other domains?"

"Convening a Human Race Survival Conference?"


In the evening, at ten twenty-five.

Tonight, the contestants are well prepared!

The conservatives headed by 0438 chose to use those bed frames to build a line of defense!

Seeing this, 0882 walked up to 0438, and said with disdain:

"You boy, do you think these broken things can stop us?"


After hearing 0882's words, 0438 smiled instead of anger.

Just listen to him laughing and saying:

"At least, my teammates can be trusted!"

"And your teammates, not necessarily!"

"They are all the most notorious contestants among the contestants."

"Although it looks vicious."

"But, can you really trust them?"

Hearing 0438's ridicule, 0882 finally frowned on the matter of force.

If 0438 hadn't reminded him, he would indeed continue to fight and kill tonight.

Especially revenge!

Revenge on 1122!

From yesterday's knife, until now, his wound is still aching.

Even, there is some rotten taste.

This annoyed him very much.

However, after such a reminder from 0438, he is also afraid!

He was afraid of being stabbed in the back!

Especially when he himself was injured.

Once there is another fight with these villains, it's really hard to say whether he will be stabbed in the back by a kid with evil plans.

Thinking of this, he walked back to his place.

After returning to his territory, he saw 0882's younger brother 0666 running up and asking:

"Boss, what are we going to do tonight?"

"That guy in 1122, do you want to get rid of it?"

Facing the younger brother's inquiry, 0882 immediately became alert.

When 1122 is mentioned at this time, is that implying that he, the boss, is dead? To abdicate?

This is not a good sign!

Thinking of this, 0882 said angrily:

"Deal with a ghost!"

"Tonight, stay honest with me!"

"No one is allowed to kill!"

Hearing the threat of 0882, those villains nodded honestly.

However, when 0882 was lying on the bed, several villains whispered together:

"This guy is actually cowardly, what's the matter?"

"He doesn't really think that we are all his younger brothers, does he? We are obviously just forming an alliance temporarily!"

"That's right, he takes himself too seriously!"

"Or, tonight." As he said that, the villain gestured at his neck.

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