Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 28 Marginal People, Solitaire Throws The Handkerchief! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

After hearing Chen Xiang's words, the contestants heaved a sigh of relief.

This one game.

They continue to this day.

Not forgotten!

Even, as a puzzle game for elementary school students, it has been deeply excavated!

Seeing the expressions of joy suddenly revealed by this group of contestants, Chen Xiang froze for a moment.

Immediately, the memory hidden in his body was awakened!

It was in a garden where a group of children were playing and throwing handkerchiefs together?

No, not throwing a handkerchief in the traditional sense.

Rather, a kind of improved game that cannot be said?

In an instant, Chen Xiang understood!

However, it was this improved game that re-inspired Chen Xiang's inspiration. He planned to change the previous setting, play this, new idea!

Just listen to Chen Xiang speaking, personally introducing the requirements:

"Now, please form a team first, ten people to a team!"

"If you can't find your teammates, then you will be miserable!"

"Ten minutes, time, start!"

After Chen Xiang said something serious, the countdown began!

After hearing Chen Xiang's words, the contestants panicked!

Especially seeing the countdown clock.

No one wanted to be one of the last two remaining.

"What the fuck, do you want ten people? We have exactly ten people in this team? Why don't we change?"

"No more!"

"There are only five of us! Why don't we go directly to a small team of five?"

The contestants interact with each other.

At the same time, they all believe in one thing, that is, the speed must be fast!

No matter whose idea, as long as it is feasible, implement it immediately!

After all, no one wants to die!

And the interstellar channel is also lively:

"There's something about this new square NPC. It talks a lot?"

"That's right, talking a lot? It's outrageous!"

"This is the time to test your popularity, hey, I guess, 0882 and the others will be in danger!"

"I feel like this kind of checkpoint is 0882 who wants to kill me!"


Eight minutes have passed!

The last line is full of people!

Only the woman in 1452 and the woman in 2020 who looked like a child remained.

"Just the two of us?"

"Uncle, are you going to kill us?" 2020 asked Chen Xiang standing on the high platform with a very sweet voice.

After Chen Xiang heard the question about 2020, he just laughed, and then waved to several NPCs in red with triangles printed on their masks.

When those NPCs received the order, they directly pulled them outside!

"let me go!"

"Let me go!"

"Please, don't kill me! I can do anything!"

"Don't kill me!"

"Please! Brother 0882!"

"Ouba, help me!"

"Don't abandon me!"

Looking at 1452 who was crying and begging for mercy, everyone shook their heads.

On the contrary, after being set up by these red-clothed NPCs in 2020, he was not noisy.

Instead, she stared at Chen Xiang's mask with her big eyes.

It seems that it is like being able to see through Chen Xiang's face under the mask.

Watching them being taken away, there was a commotion in the interstellar channel:

"Damn, my favorite 2020 was taken out and killed! It's too much!"

"Can't you feel sorry for little Lolita?"

"Hehe, simple man, don't you see that the little girl is very scheming?"

"Funny! A bunch of LSPs!"


When they were brought back to the lounge by the NPC in red, 1452 was stunned.

"No, don't kill me, us?"

Facing 1452's inquiry, the NPC in red said indifferently:

"Please stay here honestly!"

After all, he turned around and stood at the designated position, ignoring 1452.

And 2020 beside her laughed:

"Big sister, I'm afraid you don't know Ao!"

"This thing is called a marginal person among children!"

"As marginal people, they will not drive them away, but let them wait!"

"When there is space, the marginal players will play again."

"In other words, that is, we have a bye!"

Hearing 2020's explanation, 1452 breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said: That's how it is.

But when she reacted, she stared and said:

"You already knew!?"

"Then you don't tell me, it's too shameful!"

"Especially that one-second man who begs so lowly!"


Back to the playing field, after those red-clothed NPCs took 1452 and 2020 away.

Chen Xiang said with a smile:

"Listen, my rules, just say it once!"

"A group of ten people, squatting on the ground, playing word solitaire! The NPC in red standing behind you is the handkerchief."

"During Word Solitaire, you have to press the answering machine, and only the person who pressed the answering machine can answer!"

"There are 420 people here, that's 42 groups!"

"You need to eliminate five groups, that is, fifty people. After that, today's game will be over?!"

"By the way, a warm reminder, the NPC in red stood behind you for more than three seconds and did not answer, the entire group will be eliminated!"

Hearing Chen Xiang's request, the contestants were stunned!

If you can't answer in three seconds, the whole group will be eliminated? ? !

This is really the puzzle game they played to throw the handkerchief!

Thinking of this, the players want to cry but have no tears.

"Okay, let me speak first!"

"Then, according to the serial number in front of you, one by one, you will go to the back to catch the dragon!"

After Chen Xiang finished speaking, the contestants looked down at the numbers on the answering machine in front of them.

"Preface: Longevity!"

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