Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 31 Insidious And Cunning Contestants

"Quick, think quickly!"

"Yes, it's coming!"

Looking at the NPC in red who was about to stand behind them, the woman with messy hair shouted at her teammates.

But his teammates are also flustered yuppies.

Who can pick it up?

Dog, do you want to live?

Gou Fugui, don't you forget each other?

Can't think of it at all!

Even the viewers on Interstellar Channel felt sorry for it.

Because of these words, too far from everyday life:

"Wan Duzi, what kind of dog, I can't think of it, don't blame those contestants for being stupid!"

"Yeah, we can't think of anything without threats, let alone those contestants staring at the pressure of death threats!"

"Hey, it looks like the fourth game is about to end!"

"Pfft! It's a bit outrageous."

"It doesn't matter if it's dead, the player I'm holding down is at the end."

"You can pass the level without answering, the contestants behind are really happy!"


"Xiba, I'd rather die than die like this!" a contestant shouted and stood up.

But before he could make a move, a ground thorn with a length of two meters suddenly appeared from where he was sitting just now!

This ground thorn is all made of alloy!

All around opened the front.

Especially the sharp point is extremely sharp.

It took less than 0.5 seconds from appearing to penetrating that contestant.

He didn't even have time to scream.

Just gg.

Watching the tragic death of the shooting contestants.

The people in their group panicked even more.


Time is up!

This time, the red-clothed NPC didn't even make a move, only to see the Nine Heels appear again, piercing through the contestants who were originally sitting on the ground, and hanging them upright in the air.

Penetrating from the bottom up.

A lot of blood flowed out.

The appearance of his death was terrifying.

Just when everyone thought the game was over, a contestant in the twenty-fourth group, 0003, pressed the answer button:

"on one's last legs!"

? ! ?

Such a simple word that no one thought of it!

"Grass (a plant)! So easy!"

"I suddenly thought of surviving on an ignoble existence, outrageous!"

"I'm so flustered, the setup is so simple, why can't I think of it!"

"Fortunately, I passed the test!" The contestants in the twenty-fourth group rejoiced.

The twenty-fifth group's direct answer: "There is no end to the stream!"

Group 26: "It's closely related!"

Group 27: "Caring for you!"

The twenty-eighth group...

Until the forty-first group, the people in front hardly stumbled, and there was a long way to go for the red-clothed npc in this class.

Moreover, their group already knew how to solitaire.

But no one pressed the answer button.

This made the contestants in the last group scold their mothers directly:

"What are you doing! You have to think about such a simple word for so long?"

"Fuck, do you want to die? Deliberately delaying time?"

"I request the immediate execution of these procrastinators. They deliberately procrastinated!"

Faced with the abuse from the forty-second group of contestants, the forty-first group of contestants showed embarrassment:

"Oh, it's so difficult. This word starts with the word Xin, how do I answer it!"

"That is to say, who would do this!"

"Hey, the red-clothed NPC is coming soon, think about it seriously!"


The forty-thousand group's acting is real or not!

The audience in the interstellar channel couldn't stand it anymore!

However, they are not in violation:

"This group of people is really disgusting. They look like they know the words, but they don't say them."

"This time, if the forty-second group doesn't die, there will definitely be a fight tonight!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, insidious and cunning villain!"


Facing the taunts from the people around them, it was as if they couldn't hear them, and they didn't press the answer button until the last two seconds:

"Heart wide and fat!"

Listening to the words read by this guy, everyone was taken aback.

Pan word to pick up!

How to pick this up?

When they called out to play, the hearts of the members of the forty-second group suddenly thumped.

Words that begin with pan.

have what?

"Be quiet, there is still time, there is still time, let me think about it!" As he said, a lot of sweat flowed down his face.

After wiping the sweat off his face, it was visible to the naked eye that the fat on 2213's face was trembling!

"What's there, pan, what's there!"

Unknowingly, the red-clothed npc had already arrived behind the forty-second group of contestants, stopped, and the countdown began!





At this critical moment, little fat man 2213 pressed the button.

At the same time shout out:

"The roots are intertwined!"

After shouting out, the last beep did not appear!

"Papa papa!"

Chen Xiang clapped his hands and laughed:

"Not bad, good responsiveness!"

As soon as Chen Xiang's words fell, the npc in red didn't stop walking, and continued to walk towards the people in the first group!

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, as long as you are standing behind the red NPC in the second round, you will die! There is no countdown!"

Facing Chen Xiang's magical words, all the contestants present wanted to scold him!

"Is this not giving us a way out?"

"It's outrageous, how can such a little time be enough!"

Suddenly, to the surprise of all the contestants, the little fat man in 2213 asked directly:

"You, you are a devil!"

When everyone saw this, their hearts suddenly tightened.

But Chen Xiang didn't take it seriously:

"You guys have wasted my time, so a heavier punishment should have been expected a long time ago!"

After Chen Xiang finished speaking, the first group pressed the answer button. Randomly, a contestant stood up and said, "Let's go!"

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