Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 36: The First Stop Of Hiding, The Rice Pile! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

Hearing this news, Bei Yu took control of his dull eyes and woke up instantly.

return status.


"Is the energy fluctuation generated by the fleet's movement that strong?"

Thinking of this, the Northern Territory controller hurriedly said:

"Quick, contact Zhongzhou Yu!"

"Our Northern Territory may be gone!"

The way he spoke was very much like the Jade Emperor shouting: Go to the West Heaven to invite the Tathagata Buddha.


seven thirty.

The contestants who were sleeping soundly were awakened by a burst of dazzling white light again!


"Are you going to participate in the game again?"

"Ah, good, my body hurts so much!"

A sound of complaints came from among the contestants.

However, there is no way.

You still have to participate in the competition!

The NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask brought them to a brand new venue!

This venue is huge, it can even be said to be ridiculously big!

It is impossible to search this venue completely in half an hour.

At this moment, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask said:

"Everyone is here, now, let me explain the rules of this game!"

Hearing the words of the NPC in red, all the contestants shut their mouths.

I dare not speak.

For fear of hearing wrong.

Because today they don't see the so-called big screen.

It is estimated that there is no replay!

"Today's game is hide and seek!"

"You have ten minutes to hide at the beginning!"

"Ten minutes later, a killer started looking!"

"Within half an hour, all players found will die!"

"And players who are not found, pass the level!"

"Now, the countdown begins!"

After all, the red-clothed NPC with a white square printed on the mask left the stage directly.

At this moment, everyone thought that the one who would arrest the contestant would be the NPC with the white triangle printed on the mask.

"My God, can people hide here?" A contestant said, looking at the eight big foam boxes in front of him.

Immediately, he lifted the bottom one, got in and hid it.

In order to facilitate ventilation, he also poked a few small holes in several foam boxes nearby.

Some people hide in the small space under the co-pilot of the car, for example?

Or, some people hid behind the door.

I thought this kind of place would be the safest!

The audience on the interstellar channel couldn't help laughing when they saw the hiding places of these contestants:

"Damn it, I'm dying of laughter! Someone is actually hiding under the car?"

"Are you really not afraid of those NPCs looking down?"

"There is an even more weird one here, which is actually hidden in a tree. The leaves on that tree are not lush!"

"Hiding in the chimney? That's outrageous!"


Ten minutes passed quickly.

The contestants only heard a mechanical sound, and the competition began:

"Dididi, time is up, the killer is dispatched!"

At this moment, Chen Xiang held a submachine gun in his hand.

Carrying a backpack full of magazines on his back.

Walked into the game scene from outside the gate.

When the audience saw his outfit, they talked about it:

"This seems to be the first NPC with different costumes?"

"Really! This guy can't be the head of this show, can he?"

"Look at his outfit, the suit and leather shoes. It seems to be gentleman's clothing in the old century? It's interesting to play a killer in gentleman's clothing."

"I know, I know, this is from that era, is it ironic?"


After Chen Xiang entered the playing field, he looked around.

Go straight to the nearest small warehouse!

This warehouse is a warehouse for storing rice.

Opening the door of the warehouse, Chen Xiang swaggered to the left side directly from the main entrance, and turned on the light of the warehouse.

After the lights are turned on, the situation of the entire warehouse can be seen at a glance.

After searching around for a while, there was no trace of the players? !

This made Chen Xiang couldn't help admiring him.

Are these players stupid? !

However, the design of the warehouse was done by him himself.

How could he not know what he designed?

Just talking about this pile of rice, damn it, it's more than half a meter high!

It can be seen that there is a problem, so it is not just a problem with the eyes!

Thinking of this, Chen rolled his eyes and smiled at his face hidden in the mask.

Immediately, Chen Xiang walked to the place just now, turned off the light of the warehouse, and pressed the door of the warehouse.

Make the noise when leaving.

But in fact, he was standing in a dark corner next to the gate.

Waited about five seconds and just listened:


The warehouse door is closed!

Hearing the cargo door being closed again, suddenly, the rice piled up like a mountain moved!

Gradually, three human heads emerged from the inside!

The viewers of Interstellar Channel were shocked when they saw this scene:

"Damn it, this killer has a good brain!"

"This hiding place, didn't you show it to us just now? The question is, how does this killer know that there are people in the rice pile?"

"These contestants, I'm afraid they wouldn't have imagined that the killer is watching them from the corner behind them!"


"Quick, quick, 0505 is about to suffocate, pull him out quickly!" a contestant said to the other two companions.

"I'm moving. It's too difficult to breathe in the rice, and it's also difficult to move now! I hope 0505 can survive!"

"Quick, quick, pull him out!"

With that said, the three contestants pulled 0505 out.

Beside them, a pair of eyes looked at them nervously, while praying in a low voice:

"Don't come here, don't call me by my name!"

"Don't come here, don't call me by my name!"

This scene was actually broadcast live by the interstellar channel!

Looking at the man hiding in the middle of the face, all the observers were taken aback.

It was so unexpected!

Originally, they thought it would be difficult to hide three people in the rice pile, but they didn't expect there to be four!

But now, there is still one hidden in the pile of rice bags.

Just when they pulled 0505 out, the companion hidden in the rice bag did not appear!

Immediately they became worried.

I saw them walking to the side of the pile of rice bags.


"Hey, 0881, are you okay?"

"Hear, answer!"

He had just finished shouting when he heard a familiar but unfamiliar sound of leather shoes in the huge warehouse.




"Pig teammate!" The contestant hidden in the pile of rice bags cursed secretly.

He wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Chen Xiang's gun was already aimed at them!

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