Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 44 The Shameless Contestant, Whose Wounds Cracked Again 0882

"Hey, Xiba!"

"You group of people, is there anyone who cares about me!"

"What's wrong with me? Can't I participate in the team competition?"

"Why don't you want me!!! That guy with your face 0882 is leaving, so no one invites me??!"

1452 screamed frantically.

But it didn't get the attention of the contestants.

Seeing this, 1452 had no choice but to wait for the last group, lack of people, and resign themselves to fate.

In the last ten seconds, everyone found their team, including 1452.

Although, 1452's face showed dissatisfaction and contempt.


With a crisp sound, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask said:

"Open the gate!"

After his order was issued, two red-clothed NPCs with white circles printed on their masks forcefully opened the door.

After opening the door.

The scene of the sixth pass appeared in front of them.


Broken bridge, there is an old elevator on the left and right sides, and the broken bridge is above the elevator.

Below the broken bridge, there are countless sharp thorns rising from the ground.

Seeing the broken bridge in front of them, all the contestants were stunned.

What game needs to be played on the broken bridge?

Or team?

The contestants in the interstellar channel looked at the scene in front of them, and they were even more shocked: "I'll go, the thorns below are serious!"

"I still remember the scene of wearing strings before! It's too bloody!"

"It's so scary, tsk tsk, but I still can't help but want to see the moment when those contestants fall!"


"Everyone, please listen carefully next time!" The NPC in red with a square printed on the mask said.

"On my left, the numbers from one to nine are drawn, and I stand on the left."

"Ten to eighteen are drawn on the right hand side!"

"Two groups drawn, confront each other, tug-of-war!"

"Did you see the red sign above?" The npc in red with a white square printed on the mask pointed to the red button in the middle of the two broken bridges and said.

Seeing the place pointed by the red-clothed npc's hand, the contestants nodded one after another.

I see, a red silk scarf.

Randomly, just listen to the red npc with the white square printed on the mask say again:

"If you pull the silk scarf over your own bridge, you win."

"do you understand?"

Come on, the red-clothed npc didn't give them a chance to ask questions at all, and signaled the red-clothed npc on the left to start drawing directly.

I saw that the number three was drawn by the red-clothed npc on the left!

After seeing the number three, the red NPC with a white square printed on the mask said:

"No. 3, go to the elevator on the left and wait for orders!"

After all, he motioned to the red-clothed npc on the right to start drawing.

I saw that it was the eleventh!

The group that 0882 is in.

After the people in the three groups saw the eleventh group, their faces instantly turned pale.

"It's over! It's over! The opponents are all strong men, so I said, I must find a man! Why do you want a woman!" A contestant in the third group said with a sad face.

Although what he said is a fact.

However, for the couple in the third group, the man directly scolded:

"What? Didn't you invite our husband and wife?"

"Funny! Blame my wife now? You don't want to compete, you just jump off the top!"

"Don't make me cry!"

Facing the man's reprimand, the man p who just shrugged and complained did not dare to let go.

There is no other reason.

This man is also a strong man.

I saw his wife even spit directly on the man's face.

When everyone saw this, no one spoke up for him.

The audience on the interstellar channel laughed like crazy:

"I'll go, what about the energy of complaining just now? Someone spit on his face! Why have you lost your temper!"

"I'm dying of laughter, it's so funny, this Pu Xinnan!"

"No, I can't take it anymore, talking about his wife, but in the end, someone arranged it, it's too funny!"


When the elevator stopped ascending, they had reached the bridge.

With the help of the red-clothed npc, all of their wrists were handcuffed and tied to ropes.

Because they can't play, they are directly on the same side.

Seeing that the game is about to start, the man who was spit on just now played tricks!

He moved forward directly, and rubbed his face against Zeng's back, the indecent gesture was self-evident.


The woman was obviously caught off guard by his doing so.

Shout out.

Hearing his wife's cry, the strong man turned his head.

He looked at his wife, and the wretched man who complained just now.

I saw that that wretched man actually rubbed his face against his wife's back, taking advantage of his wife.

How can he bear it.

Immediately became angry.

He shouted: "You son of a bitch! If you dare to take advantage of my wife, you will die!"

Pulling the rope is about to pass.

However, how could the red-clothed npc make them break the rules!

He directly took the gun in his hand and shot at the ground around the man.

"Da da da!"

There was a burst of gunfire.

The strong man froze immediately.

He could only let the wretched man eat tofu behind his wife.

The female viewers on the Interstellar channel were even more angry:

"How can you condone this behavior! This is indecent! This is an insult to women!"

"This game is already very discriminatory against women, how can this behavior be condoned?"

"Mmp, I can't help it anymore, even a big man like me was shocked by his shamelessness!"


At this moment, only the red-clothed npc said:

"Game start!"

In an instant, both sides of the competition exerted their strength, and that wretched man also exerted his strength with a serious face.




With a sound of force, the balance of victory is actually tilting towards them!

The strong men in the 0882 group are about to lose!

It can be seen from the live broadcast that the wound on 0882's arm wrapped in rags burst open again!

Blood, flowing down his arm, was absorbed by the hemp rope!

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