Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 53 The Deceit Of The Small Stool, 0001 Has Fallen Sick Again

After hearing the idea of ​​the stool, 0007 also showed a smile on his face.

Immediately agreed:

"Okay! I'm going now! We'll meet here in three minutes!"

Saying that, 0007 is about to leave.

But at this moment, the little stool stopped him.

"Wait a moment!"

"If you go out like this, the marbles on your body can easily be stolen by others."

After hearing what the little stool said, 0007 backed away without waiting for him to speak.

I saw that 0007 dropped his clothes and tore a piece of cloth from the clothes.


There was a sound of cloth being torn.

Listening to the sound, 0007 watched the small stool pass by his bag of marbles.

Then tie him up.

at this time.

There is a group of people next to them, and the game is over!

Just heard a gunshot:


Blood splashed out from the back of his head.

This scene attracted 0007, and when 0007 turned his head again, he saw that the small stool had tied up his marbles and hung them around his neck very solemnly.

At this moment, 0007, who is a low-level black figure, was very moved.

Almost moved tears to stay.

However, he weighed the bag with marbles around his neck carefully.

After weighing it for a while, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and 0007 walked towards other places.

At this moment, the little stool took out the bag of glass beads that had been dropped from his clothes, put the glass bead in his hand into the bag, and said to the red-clothed npc beside him:

"I'm done, twenty marbles!"

The red-clothed npc nodded after confirming the number of marbles.

Immediately, the announcement sounded:

"0439, customs clearance!"

Hearing this notification tone, 0007 felt bad, and he quickly took off the bag hanging around his neck.

I saw, what kind of marbles are in it!

Instead, Shizi!

It was the place where they guessed the odd and even numbers just now, and there were gravels everywhere on the flower bed!

At this moment, an NPC in red came after him and shot him in the head:


head shot!

Death directly!

When he died, 0007's tears flowed down the corner of his eyes.

The audience in the interstellar channel burst into foul language after seeing this scene:

"I knew this 0439 had no good intentions, and my best friends were cheating, let alone the new 0007 I met in this game, made!"

"Don't let me bump into him, or I have to kill him! It's too much, and I will lose money!"

"Damn Xipi, what kind of contestants are these? They really want to win by any means! I'm ashamed to be the same as him!"

"Bastard, this is the real beast. You are truly worthy of the name of a beast by taking advantage of his innocence, kindness and trust in you!"

...0439, the little stool has won.

The camera turns.

Back to the old man 0438 and 0001.

I saw that 0438 also had the last glass bead left.

However, the old man 0001 didn't know about it.

After hiding this marble.

Clenching his fists, he only heard 0438 say to 0001:

"Guess, odd or even!"

Seeing this, the audience already understood!

0438, there is no doubt about death.

The viewers in the interstellar channel sighed one after another:

"It's over, it's over! I really didn't expect that my favorite 0438 would lose to an old man with dementia!"

"That's right, it's outrageous. I really can't accept losing to an old man!"

"What's the deal! I put so much money on 0438, if I lose, I'll go bankrupt!"


The interstellar channel is full of grief.

Who makes 0438 one of the most popular candidates to win the championship!

Moreover, it is the one with the highest probability.

It is also the contestant with the most bets.

Federal MPs all smiled at the moment:

"This 0438 is not good, I still bet one million on him!"

"Who says it's not! I also bet one million, but I didn't expect it to come to an end!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity!"

Just when they shook their heads and sighed, the next scene surprised everyone.

I saw that the old man 0001 said to 0438:

"Odd number!"

Faced with 0001's speculation, 0438's face is ashen at the moment.

But at this moment, I only heard 0001 say again:

"My best friend, do you know that?"

"At the beginning, I lived in this kind of courtyard."

"That's where people live."

With that said, 0438 has spread his hands.

At this moment, just listen to 0001 and asked again:

"I, what did I guess?"

Hearing this, 0438 froze for a moment.

Immediately, I only heard him say against his conscience:

"Even numbers, you guessed it, are even numbers!"

Facing the deception of 0438, 0001 actually chose to believe.

At the same time, he spread out his palm, revealing the marble.

"One, two." 0001 counted, then put the two glass beads in his hand into 0438's hand.

Seeing this, 0438 immediately became excited:

"Next, it's my turn!" As he said, 0438 urged 0001 to hide the glass beads!

0001 is not stupid either.

When he was hiding the glass beads, he carried 0438 on his back.

So, 0438 can't see it at all.

Holding the remaining three marbles in his hand, 0438 looked at 0001's old hand for a long time before saying:

"Odd number!"

As soon as the words came out, 0001 would spread his palms.

But at this moment, 0438 blocked:

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment!"

"I changed it, I guess an even number!"

Faced with the fickleness of 0438, 0001 did not stop it.

Instead, he spread out his palms and said:

"one two three."

"It's three!"

After finishing speaking, 0001 continued to count the glass beads in 0438's hand:

"one two three!"

After counting, only 0438 asked:

"Do you remember whether I guessed odd or even?"

Facing 0438's inquiry, 0001 said, "Huh? What did you guess?"

Seeing 0001, he really forgot, and 0438 excitedly said:

"Odd number! I guess the odd number!" After that, he directly took the marbles from 0001's hand.

ps: Looking for a review ticket for flowers, is anyone still watching? Is anyone following up?

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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