Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 57 Glass Plank Road, Choose The Bridge! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets~)

Early the next morning.

The remaining forty contestants were once again awakened by the blinding white light.

This is also the last time they experienced the shining of white light in the squid game.

"Wake up, everyone!"

"Soon, the final game is about to begin!"

I saw an NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask said to all the contestants.

Today, the body of this group of contestants is even more tired.

Even, some people experienced great discomfort in their bodies.

"so tired!"

"Why, I obviously slept for so long, but I just didn't get enough sleep!"

"Body, I've never been so tired, so tired..."

"We must get the money, today, the last two hurdles, I can survive!"

There are also unprecedented numbers of viewers on the interstellar channel today!

Once broke the previous peak viewership.

Under the leadership of this group of red-clothed NPCs.

The contestants came to a pure white space again!

Here, forty half-length dolls are neatly placed!

Numbers are clearly written on these dolls!

From one to forty.

Pink vest, white number.

Seeing this, the contestants were a little overwhelmed.

The audience in the interstellar channel also began to make bold guesses:

"What do these numbers mean?"

"The serial number of the level? Or, is this a different level to be broken? Forty different levels?"

"I think, looking at the previous tug-of-war, it should be a two-person confrontation?"

"Eliminate half? I feel it. It may really be a two-person confrontation! Eliminate half again!"

"Exciting! Let's see how they will choose!?"


After the contestants were stunned for a while, some contestants aimed at the number in the middle!

Without knowing how to play the game.

The number in the middle is the safest!

If the numbers represent the order of breaking through the levels, then the people in the middle have a process of observation.

If the numbers represent teaming or confrontation, it doesn't make much difference what you pick.

Just understand that.

0882 and others snatched the number in the middle first!

See the number in the middle being snatched!

0438 got a little nervous.

He swallowed.

Look towards the digital number in front.

But at this moment, the numbers that decreased and increased from the middle were gradually selected by other contestants.

While he was thinking, he had already made a choice!

So much so that in the end there were only number one and number forty left!

these two!

If it is the same game as 123 wood, it must be more advantageous to choose the number in front!

But if it is the order of breaking through unfamiliar levels, then the latter numbers must be more popular!

After much deliberation, there is no result!

In order not to let others take the lead again, thus losing the opportunity to compete.

0438 The heart goes down.

Walked towards number one.

Take the size one garment off the mannequin.

0438 was still very worried.

But at this moment, a fat man in the middle came over.

"Let's exchange it!"

Hearing the voice of a middle-aged fat man, 0438 will go overboard.

I saw that it turned out to be contestant 0008.

From the day he joined the game, 0008 was the kind who was not big and spoke very little.

So much so that if he didn't take the initiative to find 0438,0438 today, he wouldn't know that such a person exists!

"Why, why?" 0438 asked 0008.

Hearing 0438's inquiry, 0008 said:

"I have never been in the number one position since I was born."

"Now, I may be facing the last moment of my life. I hope that I can appear on No. 1, even if it's just once!"

Listening to 0008's affectionate words, 0438 slowly handed out the clothes in his hands.

Now, everyone doesn't know the function of the clothing serial number.

Change it, it's nothing.

0438 thought to himself.

After seeing everyone's choices, I saw that the red NPC who had disappeared appeared again!

Just listen to him say to the crowd:

"Through this door, you will arrive at the game field!"

Listening to the words of the NPC in red, all the contestants lined up and walked forward.

After everyone enters the playing field.

Suddenly, a burst of lights came on.

Immediately, there was a sound of notification:

"Welcome everyone, choose the bridge!"

"This level is a bridge composed of forty pieces of glass."

"Among them, there are ordinary glass and strengthened glass!"

"Ordinary glass will shatter when stepped on."

"And strengthened glass can bear the weight of two people!"

"Every choice indicates that one of the contestants may die. All you have to do is to cross the bridge and reach the other side within ten minutes!!"

"If you don't reach the opposite bridge within the stipulated time."

"So, sorry!"

"You will be killed by the bridge!"

Hearing this, the contestants gasped.

In ten minutes, clear the bridge.

This task sounds very simple!

However, forty pieces of glass need them to choose!

Once you make a mistake, what you lose is the life of the person who made the choice!


Number 1 swallowed a mouthful of saliva at this moment.

He regrets it!

If he hadn't made a brave decision just now, he would definitely be able to survive.

But now, the probability of survival is very slim!

The viewers on the interstellar channel laughed like crazy!

"Ahahahaha! No, no, this guy took the initiative to change the number just now, and in the end, he changed himself to death!"

"It depends on our 0438! My bet is indeed right!"

"0882, come on! The number in the middle, as long as you are careful, there is hope for survival!"

"Look at the expression on No. 1, is he really funny? I dedicated my life!"


The viewers were laughing like crazy at the moment.

However, No. 1 mustered up his courage at this moment!

Just copy the front and rush over!

One step, two steps.

Three steps, four steps!

The fourth fell.

Just heard the sound of glass breaking!


A scream rang out in the huge playing field.

Afterwards, a blurred pool of flesh and blood appeared on the bottom layer.

Seeing this scene, the contestants swallowed their saliva one after another.


However, he stepped out four pieces of tempered glass!

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