Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 61: 0438 Confronting With Xiaostool's Best Friend!

No. 36 took the glass beads from behind without looking back.

Immediately, across a row, a glass bead was thrown towards the front!

"Ding ding dong!"

Listen to the voice.

Number 36 said again: "Is there any more? One more!"

Faced with the request of No. 36, all the contestants focused their eyes on 0438's face.

0438 shrugged his shoulders.

shook his head and said:

"Sorry, no more!"

Hearing 0438's response, No. 36 did not hesitate.

Gather up your courage and jump directly towards the glass in the second row!


There was another sound of glass breaking.

No. 36, eliminated!

Finally, there are only 4 contestants left!

And on the road ahead, there are only two last glass grids left. No one has ever used a doctor!

I saw that the little girl in 2020 first jumped onto the tempered glass, and then, towards the front, walked over gently!

That's right, go!

It's the second glass!

Walk over, no problem!

The penultimate third glass, walk over it, no problem yet!

Seeing the smooth and calm operation of 2020, the audience in the interstellar channel were dumbfounded!

"This little girl is the real lucky girl, right?"

"Damn, I remember that he seemed to want to give up the game to watch! But, who would have thought that this little girl passed the penultimate level so calmly?"

"Bull, bull! I really have learned a lot, so I can pass the customs so calmly!"

And the most dumbfounded ones are 0438, small stool and 0101!

0101 stood in front, and he also jumped on the good tempered glass.

Very confident, he also easily stepped on the glass that 2020 stepped on just now.

I saw that after he stepped on it.

The glass shattered!

This is, no one understands what's going on!

Only the organizer, Chen Xiang frowned:

"It shouldn't be! How can 2020 pass through unharmed?"

Immediately, Chen Xiang yelled:

"Call me the data of that little girl in 2020!"

After hearing Chen Xiang's words, the next second.

The data of 2020 will continue to love you in front of Chen Xiang.

I saw that in the column of weight, it says that the weight in 2020 is 33kg!

The maximum load of your own glass is 30kg!

The only thing that can be explained smoothly is that the guy in 2020 lost weight again during the few days of the competition!

And, definitely not just six pounds!

He is 1.4 meters tall.

The weight is less than sixty catties.

"Tsk tsk." Chen Xiang clicked his tongue.


Watching 0101 fall to the ground and turn into a pulp.

Both the small stool and 0438 became more cautious.

To the last grid of tempered glass.

Neither of them stepped on it.

Jumped over directly.

And at this very moment.

Time is also cleared.

Immediately, the bridge exploded!

just listen to:


There was an explosion sound.

The glass shards on the glass walkway were flying in all directions.

2020 is the first to arrive at the glass plank road.

Therefore, the position where she stood was very close to the inside.

The shards of glass did not splash on her body.

Instead, it's the stool and 0438!

They came here by pinching a point and jumping up.

Facing the flying glass shards.

The kidney of the small stool was directly hit by a glass shard!

0438 is in better shape.

Only the leg was scratched by glass shards.

There was a big hole.

"Xiba `||!"

"In the end, I was injured!" 0438 said, frowning.

Heard 0438 was injured.

The little stool hides his wound very deliberately.

Throw the shards of glass on the ground.

Pretend to be normal and walk towards the exit.

But at this moment in 2020, he went back to the place where the little stool was just now.

Squat down.

Looking at the blood-stained glass in front of him.

Carefully put it in the pocket of the clothes.

Immediately, also followed.

The three of them were led by the NPC in red.

Soon came to a restaurant.

They are sitting in the dining room.

A plate of exquisite western food was placed on the dining table.

Looking at the western food in front of me.

I only heard 0438, who had never seen the world, say to the NPC in red beside him:

"This, the food inside, is synthetic steak?"

Facing 0438's inquiry, the NPC in red with a white triangle printed on it did not respond.

0438 Seeing that the NPC in red didn't respond, he wisely didn't say anything.

Just after they were all seated.

I saw a man in a black suit coming out of a door.

And on the head, there is a flat helmet with a golden light.

After seeing this person.

0438 immediately shouted out:

"You, which killer are you!?"

Facing 0438's inquiry, Chen Xiang nodded uncompromisingly.

At the same time, signal 0438 to sit down.

When he returned to his seat and sat down.

I only heard Chen Xiang clear his throat, and said:

"I'm a killer, that's right!"

"At the same time, I am also the eye of this game!"

"First of all, congratulations on surviving to the last round!"

"Now, the bonus has directly increased to 100 billion!"

"You can see it later when you return to the lounge!"

After hearing what Chen Xiang said, 0438 asked again:

"You came here just to inform us of this?"

Hearing 0438's inquiry, Chen Xiang smiled.

Then he went on to say:

"No, I'm here mainly to show my face!"

"By the way, let me tell you, you can eat the food here as you like!"

"It's just for you, if it's not enough, you can ask for more!"

"After eating, go and have a good rest!"

"Wait, this afternoon, let's play the last game!"

After Chen Xiang made arrangements, he turned around and left.

At this moment, just listen to 2020 shouting to Chen Xiang:

"If I win the final victory, can I choose to stay here and be an NPC?"

Facing the question of 2020, Chen Xiang shook his head:

"If you are willing to give up the 100 billion bonus, it is not impossible to stay!"

After all, Chen Xiang left!

At the same time, that door was also closed by the NPCs in red.

Watching Chen Xiang leave, 0438 cut a piece of steak and put it inside.

While eating, he said:

"I'm going, this thing is delicious!"

"It's definitely not synthetic steak! It's real beef!"

"too delicious!"

As he said that, the movements in 0438's hands accelerated and did not loosen.

And the small stool on the side also started to eat at this moment.

While eating, he tried his best to smear some of the gravy on his lips.

Covers pale lips.

The purpose is to prevent 0438 from discovering that his body is abnormal.

And 0438 is just like heartless.

Never found out.

But in 2020, you will see all this in your eyes.

The audience in the interstellar channel noticed this even more!

Not happy:

#0438 Winning the championship is inevitable!"

"It still depends on 0438. I bet on it. There's nothing wrong with it! It's just suffering for those who bet on 0882!"

"Ahahahaha, eat more! Just kill the little stool in a while, this guy is treacherous, what a dog!"

After eating, 0438 said to the NPC in red:

"Can I have another one?"

Facing 0438's request, the red-clothed NPC at the side directly cleaned up his plate.

Then, after more than ten seconds of waiting at 0438, another plate of fresh beef was served.

Looking at the fresh beef that was brought out and placed in front of him.

A happy smile appeared on 0438's face.

He ate the beef with a smile on his face.

After eating, the small stool directly hit the knife used for cutting beef into the clothes in front of 0438 and others.

0438 Seeing this, his face was full of tension.

At the same time, he put the knife in his pocket.

Instead, 2020 was on the sidelines, and she didn't take anything.

Just under the leadership of the NPC in red, they returned to the lounge together.

After returning to the lounge.

2020 sat in a daze on his only three remaining beds.

At this moment, a large number of clear groups were exposed on the walls of the lounge.

Yes, the eagle catches the chicken.

There is tug of war.

Caramel game.


The gameplay and methods of these games are actually printed on the wall!

While she was in a daze.

Small stools have arrived in the women's restroom!

After entering it.

He locked the door firmly.

Then, he frantically washed his wound with water.

After washing the wound, enduring the pain, he tore the wound on his waist into linked cloth strips with the clothes inside and tied them up.

Also, he is very tight.

Beads of sweat slid down her cheeks.

The pain made him almost faint.

After the wound was bandaged, the little stool slumped on the ground weakly.

About ten minutes passed.

The small stool dragged his tired body back to the minister in the lounge.

When he came back, 0438 immediately showed a look of guard.

He was terrified that this little stool had changed!

It is no longer the little stool he knew before (Qian Hao).

Moreover, when the little stool came in, he kept touching the knife for cutting beef in his hand.

Confront each other!

0438 and the small stool are staring at each other.

I'm afraid that if you don't pay attention, you will be attacked by the other party.

From beginning to end, neither of them said a word.

I didn't even communicate with this woman in 2020.

"Boss, all four regions have signed the pre-war indemnity negotiation regulations."

The liaison officer from the Northern Territory looked at his old man, scratched his head, and said.

Seeing that all the signings were finally completed, the controller of the Northern Territory breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that that strange alien civilization would come before the signing was completed.

If this is the case, then he jumps to the fate of perdition!

And Chen Lu, the captain of the Tier I fleet, looked at the jumping paper in her hand and smiled.

Then put away that piece of paper.

At this moment, they also detected the coming alien signal.

And, deploy ahead of time!

Just wait for this strange civilization to get into the trap!

"Report!" A liaison officer shouted, and then Chen Lu said:


After getting Chen Lu's consent, the liaison officer looked at the data on his screen and said:

"The strange fleet is expected to arrive in thirty seconds!"

After hearing the liaison officer's report, Chen Lu directly ordered the entire fleet:

"All warships, recharge the main guns! Ready to fire!!".

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