Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 65: The Eagle Catches The Chicken! Excellent Performance Of The Pig Head Man! (Please Custom

This robot is different from the previous 123 wooden man's robot!

It's a robot in the shape of an eagle!

Behind the eagle, there is a group of eaglets!

All robots!

However, their joints are made with great precision!

Based on this appearance alone, it must be at least an E-class robot!

Seeing this, how can the contestants not be shocked?

How can it not surprise the viewers in the interstellar channel?

"I'm going, as expected of Mr. Chen Xiang! It's just arrogance! The robots used are all high-end ones!"

"Hey, is this the big brother's family property? No, I made a mistake. Is this the live broadcast level arranged by the big brother!"

"This robot, won't it be the same as the first level before? 123 wooden man? If there is nothing new, it won't work!"

"That is to say, no matter what, you have to have something new to do!"

Watching the barrage sent by the viewers of the interstellar channel.

The corner of Chen Xiang's mouth smiled slightly.

did not intervene.

When the game starts, it will definitely refresh them!

Since we are going to make a show, how can we let the show be old-fashioned?!

At this moment, the NPC in red from just a few hours ago reappeared!

I just heard him say to the 10,000 contestants present:

"Welcome everyone to the first stop!"

"The name of this level is, the eagle catches the chicken!"

"game rules:"

"For every thousand contestants, as a team, No. 0001, No. 1001, No. 2001, No. 3001, No. 4001, No. 5001, No. 6001, No. 7001, No. 8001, No. 9001, for the mother chicken, in addition ,17 all contestants are chicks!!"

"According to the trajectory of the eagle's capture, you need to stand in front of the eagle."

"Protect the chickens behind you!"

"Remember, the mother hen can stop the eagle from catching!"

"However, when the chick faces the eagle, he will be directly shot to death!"

"The mother chicken can face the eagle, but she cannot face three eaglets at the same time. If the above happens, the mother chicken will die!"

"Chicks need to find a new mother chicken for shelter in five seconds!"

"The whole game, three minutes!"

"The rules are as above, if you don't understand, you have three minutes to line up, including watching the video tutorial above!" said the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask

Immediately, countless screens appeared from the roof of the competition hall!

At this time, the contestants line up and familiarize themselves with the rules of the competition.

Three minutes, fleeting.

Just listen, the eagle said:

"The game officially begins!"

After the order was issued, the eagle took the lead in moving.

First of all, the eaglets on it all follow it to fight.

When these mother chickens face the eagles, they will definitely not directly confront them!

Instead, choose to escape!

This also leads to.

From the beginning.

The chicks were ruthlessly abandoned by mother chicken Wu!

The long queue made it impossible for them to turn around!

Sure enough, the eagle looked at the large number of chicks, and its eyes directly emitted green light.

Locked on the kitty that exposed the vision.

Just listen, a burst of gunfire sounded:

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

After a burst of gunfire fell, it was accompanied by an eagle's broadcast!




This wave of broadcasts has eliminated at least two hundred contestants!

After this wave of massacre was completed, the eagle once again led the chicks towards the nearest mother chicken.

"Damn it, don't jump at me!" 3001 saw the eagle rushing over with the whole team of eaglets, and immediately oiled the soles of his feet!

He even didn't hesitate to directly expose the chicken behind him to the eagle!

Seeing this, the eagle succeeded in tricking it!

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

There was another burst of relentless gunfire.





Another burst of elimination sounded!

The group of chickens who lost the protection of their mother chickens directly became the targets of massacre!

And 3001 is also aware of this problem at this moment.

Blocked in front of the eagle again, blocking the eagle's vision.

Keep the eagle from continuing to kill!

And at this time, the group of contestants also reflected.

The chick closest to the mother chicken ran towards him!

Two seconds later, the mother chicken only felt that her jacket was being pulled hard by the contestant.

grab it!

3218 looked at his hands and couldn't help but let out a cry of excitement!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


A bullet accurately hit 3218's body!

3218 fell to the ground in disbelief.

However, he did not give up grabbing 3001's hand even before he died.

This also leads to.

3001, the mother chicken, fell directly to the ground!

And the chicks who came up here are out of luck!

It was directly shot by the extremely strong attack on the eagle!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the interstellar channel sweated for the contestants in the competition:

"I'll go, I'll take it, it's too bloody! Does this mean that the third group will be completely eliminated!"

"Hey! This is a naked massacre! 3001, stand up! Don't lie down and watch the show!"

"Ah, husband, my husband is 3385, don't, don't! Please, don't kill him, I love him!"

"Husband, run! Don't! My husband is 3992, why why!"

A viewer suddenly saw his husband appearing in the camera.

However, this lens is not a good lens.

It was the scene where the bullet shot by the eagle pierced through the skull!

head shot!

There will be no chance of surviving.

This also means that the viewer has lost his husband!

But, for the bonus, one has to be prepared to die, and others have pity, but she won't say who to blame for her husband's death.

After all, those who participate in the competition are voluntary!

At the same time, it is also known that

Participate in the competition.

Ten dead and no life!

At this moment, the more savvy contestants have already run behind the other mother chickens, and Xia begs for shelter!

Those mother chickens are also very responsible.

Mastered some rules of behavior as a chicken mother.

That is, try not to make large movements!

Of course, this is conditional.

That eagle won't take Daxing's chick to launch a siege against the mother chicken!



The reminder sound of elimination has never stopped from the beginning to the end!

And this time.

Obviously, there are still many chicks exposed to the eagle's sight.

But the eagle didn't shoot anymore!

Seeing this, the contestants immediately ran quickly.

At this moment, even the sprint champions are not much faster than them!

This is, it's really a life-threatening game!

without delay!

At this time, 3001 finally broke free from the hands behind his dead body that were tightly clutching his clothes.

stand up!

Immediately, he only felt his back being grabbed by a pair of hands again!

He was just freed from fear, although he was a little scared.

But the brain is still awake.

He shook his head.

He was immediately in front of the eagle's view.

And the chicks behind him also found behind him again.

Quick line up!

When the sound of the broadcast also stopped.

Only the eagle uttered a chirp:


After this cry appeared.

The flock of eaglets flew straight out from behind him!

their goals.

It is the chicks who are still exposed to the eagle's sight!

At this time, what mother chickens have to do is to build a good line of defense and don't let the little eagle pass by!

Once they are allowed to pass, then the chickens behind the mother chickens will be completely leaderless!

They will face the attack of the kitty!

However, this group of mother chickens is not familiar with the rules of the game.

Temporary response.

They 743 can't do it either.

I saw those little eagles flying to those contestants.

One by one, they opened their bloody mouths!


An eagle chirped.

One contestant was directly swallowed alive by it.

Smash it, smash it.

Blood flowed down the side of Kitty Hawk's mechanical mouth.

After eating the contestants, the little eagle passed out a lump of blood-red poop!

At this moment, the camera zooms in!

It's poop made of flesh and blood!

Strictly just processed the flesh and blood and turned it into the shape of poop!

The viewers in the interstellar channel have grown their mouths at this moment!

Some people with poor psychological qualities simply vomited out:

"Ouch! I vomited, this, it's so disgusting! What's the principle?! Excrete directly after eating? Turn people into poop?"

"Damn, how could it be! This is too cruel! How can a person endure this kind of pain! It's too painful!"

"Wooooow, I seem to hear the cries of the dead, it's so scary, so scary, I don't want to watch this show again!"

"Although preparations have been made for a long time, but, but, it is too difficult to accept, this scene!"

Chen Xiang looked at the audience's barrage and couldn't help feeling proud.

How could the game level he designed be so simple!

The contestants were running around and screaming!

Behind the eagle were nearly twenty kittens!

These little eagles were all placed next to the chick who played behind.

The lethality it caused is really extraordinary!


There was a sound of screaming, accompanied by a sound of elimination.

This group of chicks are really suffering from blood mold!

However, Chen Xiang and all the audience did not expect it!

When the little chicken appeared on the battlefield, the quickest to respond was the pig-headed man!

Their hens showed their protective side.

Desperately rushed towards Kitty Hawk.

Because the eagle is now in a rest period where the weapon overheats.

So, they did it!

The two chicken mothers of the two groups of pig-headed men completely blocked the little eagle and the eagle in front of their bodies.

Protected the pig man!.

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