Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 68 Hell-Level Food? ? The Betrayal Of 8000! (Please Customize!)

After hearing the words of the NPC in red, all the contestants came to line up.

When the pork people saw that the food was handed out, they all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Their appetites are much larger than those of ordinary humans.

After so many days of doing business, their appetite has long been exhausted.

However, without the order of 9888, they dare not step forward.

Seeing that the human contestants had already filled up the positions, the pig-headed people gulped their mouth-water and couldn't help it!

Just listen, 9888 ordered:

"Everyone, come forward and get the food!"

After hearing the 9888 order, the pig-headed people went to line up again in unison.

Watching this group of pig-headed people order and prohibit.

The viewers in the interstellar channel are somewhat envious:

"This, this, this is also great! It would be great if our contestants could do the same!"

"There's no need to compare. Didn't they kill half of the contestants if they banned it?"

"That is, after all, they are just defeated prisoners of war. There is no need to envy their orders and prohibitions. You can go and see the labor reform prisoners in the interstellar prison, and they can do the same, even better than them!


"Nimma, your organizer is really hell!" After receiving the food, a contestant took the food, knelt on the ground, and vomited crazily!

Hear this contestant's voice.

Those contestants in front also vomited!

If we say that they were given red tofu brains before the first season, it would be an operation of the underworld.

Now, it's operation hell!

A poop shape made of blood-red duck blood!

It also smelled of blood.

Obviously, the duck blood was poured on the back!

The fishy smell is overwhelming!

"I originally thought that I would be strong in the competition. I made it, but I couldn't stand it at all! Don't eat, eat!"

"Hey, I don't want to eat either!"

"Go away! Wait for the next meal!"

"You can't die if you eat a little, but if you vomit like this, you have to vomit to death!"

This group of contestants complained one after another.

After that, I saw the line that was still full of people queuing up to receive food. At this moment, there were only less than a thousand humans left!

Moreover, even the remaining humans left intermittently.

They are all the kind of guys who don't give up until they see the food.

But when I saw the real thing, my appetite was overwhelmed.

Then, leave quickly.

Soon, it was time for the pig-headed man to pick up the food.

When this group of pig-headed people received the food, none of them showed any discomfort.

After they got the real thing, they all sat on the bed and tasted it carefully.

Does it taste good?"

"Yeah, this is much worse than our military meals!"

"Hey, over there, is there any leftover food? The calories provided by these foods are not enough for me to move around for a day! I don't want to lose meat."

"I don't want to lose meat either, I don't know if I can still get it."

"Why don't you ask 9888?"

Listening to the discussion of these pig-headed men, the viewers in the interstellar channel were struck by lightning!

"I'll go, I'll go, these guys can actually eat it? And, do you want another bowl?"

"Mother, this is a bit of a cowhide!"

"Fuck, their military meals are worse than this? Are they eating shit?"

How can the contestants in the interstellar channel imagine it.

During the interstellar voyage, this group of pig-headed people ate all the nutrient solution.

A can of nutrient solution is so unpalatable that I can't even eat a meal of carbohydrates for several years.

Moreover, the nutrient solution has the same taste.

Lemon durian flavor.


"General, can we have another one?"

Hearing the inquiry from his subordinates, 9888, who was tasting the delicious pig-headed man, froze for a moment.

Immediately said:

"Can I ask for more?"

Hearing that 9888 didn't understand, the group of pig-headed men looked at each other in blank dismay.

Immediately, only the NPC in red said:

"There is still a lot of food left, if you want to eat, you can come forward and get it!"

Hear the NPC in red speak.

General Pig 9888 stepped forward!

"One more!"

"Brothers, come and get it!"

"First come, first served!"

Hearing what 9888 said, the group of pig-headed men burst into cheers.

Watching them eat these poop-shaped blood tofu, the viewers feel their appetites rolling:

"Yong! Really brave! This is the real warrior!"

"Oh my god, there's another serving! It's fishy!"

"As expected of aliens, their body structure is different from ours, and there is no physiological reaction of rejection.

In the shocked eyes of the audience in the interstellar channel.

The most pigs ate six servings!

The least pig-headed man also ate three servings!

As for the human contestants, there were less than 800 people who ate food!

Moreover, they all ate half a portion, a few bites, and a bite.

A whole portion was eaten, and there were not many.

When the NPCs in red pack up their things and go out.

I saw that the previous 8000 walked to the pig man's rest area again.

This time, when 8000 arrived, the group of pig-headed men didn't say anything.

They all know that this guy wants to talk to their general!

"General pig head, hello!"

"We meet again!"

Hear the greeting from 8000.

9888 nodded.


"Unexpectedly, you also survived."

"Then, tell me, what do you want to trade!"

"If it is beneficial to us, I will make a deal with you!"

After hearing 9888's words, 8000 was overjoyed.

smiled and said:

"I use some tricks in this game, or in other words, rules, to make a deal with you!"

"Didn't the NPC in red tell you before, telling you to obey the rules and stick to it until the end of the game?"

"But, what rules are there, I'm afraid you don't know?"

Hearing 8000's bewitchment, 9888 nodded.

"I really don't know, let's hear it first!"

"If it is true and useful, we are willing to accept you during the competition."

Even, if you do well, we are civilized and can accept your immigrants!"

The moment 9888 said he could accept his immigrants, 8000 refused in his heart.

Pig man?

He's crazy?

If he can survive to the end, he will definitely get the bonus.

He also emigrated to a damn pig-headed civilization?

Looking at this group of pig-headed men, isn't he disgusting?

Not to mention that after immigrating, all the women I saw were pig-headed people. It's really disgusting to open the door for the disgusting mother, so disgusting!

But on the surface, I still have to laugh to go along with it:


"Thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

"I will definitely cherish it!"

As he said that, 8000's eyes were shining with golden light.

The viewers in the interstellar channel suddenly felt out of breath again!

"Hey, this guy, wouldn't he really betray our human alliance and go to the side of the pig-headed man?"

………… Ask for flowers……………

"The civilization level of the pig-headed people is indeed high, so it is inevitable that there will be 8000 traitors like this?"

"A traitor is not appropriate. It should be said to be a betrayer of human civilization."

"No matter what it is, I want to kill him on the spot now!"

8000 told 9888 what happened in the squid game in the previous season, etc.

Hearing 8000's narration, 9888's eyes suddenly turned ten!

I laughed secretly in my heart: this guy is still useful!

Then, first let you accept our asylum!

Thinking of this, 9888 reached out and patted 8000 on the shoulder, leading him to stand up.

To all the pig-headed people, loudly introduce:

"This one is a good friend of our pig-head civilization!"

"In the future game levels, we must let 8000 survive!"

"He is civilized and kind to us pig-headed people!"

Hear the introduction of 9888.

All the pig-headed men stood up and saluted 8000.

Then said:


The human camp saw this situation.

I don't know yet, 8000 is a traitor!

And 0003 and others who didn't have Dali 8000 before "also frowned at this moment.

They are soldiers of the Human Alliance.

Has a strict military education.

This kind of thing can never happen to them.

But now, it happened in front of them.

Moreover, the root cause has something to do with their ignorance of people.

This annoyed them too.

"This 8000 seems to have talked a lot about the game, do you want it or not. 0009 stretched out his hand and gestured to his neck, and said.

Seeing 0009's appearance, 0003 shook his head.

"No, killing him now will intensify the conflict between us and the pig-headed civilization!"

"We can't do this without guaranteeing that all the pig-headed people will die!" 10003 said with a frown.

General Pig Man announced that just now.

In addition to making the human camp no longer accept 8000, there is another meaning.

That is, protect him!

A thousand well-trained soldiers, against more than 3,000 ordinary people on their side, plus more than a hundred soldiers, their chances of winning are not high!

Therefore, there is no need to delay the implementation of the subsequent plan for a person who has already betrayed the facts!

Seeing 0003's appearance, unidentified viewers in the interstellar channel clamored:

"This guy is a soldier, right? Why didn't he directly kill this kind of human traitor?"

"So cowardly? Is this still the image of a soldier we know?"

"Interstellar soldiers, there is no such waste, you are the first! You are timid and afraid of getting into trouble!"

Suddenly, a message came again!

Organized by the Supreme Council of the Four Regions of the Human Alliance, outside gambling!

It's open!

heard the news.

People didn't believe it at first.

However, with the official written notice issued.

Can't help but they don't believe it!

"My God, can you participate in the gambling game again?"

"This is so exciting! My value has been multiplied by ten times in the previous game! Now, I can use the previous value to bet again!"

"??? Someone suppressed 2020? Nima, this is too unreliable!!"

PS: Ask for flower evaluation tickets~Please customize~Kneel and ask for Fan!.

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