Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 74 Crisis In The Four Domains, You Fight Yours! I Sleep Mine! (Please Customize!)

After hearing the words of the NPC in red, the pig-headed man moved very quickly this time.

He was the first to come to the NPC in red and lined up to receive the food.

On the contrary, the human side reacted half a beat slower.

Moreover, even the humans who arrived here first did not jump in line.

After all, it's too conspicuous for a few humans to jump into the ranks of pig-headed people!

Well, let's say 8000!

He was among the pig-headed team right now.

It looks very dazzling!

Today's food is fairly normal and does not cause people discomfort.

During the meal, nothing special happened on Chen Xiang's interstellar channel.



Something big happened outside again!

"Report! Captain Chen Lu!" A liaison officer came to Chen Lu's lounge and reported the situation to Chen Lu.

Chen Lu was also holding a cup of freshly brewed coffee at the moment.

He looked at the liaison officer suspiciously.

"what's up?"

Facing Chen Lu's inquiry, the liaison officer solemnly reported:

"Captain Chen Lu, we have detected a powerful energy fluctuation in the southwest direction!"

"The degree of its energy fluctuations is more than twice that of the last Tier I fleet war!"

After hearing this reward, Chen Pi frowned.

Then he waved his hand again:

"There shouldn't be any "nine-five-seven" problem. With twice the energy fluctuation, we can still fight."

"And, didn't they detect the fleet of captives? They don't know how to cover up energy."

"There is no need to be so nervous, I will predict the landing point in advance and deploy the battlefield later!"

After hearing Chen Lu's message, the liaison officer nodded, and immediately showed Chen Lu the door when he went out.

Chen Lu walked into the shower room, took off her clothes, and took a shower.

Getting up and taking a bath every day has almost become a compulsory course for her.

Except for special circumstances, never absent.

Just in the Northern Territory, the controller of the Northern Territory looked at the energy fluctuation detector in front of him, and it exploded again!

Everyone else was dumbfounded!

"This, this, this, the energy detector, is it broken?"

Hearing that the Northern Territory Control was unwilling to admit that it was first, several liaison officers cast contemptuous glances, and then, only one liaison officer directly pierced:

"Boss, this energy detector is the latest!"

"Moreover, we have tested G-level energy, and there is no problem."

"So, don't worry, this wave of energy is right!"

Hearing the relentless denunciation of the liaison officer, the controller of the Northern Territory wanted to cry but had no tears:

"Our Northern Territory, why are we so unlucky!"

Just when he was crying, a message came from Zhongzhou Yu, and the liaison officer said directly:

"The Zhongzhou domain requests us to contact the Tier I Fleet, Captain Chen Lu and others!"

"They can't be reached!"

"In their side, energy fluctuations above level I have been detected!"

Hearing what the liaison officer said, the controller of the Northern Territory was really about to cry: "They still want someone from us!"

"We're all overwhelmed here!"

"Message them back!"

"Tell them, do you want support? It's terrible, and I won't give it! I want to save our Biyu first!"

After hearing the transformation of the master of the Northern Territory, the originally fearful liaison officer let out a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, I chose Baobeiyu.

If it is Baozhong Prefecture, they have to find a way to escape.

The Zhongzhou domain soon received a communication from the northern domain.

They were dumbfounded!

"Damn, they want to abandon our Zhongzhou domain in the Northern Territory? What do you mean? Didn't they say that we are the core? Why don't they give priority to protecting us!" The controller of the Zhongzhou Domain was really going to vomit blood with anger.

What the hell fellow is this.

So selfish!

"Then, what should we do then?" The liaison officers in the Zhongzhou domain showed fear on their faces.

They are so hard, disasters, one after another!

Don't give them a chance to breathe at all!

If the power is cut off just now, you have to turn in the energy stones as a fee.

Now, again, they themselves are also threatened!

Facing the inquiry from the liaison officer, the controller of the Zhongzhou domain pondered for a moment and said:

"Contact our G-level explorer, the longer the time, the longer it will be!"

"Must let Captain Chen Lu contact us, this is our only chance of survival!"

"Whoever pays the highest price, let him survive!"

Looking at the decisive expression on the face of the controller of Zhongzhou Domain.

The liaison officer's confidence suddenly increased!

Start contacting the G-level explorer!

"Notification, notification, urgent notification!"

Members of the Four Regions received the news from their controllers almost at the same time!

There is an unknown civilization, and we want to declare war on the Human Alliance!

A big fight!

However, each domain is selfish!

at this time.

Only Chen Lu's fleet has reached Tier I!

Their hope of survival was all pinned on Chen Lu.

In the evening, Chen Lu couldn't help clicking her tongue when she saw the results of today's contact.

The four domains, all said, asked to be allowed to open by her, as long as they kept their territory from being invaded by alien civilizations.

This matter has not been made public to the general public!

They are still working diligently, and, don’t you pay attention to Chen Xiang’s interstellar channel, lest you miss the exciting plot!

Soon, the lights will be turned off!

The pig-headed people were all sitting on the beds at the moment.

Close your eyes tightly.

Not a word!

The human camp is curiously discussing:

"Tell me, what's going on with these pig-headed people? Why are they all sitting there and sleeping?"

"Maybe, it's just that the ethnic groups are different? Their habits?"

"I've never seen a pig sitting and sleeping! I work on a pig farm!"

"That's right, who's pigs can sit and sleep! It's really amazing! Could it be that they evolved deformities during evolution?"

Just when they were discussing very lively, the lights in the lounge!

Suddenly went out!

"Ah, it's time to turn off the lights again, go to sleep.

"I fell asleep too, too tired!"

"I obviously slept for more than two hours during the day today, but it didn't work at all!"

"I'm about to be locked out of autism! I don't want to go to places like the gym, hey..."

Soon, the sound of even breathing came out from the human camp.

And, the snoring of some fat people.

General Pig Man 9888 opened his eyes at this moment.

Take a look at the time!

eleven o'clock!

It's time to start!

Immediately, the pig-headed general uttered two pig-calls with his nose!


Hear the orders from the pig-headed general.

The group of pig-headed men all got out of bed lightly.

Then, take the bed equipment (the long iron bar removed from the bed) that has been dismantled a long time ago.

Slowly line up.

During this period, they made sounds.

Not even as loud as the sound of breathing one after another.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the interstellar channel were shocked and didn't know what to say:

"I'm going, is this going to be a race war?"

"Two races, only one can exist? It hurts a bit!"

"The human camp is totally unprepared! He's engaged in a sneak attack!"

"How dare you sneak attack on our human race, you pig-headed people, rat tail juice!"

However, facing the barrage warning, these pig-headed men couldn't see it..

Even if they could see it, they wouldn't bother.

"Hmph!" General 9888 Pig-headed Man hummed twice again.

I saw that all the pig-headed people walked towards the human race with soft steps.

And at this time, 8000, who was lying on the bed next to the pig-headed man, opened his eyes.

"Hiss, is it time to start?"

"Come on! Fight!"

The more people die, the safer I will be in the future!"

I saw that, in an instant, this group of pig-headed people came to the place where the human race slept.

Some light sleepers woke up directly.

However, at the moment the house is very dark.

Plus, this kind of thing goes up and down.

It's normal to not see each other clearly.

Did not wait for that person to react.

A stick was drawn directly on his head!

The contestant who woke up had his head deformed by the pump.


One sound.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

After one sound, all the pig-headed people moved, E!

481 people were directly killed!

Hear the sound of this heavy object knocking.

The contestants who were light sleepers were all awakened immediately.

After waking up, they saw the pig-headed man walking towards the inside with a weapon.

Immediately panicked!


"The pig-headed man is coming!"

This burst of screams directly woke up all the soldiers!

They took out the bed equipment hidden under the bed in their hands, and rushed out directly!

And the other human races who woke up also stood up to resist.

Those who have a bed take the bed, and those who don't have a bed run around.

He definitely wouldn't just give his head to a pig-headed man to knock it off!

There is no evil.

Chaos broke out at this moment!

Pig people are indeed well-trained soldiers.

However, their 1.5's are generally broad!

To put it bluntly, it is fat!

Therefore, the strength is great, but the sensitivity is poor!

Those soldiers were professionally trained.

They can all be said to be the elite of the human race.

Sensitivity and power, not bad!

Grab a pig-headed man and solve it, as fast as three seconds!

Take it slow, it took ten seconds!

Because the terrain is limited.

This group of pig-headed men was at most two besieging a soldier.

However, those soldiers were just like monkeys.

I saw rolling back and forth on the bed.

Keep attacking the pig-headed man.

From the very beginning, the number of human races had an absolute advantage.

As for the pig-headed men, although more than 400 people were killed in a surprise attack, nearly 500 people, but the number is still at a disadvantage.

Blood was spattered everywhere in the battle.

On the bed, on the floor, on the quilt.

on the pillow!

It was all blood.

It's just that I can't tell whether it's a human or a pig-headed man.

After all, it's all bright red blood.

Suddenly, in the huge battlefield, a snoring sound was heard!

The battlefield did not stop, but the audience in the interstellar channel were stunned!

I saw the camera zoomed in.

6668 is sleeping soundly at the moment.

You can even see his mouth open and snore again!.

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