Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 77 To Continue Or Quit? (Seek To Customize, Follow Up!)

"The next game will start in 3 hours from the ring station!"

With the end of the first stage of the game, the second stage of the game began. The sound of the broadcast was not loud, but the participants were extremely nervous.

"It's too dangerous. Why don't we quit? I don't want to lose my life for the money. Although life is very hard, I know I can't bear to fight here!"

"It's terrible. Only after the first stage is over, most of the people are already dead. If this continues, we will definitely die. I don't want to die!"

"I'm quitting the game!!!"

"I'm quitting the game!!!"

"I'm quitting the game!!!"

This game is really too scary, fear has already appeared in these people, they don't want to go on like this, they don't want to die here, although their life is very bitter, but it is not harder than death, here is cruel The struggle of the two people simply did not put life in their eyes.

Because of their fear of death, they have already begun to shake their minds about coming to participate. Now they just want to escape and don't want to stay here any longer.

Although some people want to quit, there are also people who don't want to quit.

"I'm not quitting!"

"Me too! I don't want to quit either. After I quit, I will go back to the life of 337, where I can't get enough to eat. My family needs me to support me, but I have no money. No boss wants me. I will be hungry sooner or later. Die! And here I win and I can get hundreds of billions in cash! I have this money and I can do whatever I want!"

"Yes! Compared with life outside, fighting here is dangerous, but what if I succeed? Everything is risky, but people like us outside have no chance of turning over. I will be eaten away by those demons above, if I can choose, I would rather take a chance here!"

This society is indeed very corrupt. Although the previous society was the same, the current society is already extremely corrupt. The people above treat civilians like livestock and keep squeezing them.

squeeze the lives of civilians.

Like slaves, this kind of life is too unbearable, but it is equivalent to death, and many people still choose to live, because only by living can they have the opportunity to resist those capitals!

This phenomenon will definitely be defeated, but the loneliness of one era will appear in the next. This is the law of survival that cannot be changed.

The robot looked at their emotions and looked at them without a trace of emotion. If it weren't for the rest time, it would have killed these people.

"That's not okay. If you don't come, how can I still get popularity points!" Chen Xiang looked at their desires and felt a little uncomfortable.

If they left, his popularity would be greatly reduced. He didn't want this, but there was nothing he could do.

These people have started rioting, and those who still want to participate have started fighting with those who do not want to participate.

One punch at a time, very fierce, almost to the point of killing people, Chen Xiang still made a choice, he chose to give them a chance.

"Hello! Those who participated in this game, I am the organizer of this game. After your experience, I need to think deeply about it."

Chen Xiang used the system to speak, he is willing to give these people a chance, it depends on how they choose, if they choose to participate, then no wonder they are cruel, if they choose to give up, he Chen Xiang will also let them go.

When these people heard Chen Xiang's words, they immediately became excited and began to discuss whether they should leave or not. Suddenly, No. 0002 stood up and said.

"Hello organizer, although this game is very cruel, I will not say anything. After all, this game is voluntary, and when we first participated in this game, there was a condition written on it, you can choose to give up the game, but you must Everyone votes, you say yes, organizer!"

This number 0002 is very smart, after so many killings, he still remembers it so clearly.

"Yeah, I seem to remember something like this, the organizers and I (bhac) want to opt out, give us the right to vote!"

"I can finally leave here. As long as the vote is successful, it is great to be able to leave here. I must be able to quit. This game is really terrible!"

"We're going to vote! We're going to vote!"

The words of No. 0002 moved them and gave them a chance to quit, so they all started shouting!

"Come and come, see if you choose to leave, or we choose to stay, see which one is better!"

These people talk less and less, and Chen Xiang has given them a chance, so they will naturally have the right to choose, but I didn't expect that someone would remember this rule. It seems that there is a smart person among these people, who is all When I told him, Chen Xiang had no choice but to agree.

The control system began to speak.

"Are you sure about choosing this chance to vote?"

These people who wanted to leave shouted right away without even thinking about it. It seems that after seeing death, they experienced it themselves. Their hearts have almost collapsed and they can't hold on anymore.

Of course, there are still many people who choose to continue. Chen Xiang can keep these players and continue the game, but he doesn’t, because the game is fun with multiple people, isn’t it?

If the people who were already playing leave, then what's the point, the game should be played together, and if they want to leave, then give them this chance.

"That's good! I'll give you this chance!"

As soon as Chen Xiang's words fell, two electronic versions fell from the gate in the distance. These two electronic versions are used to record how many people voted. If the number of people who want to leave really exceeds the number of people who stay, then let them go. !

"This is the place to vote, the right is to go, the left is to stay..."

"Hurry up, hurry up, if you want to leave, follow me to the right. I really don't want to stay here anymore. God bless me and let me leave!"

As the voting place came out, these people rushed up and started voting.

Every time a person votes, a number will appear on the electronic version, and soon the one on the right has more than 500 votes. It seems that there are already more than 500 people who want to leave

On the other side, the left side did not show any tendency to lag behind, and they also swarmed up to 500 votes. It seems that there will be a battle between going and staying.

Soon everyone had finished voting, and the number of votes came to 750 to 750, a tie!

And among these people, there is one person who did not vote, and this person is No. 0001.

"Brother, everyone's life is in your hands!"

No. 0002 looked at No. 0001 and told him that the lives of these people are indeed in the hands of No. 0001!.

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