Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 81 How Long Will I Be Tortured By This Usury! (Please Customize, Follow Up!)

"Yes, how can a person like me have the money to pay for medical expenses? The hospital is not a place where ordinary people like us can afford it.

"But I don't want my mother to leave me!"

No. 0100 was a little overwhelmed. He remembered the money on the card before, and there was still 5,800 yuan. He immediately asked the staff.

"I have 5800 yuan now, can I treat my mother first? Please!"

No. 0100 held the man's hand, begged her and hoped he would agree.

"Wait for me, I need to ask our dean, is it convenient for you?"


When I saw No. 0100, there is still hope, I regained my mood and began to look to the future.

Looking at this staff member on the phone, 0100's heart is very heavy. If he succeeds, it means that he still has a chance to save his mother. If he doesn't...

"Congratulations, our dean has said that he agrees to your request, but you need to pay other money in 3 days, or you can only prepare for your mother's funeral in 3 days."

"thanks, thanks……"

No. 0100 took the man's hand and thanked him. He immediately took out his card and paid the money. After paying the money, he was penniless.

What do we need to do with the hundreds of thousands in the future? It is impossible to have them in the factory, so go and rob them?

0100 had the idea.

The residence of No. 0002, because he left the game, he returned to his original life. He is not as poor as No. 0100. His bank card is worth hundreds of thousands, and he works as a supervisor in a company. .

The monthly money is also more than ten thousand, which is very much for ordinary life, but he is not satisfied with these, or he will not run to participate in the game because of the 100 billion

Even if his monthly income exceeds 10,000 yuan, he still doesn't have a good life, and he still can't afford a house, which costs several million at every turn, so what if his monthly income exceeds 10,000 yuan.

No. 0002 came to the company, and the people from these companies greeted him immediately when they saw him.

"Where did you go yesterday? I didn't see you come to work. Do you know that the boss is angry, and you are miserable today."

The boss of No. 0002 is a person who pays great attention to rules. He sets the rules, and no one can resist.

No. 0002 was just about to ignore it, he knew he couldn't hide or he couldn't hide, he might as well face it.

Before he returned to his place, the boss's secretary stopped him.

"The boss asked you to go there."

Hearing this, No. 0002 knew that he couldn't hide, so he could only face it. He went to the boss's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A very angry voice came out, don't think it was the boss's voice, it seemed very angry.

Although the salary of this company is not bad, but the rules are very strict, if you make a mistake, it will not end well.


No. 0002 witnessed death in the game, and when facing this boss, he no longer had the fear of the past, but was very flat.

But his heart is still very nervous, he participated in that game just for the 100 billion, and now he has left, and he doesn't want to lose his job in this company, if he loses, he really has nothing.

"Why didn't you come to work yesterday! I don't remember yesterday being a day off!"

The boss looked at No. 0002 seriously, this kind of scrutiny eyes, just like scrutinizing the enemy in war.

"Boss, I had something to do yesterday so I didn't come, please calm down the boss..."

Hearing his answer, the boss stood up by himself, slapped the table hard and shouted!

"Can you not notify my boss if something happens? You are really bold!"

"Boss, I really didn't notify you yesterday because I couldn't play with my phone because of something..."

No. 0002 really regrets it now, if I didn't participate in that game, my work would not be like this at all.

But it's not that he doesn't have that 100 billion heart, it's just that he gave up because of fear.

"You still don't take me seriously, now get out of the company immediately, don't even want this month's salary, get out!"

The boss didn't say a word [the number 0002 was dismissed without mercy.

"Boss is not good, he is our strongest designer..."

The secretary next to him heard that the boss wanted to dismiss No. 0002, but he begged for mercy.

But this is because of the ability of No. 0002, so it is like this. If it is not because of this, the secretary will not be able to intercede for him.

No. 0002 is also clear, and looking at the boss expectantly, hoping that he can let him come back to this company. He really needs this company, and he really can't live without this company.

Without a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, the loan shark he owed was simply not repaid. Yes, he owed the loan shark. He owed the loan shark three years ago because he had no money to pay his medical bills. He didn’t borrow much at that time .

It was only 20,000 yuan, but at that time, because I couldn't find a job in this company, I couldn't afford it all the time, so I could only pay the interest. Now the interest has been paid 150,000 yuan, and I haven't paid it off until now.

And now the usury has become 500,000, because it has been too long to pay it off, they directly proposed this price, and there is no need to pay it back, he now has 450,000, it only takes a few months, and with his performance , you can get thousands of extra money every month.

He has been engaged in this usury for a long time, and now he has hope, but he is about to lose his job because he participated in that game.

". "I told him to go away, didn't you hear? He is just an ordinary person no matter how powerful he is. I think it is not easy to find such a person. I have money, and I need someone who doesn't listen to me?"

The boss didn't have any excuses, so No. 0002 could only leave the company. "Walking to the street, he came to a barbecue restaurant.

He began to order food, and he ate dishlessly. It seemed that his loan shark could not be repaid, and how long would he be tortured by this loan shark. (Zhao who got it) used to be unable to pay the money, so he called every three to five times, and gradually got money, but it was only enough to pay off the interest, from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan.

In giving money again and again, he finally gave up the interest. Those usurers proposed to give 500,000 yuan and it was over. He kept making money until now it finally reached 450,000 yuan.

Then that game came along.

100 billion is really eye-catching, but because of my own fear, I left. Now I have no job and I still have a loan shark.

If he doesn't give money, he will be beaten to death by loan sharks, the police? The police don't care at all, they are just ordinary people like us.

"Boy! See if you have money to pay back when you eat here."

Suddenly a person came over and said to No. 0002.

No. 0002 looked over and found that this person was a loan shark.

"I lost my job, and I can't afford to pay you back. Can you let me go?"

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