Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 88 The Real Wise Man! (Please Customize, Follow Up!)

"What's going on! Clean up the producers! Are we all going to die!"

When the announcement ended, these people began to panic. The arena, which was originally quiet to death, suddenly became noisy, louder than in the vegetable market!

#0133, what’s going on, didn’t you say that unity can end it, why is the broadcast like this? Why! I’ll tell you! It’s all because of you! Because of you!”

"Did we do something wrong? The person who never believed in No. 133 was beaten to death, and we trusted No. 0133 unconditionally, but now we still can't escape death. We could have fought for it. survived...and"

"It's all because of your number 0133. Before I die, I must - kill you myself!"

"I don't want to die....I don't want to die...I- don't want to..."

"Beep beep beep...

The robot opened fire, and dealt with these people one by one, and each bullet killed a person very delicately.

These people lost their minds immediately and started running one after another. Some people also ran towards No. 0133. They didn't want to save No. 0133, but to kill him!

The muscular man with the number 0001 used his muscles to pick up the person next to him to help him avoid bullets, and he was still saying a word.

"In this game, only one person can survive. As long as I survive to the last person, I will be the winner! Yes, yes, yes, yes. "I will be the final winner after ten moves!"

The muscular man is very smart. He left a message saying that these people dodged bullets with their bodies, but it was really useful. Several of the bullets that hit him were blocked by his raised body, which saved his life.

There are also some people who use other people's corpses to hide themselves, covering themselves, so that the robot does not know whether they are alive or not, and there are some people who are alive like this.

"No. 0133! Run for me again! Run for me again! Let me see how you run!"

"It's all because of you, you must die now, only if I kill you myself, can I avenge my shame! I actually believe your number 0133!"

Soon No. 0133 was chased by several people, and threw him down, and the fists of several people hit No. 0133 in the face!

"Ah!!!! Let me go.....I didn't mean to...."

No. 0133 is very scared, but there is no way, he can only be beaten by these people, but he is also afraid of death, regardless of the robot is still there madly looting and cleaning up these people, begging for mercy.

"Hehe! You still know the number 0133, you must die this time!"

"Kill him to death, the robot will come over soon, you must kill him!"

These people are completely insane, they just want to kill 0133, and they don't care that the robot has come behind them.


The robot came behind them and fired several shots, directly killing these people, and the number 0133 who thought the direct analysis was right had also died in the hands of these people.

He didn't get killed by a single shot from the robot, but was beaten to death by these people who just listened to him!

"Didn't you tell me personally that your analysis is correct?"

No. 0001 came out from behind the robot, holding the blood knife in his hand, stabbed No. 0133's body fiercely, and started talking.

The robot is looking for these people, and No. 0001 is also looking for people who live here, and when it sees a living person, it will kill it immediately.

Soon all the people here had collapsed, and when they thought they were all dead and were about to drag the corpses down, a corpse suddenly moved, and No. 0001 found it.

He walked over, stood in front, and waited quietly for what was inside. He really wanted to know who was inside, and actually hid under these corpses.

"I survived, I am the last one alive!"

The body was broken open, and a man with very rich muscles jumped out, and this man was that muscular man.

"So it was you, I thought who it was, isn't this the muscular man who just hit me?"

Looking at this muscular man, No. 0001 laughed evilly.

The muscular man looked at No. 0001 in bewilderment and said in surprise.

"Haven't the ring been cleaned up, why are you still alive!"

"Hahaha, it really is a mentally handicapped person. Didn't you hear that only people with knives can survive?"

"And this is that knife! I have this knife so I survived!"

Holding the blood knife, No. 0001 spoke in front of the muscular man.

And the muscular man seemed to understand something, and then shouted loudly!

"I got it! I got it, it's all because of you, because you took the knife to clean up everyone in the arena, obviously everyone can survive, and you took the knife to make all these people clean up dead, that is the culprit!"

"It really is an idiot, goodbye!"

No. 0001 doesn't want to continue talking with this person, because this muscular man is really stupid, talking too much may affect his IQ.

"don't want!!!"

With the roar of the muscular man, No. 0001's body was pierced through with a knife, and he died here.

All the people are dead, only number 0001 is left, the number 0001 who had no hope at all, and the number 0001 who was beaten by these people survived the ring, maybe this is the real wise man .

He had analyzed it long ago, and these people are too stupid to actually want to make peace. They foolishly believe that unity can survive.

Do they know what this game is for? This game is originally for death. If no one dies, does it still have the feeling of a game?


And these people actually want to engage in unity. It is really ridiculous. They actually believe that unity can get the 100 billion. Why is this 100 billion given to you for free?

It's really ridiculous. After so many deaths and injuries, it's really ridiculous that some people still believe that unity can survive.

Looking at the muscular man's body, No. 0001 couldn't help saying.

"It's great to let you die so easily, how dare you hit me?"

After finishing speaking, No. 0001 also came to a room, and the blood knife was also carried by the robot.

"The knife fight of the third group is over!"

"The personnel of the fourth group are, No. 0448, No. 1541, No. 2445. No. 5453..."

A series of 100 people read, and these 100 people stepped up with their own thoughts and stepped onto the ring.

Because there is no such talent as No. 0133, the fourth group returned to the original state. The game started to fight, and many people rushed to grab the knife, because they knew it.

A knife is a weapon, as long as you have a weapon to fight these people, it will be very easy to fight, so at least half of the people who grabbed the knife this time are very many.

It is also more intense than before, maybe the people in this group are more powerful than the previous ones. .

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