Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 96 Do A Lot Of Evil In The World! (Please Customize, Follow Up!)

Little by little, many people slowly approached her.

I also took something similar to a single oar.

Put it lightly on top.

00520's current clothes and body have failed miserably.

Just in those fights.

His clothes have been taken by those who wanted to kill him.

Destroyed like rags, if not Jimei's own institution.

She was totally invulnerable to this disaster.

00520 is very grateful.

I was finally able to survive among so many people.

You must know that there are hundreds of people participating in this game together.

But I was able to survive with 00250.

This is simply a bit caught off guard.

No. 00520 is very clear in his heart, but his body is not under his control.

He slowly lay down on the stretcher.

At this time, she was in a very relaxed mood.

He thought it would be nice to die like this.

I felt like my body was floating up and down.

Is this the god of death coming to pick me up?

If death comes to pick me up.

I must follow his theory well.

Why is he a high god.

However, those bad people are allowed to use human lives to play games.

Does the god of death ignore these bad guys?

Are they allowed to do all kinds of evil in the world?

You must know the phrase "the devil is in the world".

It is fully reflected in this game.

No. 00520 thought about it, but now she couldn't open her eyes or move her body.

Even for a moment, he always thought whether he was dead or his soul had gone out of his body.

To know such a long game.

It was really exhausting for him.

No. 00520 slowly sank in consciousness, getting deeper and deeper.

Then he fell asleep.

When he woke up again.

He was found lying in an extremely spacious room.

This room was originally their common dormitory.

It is the kind of dormitory with a particularly high level.

All contestants rest together.

But now with more and more people dying.

They also took away the beds in this dormitory bit by bit.

In the end, sometimes there were only two beds of 00520 and 00250 left.

Placed in the middle of the huge room.

It's just two beds, look at the current situation.

No. 00520 felt a little funny, he didn't know how to describe his current mood.

So he looked around, only to see an evil mystery.

To know them along the way, to participate in the game.

It is still very sexy in design.

But because there were too many people, when those beds were placed next to them.

Did not see the picture on the wall at all.

00520 is online now, come take a closer look at the walls.

In fact, the game designers have already passed this game, and the game of each level has been displayed in front of them.

Just like the first level of the game, all the way to the last level are painted on the surface of the wall.

But at that time, they were always discussing how to survive.

How can I form an alliance?

Help yourself to persevere better.

No one had ever seen such a wall.

In fact, the real mystery is still here.

No. 00520 patted his head, at this moment in Nuoda's room.

As far as he is alone now, and for the current situation, he is still very goal-oriented.

Now his mind is blank, not knowing what to do in the future. .

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