Super Chief

Chapter 243: Harpak (Happy National Day!)

Yu Chiren, who had an absolute advantage, was panicked, confused, and afraid.

Several different horns sounded in the rear, and these Yuchi warriors from different tribes immediately understood what these horns meant.

That is the horn representing the rapid retreat and... the horn of the tribal leader's death?

When the horn sounded, almost all the Yu Chi fighters were stunned. If the horn of retreat immediately makes them unable to understand, then the horn of the tribal leader's death is simply a joke.

How could the leader of the tribe be killed? They are all staying in the safest place behind, and beside them there are the most outstanding archers selected from various tribes, and the leader is killed. It is simply impossible.

However, when these Yuchi warriors looked back at the southern hillside, they could only vaguely see a group of panicked archers and seven lonely unrided war horses.

What about the people on the war horse?

That is the leader of the seven tribes and the chief of the entire Yuchi tribe, the great Humazulu!

Why are they missing?

All Yu Chi soldiers who saw this scene panicked.

They are expeditionary forces. Compared with the little friction between the tribes, the tribes of Yuchi that were strongly kneaded by the great Chief Humazulu this time can be said to have come out of their nests. In the words of the chief-this time we are going to take back the land that originally belonged to us!

There is no doubt about the prestige of Chief Humazulu. Even the tribe with deep contradictions will have to cooperate sincerely in front of the Chief.

An army of two thousand people, this can be said to be the largest military operation of the Yuchi tribe in hundreds of years.

However, this was the first tribe of Chekashas. Although this tribe had a lot of people, the situation of the battle was already overwhelmed under the circumstances of sneak attacks and the dominant force. The brothers only had to work hard for a long time. Time, this tribe can be completely destroyed. The various materials accumulated in the tribe can make the expeditionary army make a fortune.

All the fighters involved in the battle think so. They need the supplies accumulated by the Xiaohe tribe!

However, this is about to completely annihilate this tribe. Where is our leader? Where is our chief?

Did they really die?

After the Yu Chi warrior panicked, he began to mess up.

And at this moment, a horrible howling of crying father and mother suddenly broke out in a certain corner. From the sound, it should be compatriot Yu Chi.

But why did they make such a miserable howl? Did they encounter a powerful enemy?

The dozen Yuchi fighters closest to the source of the sound suppressed the panic in their hearts, carrying their weapons and preparing to go and support their compatriots.

As a result, just a few steps away, I saw a few of my compatriots as if they had seen an explosive bear that was awakened in winter, and they ran to this side while they were crawling, yelling: "Run, run, Harpak has come, Harpak has come..."

Harpak means devil and devil in Yu Chi language.

But how can there be Harpak here?

When the dozen Yuchi warriors were in a daze, they saw a blood-red "man" who was as strong as a bursting bear coming out from behind a burnt wooden house.

But, is this really a human?

How could a person have such a cruel and indifferent vision? How could a person have such a strong life-saving spirit? The most important thing is, how can a person wield such a big knife?

At this time, Shi Xiong only felt that his heart was about to explode, and the grief seemed to be constantly piercing his heart with tens of thousands of needles.

But how can this kind of pain compare to losing Xiao Yunduoer forever?

Shi Xiong had only one thought in his mind right now, and that was to kill, to kill all these damned Yu Chi people. Not only did he want to kill these Yu Chi people, he also had to kill the Yu Chi people in his territory and kill all the Yu Chi people!

How dare someone be his own way? Ha, isn't this the damned Yu Chi man?

Then die!

The sturdy Yuchi warrior standing in front of the stone bear is a famous warrior in the royal court of the Yuchi clan. His name is Shanbeng, which means that when he uses his full strength, a punch can knock the mountain down.

Of course, this is an exaggerated description, but this warrior did not live up to this resounding clan name. His strength is so great that he can be called the most powerful warrior of the entire Yuchi clan. Perhaps his martial arts are not as good as those senior fighters, but when he wielded the heavy bone spear in his hand, even the most powerful fighter of the tribal royal family did not dare to move forward.

The dozen Yu Chi soldiers looked at the landslide with hope. They believed that the powerful landslide would be able to stop this Harpak.

But, I saw that Harpak didn't say anything, walked up to the landslide and raised the ridiculously big knife, and then slashed it directly without any fancy moves.

Shanbeng yelled abruptly, held the heavy bone spear that was two times thicker than the ordinary bone spear in both hands, lifted it up, and slammed against the big knife fiercely.

All Yu Chi fighters who have seen the strength of a landslide have no doubt that even if the **** guy is really Harpak, he will be broken by the big knife in the hand of the landslide.

Under the gaze of all the Yu Chi warriors looking forward to, the big knife with only the blade flashing cold light touched the thick bone spear, and then all the Yu Chi warriors showed an unbelievable look.

That bone spear, the thickest bone spear in the entire Yuchi clan, looked like a piece of firewood in front of the or firewood that had been put outside for many years and had been rotten.

The imaginary loud crashing sound did not appear. All the Yuchi warriors only heard a "boom" and saw that the bone spear in Shanbeng's hand was smashed in two, and then the cold light continued to descend, and the landslide was strong. From the top of his head to between his legs, his body was split in half...

Then, these Yuchi warriors saw that Harpak walked from the body that had been split in half and fell down on both sides. The blood on his body thickened again, and the tip of the low-hanging sword kept on Blood dripped down.

"Harpak! This is really Harpak! Run..." These Yuchi soldiers made such a horrible howl almost in unison, just like the horrible howl they heard just now, and then they The one who turned around and crawled began to escape...

Shi Xiong followed these Yu Chi people with a broad sword behind him, and encountered many resistances along the way. But he didn't care who was blocking him, as long as it was Yu Chiren, whether it was one, two, or several, as long as he dared to block the way, he would go down with a single blow, and cut it off with a weapon.

This brutality frightened everyone who encountered the stone bear, and like the compatriots who screamed in front of them, they began to scream and fled back. Coupled with the constant urging of the horn, Yu Chiren was completely messed up.

Finally, when Shi Xiong walked to the southern edge of the tribe with a knife that was dripping blood by himself, there were more than a hundred Yuchi warriors who fled in front of him.

These more than one hundred Yuchi fighters are usually considered elite fighters, but they don't want to be driven away by a **** man like a duck. However, none of them dared to turn around and resist, they have been completely scared by this Harpak...

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