Super Chief

Chapter 383: The old gun never goes out, just forgotten

Not long after the end of the War of Alone, France, located in the center of Europe, once again heard gunshots that shocked the whole world. On July 14, 1789, the burning Bastille awakened all including the owner of the Palace of Versailles. French nobility and all of Europe!

   And during the French Revolution, people all over the world knew another model of brown bees-Indian brown bees.

The continuous improvement of the French rifle is to make the rifle more exquisite and different. The British Brown Beth has been constantly improving not to make the gun more exquisite, but to make the cost of the gun continue to decrease. .

Therefore, as early as the middle of the eighteenth century, the cheaper Indian Brown Bess rifle appeared in the East India Colonial Company, but the Indian Brown Bess did not enter the world stage until the Napoleonic Wars-because of this rifle. The power is not small, and the cost is cheaper.

   Around 1790, with the Napoleonic Wars going on, the British Ordnance Bureau desperately discovered that the French on the other side had mobilized nearly a million morale revolutionary army, but their own munitions inventory was pitifully small...

   So while stepping up the reorganization of the troops, the British authorities noticed the economical brown bees already used by the East India Company’s colonial army. This gun is shorter than the British armed forces today, and of course it is cheaper.

  Time is running out, both the king’s soldiers and the empire’s allies desperately need weapons! Although the Ordnance Bureau is not very optimistic about this model, beggars can’t pick and choose. On the one hand, the authorities persuaded the East India Company to contribute the remaining inventory. On the other hand, they formally established a project for production of this cheap musket in 1795. This is the Indian Brown Bess. The origin of.

   By 1797, the British native military musket production line almost gave way to the Indian brown bass. There is also a saying that this type of shotgun was contracted and produced by the East India Company at that time. In fact, most of the Indian brown basses that exist today are still built by the local arsenal directly under the Tower of London instead of the East India Company... ..

   But in any case, the Indian brown Beth went to the world stage in such a grand manner.

   Ishikuma knows that the cost of Indian brown bees is indeed cheaper. Just like now, at this time in 1766, a short Indian brown bee cost only two pounds and four shillings, and the purchase price was not much higher than the cost. At the same time, the P1756 long shotgun manufactured in the United Kingdom cost as much as three pounds and two shillings. As for the purchase price of the Ordnance Bureau, it was as high as six pounds and five shillings!

  In other words, the price of a P1756 long shotgun purchased by the British Ordnance Bureau is enough to buy three Indian brown bees...

   Don’t the British Ordnance Bureau know? Hell if they don't know.

   But why don't they buy Indian brown bees? It's very simple. The benefits involved are so big that it can't even control the Ordnance Bureau.

It is important to know that the purchase price of Indian brown bees during the Napoleonic Wars was not lower than the price before the war alone, but increased a lot. During the Napoleonic Wars, the average purchase price of a handful of Indian brown bees was as high as two pounds six times. make......

   Why is this? It's very simple. Just in the eleven years of this year, Indian brown bees produced a full 1.6 million pieces! Since the beginning of the year, the Brown Beth family, including the early firing models, produced a total of 7.8 million pieces, of which the Indian model produced about 2.8 million pieces!

   What are the benefits of this? I am afraid that even the King of England at the time did not dare to count...

   This is also the fundamental reason why the Ferguson rifle was named very well in the original historical time and space, but in the end only a mere 1,000 were produced.

   Those with vested interests who are used to sucking blood on Brown Beth, how can they allow a new rifle to break their interests?

   Therefore, Lieutenant Ferguson in the original historical time and space clearly invented the world's first rear-mounted rifle, but it still couldn't be promoted. Not to mention Ensign Ferguson, it is estimated that the head of the Ordnance Bureau wants to promote this rifle.

  Even, Patrick Ferguson, who had been promoted to major in the original historical time and space, was killed by a single shot in a single-handed war. It is estimated that there was also a conspiracy behind him.

   After all, Major Ferguson on the battlefield led his men and shot a sky with a Ferguson rifle. Everyone can see the excellence of the Ferguson rifle. If this guy continues to live, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Ferguson rifle can replace the Brown Beth.

   So, Ferguson, a major, died...

   And just now, when Colonel Jones heard that he was asked to buy a thousand Ferguson rifles, the reason why he quickly became hesitant was probably because of the terrifying interest circle in it.

   Colonel Jones is rich, Shixiong knows this very well. The transactions of refined salt over the past two years have definitely made the colonel a lot of profits, but he still hesitated, which is enough to prove his fear.

You know that the flash hider was developed as early as the beginning of the nineteenth century, and more advanced Dreiser rifles appeared earlier, but the front-loaded musket such as Brown Beth still persisted until the middle of the nineteenth century. Withdrawal from the stage of history, forcibly suppressed the after-loading rifled gun for more than ten years.

   This is because the Dreiser rifle shines in the Pudan War before it succeeds.

   Whether it is a Dreiser rifle or a Migne rifle, it is not comparable to a Ferguson rifle. If the Ferguson rifle is just a relatively powerful rifle, then the Dreiser rifle is an epoch-making rifle.

   But even the Dresser rifle almost fell with the same fate as the Ferguson It can be seen how powerful the forces surrounding the brown Beth are.

   Around the brown Beth, an unbreakable interest circle has formed throughout Britain and even the whole of Europe. No one dares to challenge this interest circle, even the King of England!

   It is because of the existence of this huge and potential interest circle that Brown Beth has ruled the British Ordnance for 132 years!

   It's just that the brown Bess is no better than that, and it will come to an end!

   As the politician commander of the twentieth century said with mixed reputation-the veteran does not die, but withers!

   For Brown Beth, I can only say-the old gun is not destroyed, it is just forgotten...

   The vested interests surrounding Brown Beth are great, but they are nothing to Shi Xiong.

  Obviously, the Ferguson rifle in his hand is far more than Brown Beth. I have already driven a Ferrari. Whose sister needs a bicycle?

   Not to mention that the four major alchemists in the family are now working on more advanced new rifles that combine the advantages of the Dreiser rifle and the Xiasaibo rifle! Once this new rifle is developed, let alone the Brown Beth, even the Ferguson Rifle Stone Bear will not take it seriously.

  I already have a private jet. You don’t need any Ferrari or bicycle...

  PS: There are more data in this chapter, but it is very important, because it involves some adjustments and plans of the protagonist in the later period of ordnance...

  :. :

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