Super Chief

Chapter 415: Saccade

Crazy Bull took the order excitedly, and then ran away even more excitedly. His third regiment was still far away from the stone bear. He had to go back and direct the third regiment to flatten the one in front of him. The Waxichu settlement that has been gritted for a long time.

Since the high tree tribe had the Ferguson rifle, when Stone Bear was marching, except for terrain restrictions and when he needed to focus on firing, he seldom used the dense formation. The skirmish line was in the usual training of the Burst Bear Brigade. It has been deeply imprinted in the minds of the commanders, officers and soldiers of the Burst Bear Brigade.

   Therefore, after more than five thousand Burst Bear Brigade soldiers spread out in a skirmish line formation, the spread area is quite large. Even if the mad cow is riding a horse, it needs to run for a while.

   Through the single binoculars in his hand, um, the binoculars seized from the hand of Major Chretien Armand, the stone bear can clearly see that the settlement on the opposite side has also changed.

Although many white flags have been erected in the residential area, through the binoculars, the stone bear can clearly see that there are two dark spots on the wall facing this side. Needless to say, it must be a Frenchman. Artillery.

However, there is no need to worry about this kind of artillery now. One is that the artillery of this era is so accurate that it can make people cry without tears, and the other is such a small residential area, which has at most two or three small-caliber artillery. It's the kind of gun with a four-pounder and a six-pounder.

   Although the artillery of this era has a range of more than one kilometer, how powerful is this artillery that fires solid rounds? Coupled with the problem of accuracy, it is no exaggeration to say that the artillery of this era is used to bluff people.

Of course, if the gunner’s luck is good enough and the enemy’s luck is bad enough, then perhaps a shell can be fired, and may be able to "plow" the enemy in a dense formation into a **** alley at a distance of five to six hundred meters. Come, but this happens mostly in imagination...

   In real actual combat, as long as the opponent has a little tactical awareness and avoids the direction of the muzzle, then this heavy and stupid artillery is really a display.

   Not to mention that the Explosive Bear Brigade is still presenting a skirmish line, and ghosts are afraid of such artillery.

When training soldiers, Shixiong used to deal with fortress guns or infantry guns. So when the two artillery appeared on the walls of the settlement, they were facing the direction of the gun’s muzzle. The soldiers of the Burst Bear Brigade simply avoided the commander's orders. The result of hard training on weekdays is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Turning the binoculars slightly, Shi Xiong saw that the soldiers of the third regiment began to move, so Shi Xiong gave orders to the soldiers who were specially used to transmit orders. The soldiers immediately sounded the rhythmic horn. .

  This rhythmic horn blasting bear brigade soldiers know that it is to maintain the original formation and keep pressure on the enemy.

The meaning of    is very simple, stand on the spot, and watch the brothers of the third group go to clear the settlement.

   Most of the soldiers in the third regiment did not move, only more than a hundred people came forward at the skirmish line.

Looking through the binoculars, Shixiong can clearly see that there are about forty grenadiers among the more than one hundred soldiers, they are in charge of twenty grenadiers, there are about fifty musketeers, and seven or eight rangers. At the end of the team, there are three separate fighters.

   These three fighters are responsible for the newly developed 55mm mortar.

   And these three fighters are the focus of Shi Xiong's attention. After all, although the entire Burst Bear Brigade has been equipped with twenty 55mm mortars, this mortar is the first time this kind of real mortar has been used in actual combat.

The French in the settlement obviously also saw the actions of the hundred soldiers of the third regiment. Then, more than 30 heads appeared on the fence. These people were all lying on the wall with their guns, watching this. One hundred soldiers.

   The three soldiers in charge of mortars stopped shortly after running forward. One soldier untied the mortar on his back, and then quickly set up the barrel. The other two soldiers removed the ammunition boxes on their backs.

   A mortar is operated by three people. After the two soldiers with ammunition put down the ammunition, one becomes a dedicated ammunition hand, and the other becomes a loader. The soldier with the mortar on his back became the aimer.

   The three people formed the smallest mortar squad, and the most important thing in it was undoubtedly the aimer.

   As early as when the mortar was first developed and tested, Shixiong focused on cultivating sights. Because the aiming hand is directly related to the accuracy of the mortar. If you are not accurate, even if you are given a 155 self-propelled artillery, it will be useless.

   But if it can hit the target, then with the effective range of the mortar and the power of the bomb, it is definitely a big killer.

   Later modern mortars all have a scope, and you can know the distance of the target by looking at the scope. But in this era, there is no sight or anything, so Shi Xiong can only use the simplest "skipping method" to train the sight.

   The so-called saccade method is actually the kind of quick measurement that you see in movies or TV with your arms straightened and thumbs up. This method of quickly measuring distance was also invented by later generations of soldiers. Experienced soldiers can quickly estimate the data they want, which is called a magical skill!

When using this measurement method, first raise the right arm horizontally, with the thumb up vertically, and the right arm must be kept as vertical as possible to the body; then close the left eye, rotate the waist, aim with the thumb or cover it. Measure the target. At this time, the right eye, thumb, and the measured target are on the same At this time, close the right eye and open the left eye. At this time, the measured target will appear on the thumb. The left side, and there will be a horizontal distance from the thumb.

At this time, it is necessary to estimate the size of the measured target, and then estimate the true distance of this lateral distance based on the size of the measured target, and then multiply this estimated distance by ten, basically you can get the sighting hand standing The true distance of the location from the target.

For example, after the sighting hand who is in charge of aiming continuously closes his left and right eyes, he sees a horizontal distance, and he estimates that the length of this stone wall is about 50 meters, and this horizontal distance The length is exactly the length of two stone walls.

  In other words, the actual length of the horizontal distance measured by the saccade method is about one hundred meters, and then multiplied by ten, the final sighting hand's standing position should be about one kilometer away from the stone wall.

   In fact, the distance between the mortar squad and the stone wall is about one kilometer!

   Of course, the distance measured by this saccade method is only a rough data. To determine the real data, you need to test one or two cannonballs to determine the truest distance based on the shooting point!

   Seeing the musketeer and grenadier in front of him spread out in a skirmish line at a distance of more than 200 meters from him, and set up the grenadier, the aimer decisively began to adjust the angle of the muzzle.

   After he finished adjusting the angle, the loader carefully took a cannonball and went in from the muzzle...

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