On the spaceship, Star-Lord slowly opened his eyes, and was just about to get up, but was held down by Groot on the side.

"Star-Lord, the injuries on your body are not completely healed, the dagger is poisonous, the machine is helping you clean up the toxins, it will take about ten minutes." Gamora, standing aside, said while operating the machine.

"What about Starka?"

"I'm here, kid, you're okay with your body." The Marauder, who resembled Stallone, came to Star-Lord and asked.

"I'm okay, thanks to you guys this time, Starka."

"You're also a member of our marauders, by the way, who exactly is the enemy? Thanos? But I remember that Thanos' men did not have such orcs. Starka asked suspiciously.

"This is his newly created orc, the strength is very strong, even Adam does not dare to say that he can defeat them one hundred percent." Star-Lord said while lying on the hospital bed.

"That's right, especially the armor on a minotaur, it's the hardest armor I've ever seen. , Adam should and the Word.

"So what do you think Thanos is thinking?"

"He still wants to collect gems to fulfill his ambition, but the problem is that there are now three gems on Earth, the Mind Gem, the Reality Gem, and the Time Gem on Earth, so he is waiting for a moment." Gamora's analysis.

"What is he waiting for?" Rocket asked.

"You seem to have forgotten that Thanos has already attacked the earth once, almost exhausting all his troops, only to exchange for the three gems in his hand, power, space and soul, there are too many strong people on the earth, unknown chiefs, supreme mages, odin and other strong people, even Thanos holding three gems is not necessarily an opponent, so he is accumulating troops and looking for helpers at the same time."

"Helper, who do you think he will go to?"

"Weren't Mephisto and Dormammu good helpers before? There are also dimensional demon gods such as Setorak, they all want to occupy the earth, so as long as Thanos hands over the disposal of the earth to them, they will cooperate with Thanos, but the three of them alone are not enough, as for the other helpers, I don't know. Gamora said as she pondered.

"Let's tell the Avengers about this first." Star-Lord struggled to get out of bed and pulled out the metal tube from his hand.

But when he just took a step off the ground, the whole person collapsed to the ground.

"Peter, what's wrong with you, Peter!" Gamora immediately grabbed Star-Lord's arm and shouted.

"Groot, come and help me." Gamora, shouted, and then moved with Groot to put Star-Lord on the hospital bed again.

"What the hell is going on!" Kamora turned her head and yelled at the mantis woman on the side.

"I was checking and checking out, the toxins in his body were not cleaned up, there was a toxin hidden very deeply, and this toxin was not recorded in the instrument, this toxin will make people completely incapacitated, but also incapacitated."

"Can it be cleared?"

"I don't know, I haven't encountered this toxin before." The praying mantis woman said with an anxious look.

"If it really doesn't work, we can only look for him."

"Looking for that rabbit man?"

"That's right, if you can't get rid of this toxin, then you can only go to him." Gamora touched Star-Lord's face and said.

"I know, I'll do my best."

Immediately, the mantis woman began to frantically reverse these toxins to obtain a clear method, but this toxin is too mysterious, even if the mantis woman uses all means to find a way to clean up these viruses.

"I'm sorry, Gamora, I tried my best." The praying mantis woman lowered her head and said helplessly.

"It's okay, now we are divided into two teams, Starka they will trouble you to bring to Earth, and Nebula and I will go to find Thanos."




Everyone said in unison almost at the same time, because they all knew that if the two of them really went to find Thanos, then it was very likely that they would never return.

"This is the only way we can save Star-Lord." Gamora looked around and everyone said.

"No, aren't there still chiefs on earth? Their ability should be able to remove the serum, so it's better to go back to Earth first and let them try it, okay? Rocket said softly.

Gamora, Nebula glanced at each other, then at Star-Lord on the hospital bed, and finally nodded.

"Okay, Starka, then we won't keep you." The rocket immediately ran to the driver's seat and said.

"I see, you guys be careful."

"You also have to be careful, now Thanos is even crazier than before, he used to slaughter half of his life, but now it seems that he only wants to destroy all life, so you should also be careful."

"I see."

Kruger then opened the portal and left Star-Lord's ship with Star-Lord.

After Starka left, the rocket immediately made a space jump, and after three consecutive times, the praying mantis woman was the first to be unable to support, and the rocket had to stay in place for a while.

Because as long as it is a carbon-based organism, it cannot make a long space jump, otherwise the gene will collapse.

After resting, the rocket continued to jump, and soon they came to the sky above the earth, because the rocket was too anxious, so it did not open the stealth system, and their tracks were discovered by satellites in space.

However, without waiting for the countries to connect the spacecraft, the rocket flew directly towards the rear of the union stronghold.

"Yo, isn't this the Guardians of the Galaxy, and there is a commission again?" Li and Zhu greeted him.

"President, help, Peter is poisoned, please see if you can help him detoxify." Kamora asked anxiously.

Li and Zeu frowned, and then looked at the Star-Lord on Groot's back.

"Follow me."

Everyone rushed to the infirmary with Li and Zeu, and then put Xingjue on the bed, Li and Zeu put their hands on his body, closed their eyes, and their hands glowed with golden light.

After a while, Li Hezhu slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a breath and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it, but I can find Elder Yu, if he can't solve it, then I can only find the chief."

"That's bothering you."

Li and Zhu immediately contacted Elder Yu, but Elder Yu still had some things to do on his side, so he would come back later.

"You also heard, Elder Yu still needs to come back in a while, anyway, there is nothing to do with Xingjue now, it is better for you to go to eat something or go to rest first, I see that your spirits are not very good."

"I'll stay with Peter here, and you guys go and rest." Kamora spoke.

Drax nodded, and then they left the infirmary together, even Lee and Zeus, leaving Kamora and Star-Lord alone.

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