Tom and Jerry used rags and mops that they didn't know where to conjure from, and began to "hum, hum", and the guests came out from under the table one by one.

Only one guest suffered this time, and the other guests were okay, at most, they were forced to hide under the table.

"Boss, can you let them clean me up first?" The guest, who was covered in traces of the explosion, said helplessly.

"Sorry I forgot you, Tom, go clean up for the guests."

Hearing Li Heyu's voice, Tom immediately rushed over, and then raised the mop in his hand and began to frantically brush the guest's face, and soon the originally scorched face was washed clean, and the price was wet all over.

"I'm sorry guest, let's do it, I have included all your wine for this week, so I should make amends for you." Li Youyu looked at the appearance of the guest and wanted to laugh a little, but he knew that once he laughed, it would really anger the guest.

"I'll come back next time." The guest also resigned himself, wiped the water stains from his face with his hand, and then walked outside.

Li Youyu can only apologize continuously, and when his figure completely disappears, Li Youyu turns his head and looks at Tom and Jerry viciously, the two helplessly spread their hands, and then continue to clean.

Ten minutes later, the whole bar finally became clean, and then the two small ones began to take out welding guns, hammers, saws, etc. and began to bang on the walls, damaged tables, etc., and soon these destroyed tables became completely new.

The guests who had been paying attention to the two small children were also shocked.

"This, this, this is unreasonable." A guest stammered.

"Big brother, cats can walk upright, and they can fire cannons, what else is unreasonable, you two, give me a break, I'll go out for a meal, if I come back and find that this bar has been made black by you, you will wait to be hungry."

After saying that, Li and Yu left again, and with his departure, the other guests also hurried to leave, after all, they watched Tom and Jerry fight from the cold weapon era to the hot weapon era, who knows if they will take out a laser gun in the next second.

Although I know that their weapons should not kill people, the pain is really painful.

Looking at the empty bar, Tom and Jerry glanced at each other, and then looked at Carl in unison, and Carl also looked helpless.

A cat and a mouse yawned, then found a quiet corner, put the cushions on the sofa on the floor, and lay down in it and fell asleep.

Tom slept on his tummy, while Jerry slept leaning on Tom.

Looking at the two little ones who were asleep, Carl let out a breath, how cute they looked now that they were quiet.

But the two had just fallen asleep for five minutes, Wade, the scruffy mercenary walked in side by side, and when they came in, they collapsed directly on the sofa, and the two made a loud noise, which woke Tom and Jerry up.

The two little ones opened their eyes unpleasantly and began to look for the culprit who woke them up.

Finally, their eyes were fixed on Wade and the scruffy male mercenary.

The two little ones looked at each other, and then revealed an evil smile, which made Carl, who noticed them, couldn't help but mourn for the two.

"Carl, hurry up and get some wine, in order to complete these commissions, I am tired of Lao Tzu." Wade shouted.

Carl quickly fiddled with them, but Wade and they obviously did not see it, and continued to shout loudly, when a strangely drawn cannon battle appeared on their table, and what was even more terrifying was that the lead of the cannon battle had been ignited.

And when Wade and the sloppy mercenary wanted to escape, the lead "bang" burned out, and with a huge "bang", Wade and the sloppy mercenary were blown up black.

"Brian, are you all right?" Wade asked, but as soon as he spoke, a puff of black smoke erupted.

"I'm okay." Brian spoke, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a puff of black smoke erupted.

"Carl, what's going on!" Wade asked angrily.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything." Carl looked like he didn't see anything.

At this time, Tom and Jerry jumped on the table, and then pointed at the two and scolded, Wade and the scruffy mercenary were scolded for a while and did not know how to refute.

In particular, Tom and Jerry obviously don't speak human words, but they can understand what they say.

"Hey, I'll go, what kind of monster is this!" Wade finally came to his senses and asked in horror.

While speaking, Wade had already drawn the knife, and Carl quickly shouted when he saw this: "You can't do anything to them, they are the chief's pets, if you dare to do it, wait to be cleaned up." "

Are they really the chief's pets?"

Tom and Jerry raised their heads proudly, and the two believed that they were the chief's pets.

"Okay, Tom, Jerry, go back to sleep, I'll make them speak quieter." Carl touched Tom's head and said.

Tom said a few last words to Jerry before going back to the place where he had just slept and went back to sleep.

At the same time, on the roof of the building, almost a thousand meters away from the bar, a group of heavily armed people, armed with RPGs, aimed at the door of the bar, and with just one command, dozens of shells will be fired at the bar, smashing it to pieces.

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