In Miami, Luke is fighting with eight werewolves, werewolves are extremely fast, and their claws can easily scratch a few millimeters of metal, although they still can't break Luke, but it also makes Luke feel pain.

However, Luke is a pair of eight, and he does not fall behind in the slightest, after all, he has been strengthened, if there are only three werewolves, it is impossible to be Luke's opponent, and five Luke can barely tie, but eight is really enough.

"Jane, John, I need help!" Luke punched the two werewolves and roared.

"We need space!" Jane replied.

Seeing this, Luke immediately took out a grenade, pulled out the pull ring, and then covered his eyes tightly with his hands, and the next second an explosion sounded, and the air wave separated the nine people.

The couple immediately opened fire, and large-caliber bullets were fired at the two werewolves, and Wade's voice sounded.

"If you want to completely kill werewolves, you must cut off their heads, it is completely cut off, this is what an exorcist told me, but this exorcist has never seen a werewolf, this is all family news, and I don't know if it is accurate."

"Won't you know if you try it?"

Luke ripped off his tattered clothes, revealing a tendon flesh, and strode towards one of the werewolves, at which point the werewolf who had been blown over by the grenade also recovered, and they roared and rushed towards Luke.

At this time, their eyes were glowing red, their bodies became larger again, and their fangs became sharper, because the teeth were too large, resulting in their mouths not closing, and saliva could not stop dripping down.

Luke couldn't help but frown when he saw it, after all, their current appearance was not vicious to him, it was just a little disgusting.

They turned into werewolves, they were very sensitive to the feelings of other creatures, and they clearly felt Luke's disgust, which made them more and more angry.

And the other two werewolves, needless to say, were pressed by the Smiths and his wife and could not get up at all.

So only six werewolves rushed towards Luke, Luke looked at the rushing werewolves, did not hesitate at all, rushed directly into the wolves, grabbed the neck of one of the werewolves, and then backhanded grabbed the claws of the werewolf's attack, pulled it hard, and directly ripped it off.

The werewolf let out a wail, and the remaining other arm began to frantically grab Luke's face, but Luke didn't even block it, but grabbed the werewolf's shoulder, and as the strength gradually increased, the werewolf's neck began to be torn.

Feeling the approach of death, the werewolf let out a wail, and the remaining five werewolves saw this, and immediately grabbed Luke's hand, and the five werewolves used force at the same time, just to keep their companions alive.

But their strength is really worse than Luke, with Luke's roar, the werewolf's head and body separated, throwing the head casually on the ground, stepping on it, and the headless corpse that was still struggling just now suddenly stopped motionless.

Seeing this, the rest of the werewolves looked at Luke unharmed, and they finally showed fear, and their originally huge size immediately became smaller.

"They want to go, don't let them run." Luke said coldly.

"Don't worry, they can't run away." Wade fell from the air and stopped the other side of the five-headed werewolf.

Then Brian, Melinda, and the Blade Warriors appear, and they surround the werewolves.

The Smiths on the roof, because the time to join the mercenaries was too short, so their fruits were not full, and their strength was not strengthened too much.

But the two couples added up to enough, and the crowd surrounded the remaining werewolves, who were back to back, grinning at them.

"Guys, you have to solve it in five minutes, or the eagle will come." The headset of the crowd came the voice of the analyst on Wade's team.

In addition to this identity, the analyst has another identity, that is, Wade's girlfriend, her real name is Vanessa.

When everyone heard this, they immediately began to walk towards the werewolves, and the werewolves also knew that they could not sit still, and they raised their heads to the sky and let out a wolf howl, and instead of retreating, they rushed towards Wade.

But three minutes later, all that remained was corpses on the ground.

"Time to go, the eagle is coming." Wade looked at the sky, everyone nodded, and then disappeared into the street again, and when the Apache gunship flew into the air, he could only see corpses all over the ground.

The commander looked at the corpse on the ground, his face became darker and darker, he looked at the corpse on the screen, his expression began to become hesitant, and finally his expression became firm, took out a satellite phone, and dialed a number.

"Bring him here and let him out."

"Are you sure, General? We finally caught him.

"Bring him here, I don't want to say it a second time, and kill that bastard for me!"

"Yes, General."

Looking at the general who had gradually gone crazy, the adjutant had no choice but to follow his orders, and half an hour later, a helicopter hoisted an iron cage over the center of Miami, and held a thin man in the cage.

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