Super Cookery System

Chapter 17: What big tail wolf

They used to like to eat there before, usually AA-made, and they were very happy to eat, but today it was Yang Song's treat.

The other two roommates are actually not so close to Yang Song, especially a student named Chen Donglai, because he is from the countryside, he is relatively frugal and very independent. In the dormitory, everyone has things together. Eat separately, if you have something, everyone will use it separately. He is not like this. He never takes advantage of others, but others should not take advantage of him.

It's not that Yang Song looks down on rural people. He came from the countryside. How could he look down on rural people? It's just because this guy is indeed a bit perverse, everyone wants to help him, but they can't find the opportunity to help him.

I heard that he did a lot of things to make money. He tried to make money. Before selling barbecue, he also went there. I heard that he still found a relative and borrowed two thousand yuan, and he got a second-hand barbecue truck. It seemed that I was at a loss, and I didn't make any money back. I spent a semester frugally before returning the money from my relatives.

This time I also heard that Yang Song was selling roasted gluten, and he mocked Yang Song, saying that he hadn't made any money before, but now Yang Song would go up to death stupidly.

The other is called Wu Bin. He is a big brother from the north. He is bold and a bit funny. He doesn't speak through the brain. He has lumpy flesh. He is just the top of the school basketball team, so he is often not in the dormitory. So Yang Song compares to Wang Xu. Familiar is best.

But Yang Song didn't care at all when he arrived, just smiled faintly, and continued to work on his own affairs. If you tell him how much money he makes a day, don't scare him to death.

A few minutes later, Yang Song came to Manjianghong Restaurant. It is not yet the peak time. The boss is a little free. He is standing at the door and smoking. He saw Yang Song coming and said with a smile: "Xiao Yang, you haven't been here for a long time! What have you been up to lately? What?"

"I did a little business, so I was a little busy, and today I have to trouble the boss again!" Yang Song smiled and said hello.

The boss is a happy man, nodded and said: "No trouble, Xiao Yang, if you trouble me every day, I will be happy! Don't worry, your drinks today are half price!"

"thank you boss!"

"Hurry in! Your classmates are waiting for you."

After entering the door, Yang Song saw three people sitting on the table of four and beckoning to him. Only Chen Donglai looked disgusted, as if someone owed him millions, Yang Song didn’t care. It’s good to know such a person. No matter what, the deep friendship is still forgotten, immediately smiled and waved in response, and trot over.

"Brothers came fast enough! I just got home, and I didn't clean it carefully, so you guys called!"

"Why do you clean? We'll just go over and help you when the time comes. It's rare for the big boss to treat you today. How can you not be positive? I even pushed the school team's training.

Wu Bin waved his generous hand and looked at Yang Song with a smile. The latter was not worried at the time and said with a smile: "You may order today, and you will count as much as I eat!"

Wang Xu poured a cup of tea to everyone, and said with a smile: "It seems that the big boss really made a lot of money. Tell me, how much money did you make by baking gluten?"

"Not much, not much, enough to make ends meet!" Yang Song scratched his head humbly.

"Say so much, let's order food!" Wu Bin had already grumbled hungry. Originally, he spent more energy and was hungry quickly. He waved at the service: "Beauty, here is the order!"


The beautiful waiter smiled and walked over. When she saw that it was four of them, she smiled and said, "Are all four of them here today? What can I eat?"

"Bring me a sauerkraut fish! Poached pork slices! Beer duck and three cups of chicken! I ordered all the meat! What do you guys eat? Order yourself!" Wu Bin quickly burst out a few dishes, which were relatively hard. Dishes.

Wang Xu also yelled, "I’ll have something else! Let’s have some fresh mushroom soup, let’s have garlic, oil, lettuce, shredded beef and radish, right, and a fried prawn! Donglai, do you want to order some yourself Like to eat?"

"No, no, I'll just have something to eat!" Chen Donglai smiled reluctantly, and took a sip of water from his teacup.

Everyone has been surprised, Yang Song nodded, and said to the beautiful waiter: "That's it! Let's talk about it if it's not enough, right, let's have a case of beer! Big Brother Zhang can say it! Today we half price of drinks!"

"I know! I said it a long time ago! Don't worry! I'm going to place an order! Wait a minute!" The beautiful waiter gave Yang Song a glance, and trot to the back kitchen to place the order.

The food will come up in a while, and the drinks will come up early in the morning. Wu Bin took the bottle and helped everyone fill up with beer, raising their glasses and shouting.

"With this cup, let us congratulate the youngest in his career getting better and better in the future! Make more and more money!"

There are all rankings in the dormitory, Wu Bin boss, Wang Xu second, Yang Song third, and Wang Donglai fourth.

As soon as Wang Xu heard this, he immediately raised a glass to echo: "Yes, we may have to rely on the third child for help in the future! Donglai, toast!"

Chen Donglai heard his name being called, so he raised the cup reluctantly, and then sat on the chair without saying a word. Wu Bin seemed a little unhappy when he saw this scene.

The man in the north is so bold, daring to love and hate, a little bit of dissatisfaction, everyone can see, Yang Song found out immediately, quietly waved his hand to signal Wu Bin to calm down, after all, today is Yang Song's treat, Wu Bin He still had to give him face, so instead of talking to Chen Donglai, he turned to chat with Wang Xu.

Wang Xu, this kid, is like a panacea, who can really talk to people and talk nonsense to others! So Yang Song felt that if his shop became bigger in the future, he would really have to ask Wang Xu to help him. He was dumb, and he was the best choice to greet customers outside.

Chen Donglai seemed a little uncomfortable, like Yang Song, when everyone was chatting in full swing, he suddenly jumped out.

"How much is roasted gluten for a bunch, two yuan? No matter how much it sells a day, it doesn't cost much, right? Just treat you like this without making much money? What kind of big tail wolf!"

As soon as this sentence was said, not only Wu Bin, but also Wang Xu's face went black. How could this kind of people behave like this, failing to make money by themselves, and you are unhappy when you see others making money?

Yang Song shook his head, smiled faintly, and didn't care, "I really don't make much money, but it's okay to invite everyone to eat! Donglai, just eat with peace of mind, don't always say strange things! "

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