Super Cookery System

Chapter 19: Fine beef skewers

Yang Song drank a sip of beer, smiled slightly, and said faintly: "It's nothing, just found a secret recipe, which is sold for the secret recipe! Although it is 100, it is actually not expensive!"

Actually, what Yang Song said is right. The main thing is to sell system money, such a delicious thing, 100 yuan is really not expensive, but I don’t know how the beef skewers will be in the future. It seems that I still don’t know how much it is. string.

"If you say this, I would like to try it. I have eaten a lot of grilled gluten, but I haven't eaten a bunch of grilled gluten for 100 yuan!" Wang Xu picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it in. In my mouth, I tasted carefully, and when I thought of a hundred skewers of grilled gluten, I suddenly felt that the chicken seemed dull.

"It's easy!" Yang Song smiled, picked up the wine bottle and filled it with everyone, "Isn't it just that I have built a new house here? Then I will call you over for dinner, let alone roast gluten, I The newly developed beef skewers are enough for you!"

If Yang Song might still be in trouble before, but now it’s different. The system says that you can only sell 100 bunches a day. After you sell it, you can make as many as you want, but you can’t use it for sale. Treat yourself to dinner. No problem! So Yang Song directly agreed to the fact that his friends invited them to eat.

"That's what you said!" Wu Bin smiled, remembering the incident clearly.

Yang Song nodded, "Don't worry, when did I fool you, but the new house still has something to prepare, so don't worry!"

"Of course I believe what the third child said! Come and come! Drink!"

Wang Xu raised his glass and motioned for everyone to touch it together.

After continuing to eat for a while, Wu Bin suddenly remembered Chen Donglai, who had left before, and sighed and said: "The fourth man, there is no bad thoughts, but there are some problems with the method, the third man, don't mind too much."

Of course Yang Song wouldn't mind. Actually, Chen Dong came to this person, he knew it a long time ago, so he immediately nodded and said: "Boss, don't worry! I know, come here, let’s not talk about him, there are so many dishes today. what!"

"Good, good! Eat!"

After a meal, everything I ordered was something I liked, and everyone didn't care about wasting it. Because Yang Song said that it was not bad for money, he ordered some favorite dishes later.

After the checkout, everyone parted ways, and the two went back to the dormitory, while Yang Song went back to his rental house.

Originally, a few people still wanted to go to KTV to play, but unfortunately there are too few people, even if it happens, Yang Song just has to go back and have things to solve.

That is my own high-quality beef skewers. Now this thing can be said to be a new product. When I was passing the vegetable market in the afternoon, I bought two catties of beef and prepared to try it.

"System, how many beef skewers can be made per pound of beef?"

Yang Song is now calculating the cost, which is what he will do when he opens a restaurant.

"According to the quality of this beef, there are no more than three skewers per catty, and the taste will be greatly reduced!"

Hearing the system say this, Yang Song showed a hint of helplessness on his face and sighed: "This is already the best scalper beef we can buy here, and there is no more advanced beef! There are 5A wagyu, but two thousand. A pound more, the cost is too high!"

"If the host is stupid, he is definitely not smart!"

The system directly began to despise Yang Song, but unfortunately the latter had no way to refute it, but the violent temper also came up, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Then you say, what should I do?"

"As a food tycoon system, this system can of course sell top-notch materials! What is 5A Wagyu in your world!"

"Really? Then tell me, how much?"

"Top fat beef is one thousand yuan per kilogram! Does the host need it?"

"One thousand yuan and two catties? How many skewers do you make per catty of beef? How much does it cost to sell?"

"One catty can make five beef skewers, the price is 300 yuan a skewers!"

"The selling price of a catty is 1,500 yuan, and the cost is 500, and one hundred strings is 20,000 yuan! The sale is almost the same!"

That is Yang Song, it can be said that this is the case, someone else's three hundred dollars can make a hundred dollars, it will be the sky! He actually thought it was almost the same! If you let other vendors know about it, smoke will be coming out of your sluggish nostrils!

"Okay! Try to buy two catties first!"

"Okay! Please check the host!"

Soon, the system placed two catties of beef in front of Yang Song. Yang Song carefully observed the beef. The surface was pink, with snowflake-like lines all over his body. Yang Song could tell at a glance that this was an authentic beef. Neck meat! The best part.

Yang Song moved his head forward and sniffed carefully, a burst of beef scent came out, and there was also a slight milky fragrance in it.

"Good beef! 5A wagyu should be about the same!"

"Please don't insult the delicacy beef, the host can cut it and taste it!"

"Eat it raw?" Yang Song was a little surprised when he heard that it was eaten raw. After all, he had grown up eating cooked food all his life, and at most he had eaten sashimi or something. Suddenly I was worried about eating raw beef.

"Yes, please rest assured, the beef is absolutely harmless within two hours! It is only good for the body and harmless!"

"Okay! I will believe you once!"

As Yang Song said, he carefully cut off a small piece, and then as if he had made a lot of determination, he threw it into his mouth and began to chew.

Damn it! Melt in your mouth! Although it is a piece of raw beef, Yang Song still feels these four words, and the fragrance of beef bursts through the entire mouth. There is no so-called fishy smell or **** smell, and some are just the fragrance of beef and a light milky fragrance. It's a little light, if it's dipped in soy sauce

Thinking of this, Yang Song happened to see a bottle of extremely delicious flavor next to the kitchen, took a small dish, poured it a little, and cut out a small piece of beef again, with a little bit of delicious flavor, put it in his mouth, and continued to chew. Up.

It was originally delicious, but now the sweetness of soy sauce has been added to improve the whole taste. However, Yang Song feels that it is just a change of taste. Both ways of eating are almost as delicious. It just depends on the individual. It's just taste.

After eating three or four slices in one breath, Yang Song stopped his chopsticks. After all, he ate quite a lot at night. He promptly handled the remaining beef because the system said that two hours is the most appropriate time to eat. .

Two catties of beef, Yang Song made a total of seven beef skewers, and the rest were sliced, similar to sashimi, thin slices, full of pawnshops, and a large plate filled with the small plate before. Fresh soy sauce.

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