Super Cookery System

Chapter 21: Copycat products

This smile seemed helpless, but it was more of happiness, a happiness that dispelled loneliness.

"Of course, it doesn't matter to you. If you let your family know that I was giving you so much to eat, and the food broke your stomach, why don't you come to me?"

"Little Yang! How old are you this year?"

"This year is 22, and it will be 23 in half a year!"

"The age is a bit young, but it's okay!"

"What's okay?"

"Nothing! Go and rest early!"

"I know! You go to rest soon!"

"Okay, I get it! You go first! I'll sit here and digest!"


Yang Song tidied up his things and took away a large jug of Meng Lao's wine, saying that he would be ready to drink in the evening, and he could not drink more! He didn't worry about the dangers that Elder Meng might be out there. Is this the top floor or his own garden?

Simply cleaned up the house and cleaned the dishes. Yang Song smoothly threw two catties of yellow beef into the freezer. At this time, the wine he had drunk was over, and Yang Song was too lazy to take a bath. , It is easy to catch a cold, the whole body is smelly, and the pores are opened.

Lie on the bed, close your eyes, and fall asleep soon!

The next day, Yang Song got up early, took a shower, and ran to school for class. Today's class is relatively simple, that is, the morning class.

After class, Yang Song followed Wang Xu to the cafeteria for lunch.

Wang Xu took a bite of his meal and asked, "Lao San, are you going to the cooking class in the afternoon?"

"Cooking class? Forget it, I don't want to go anymore. I will set up a stall earlier and go home early. There are still some things to deal with at home!" Yang Song thought about it, forget it, Mr. Ye still doesn't want to see him this time. If it arrives, otherwise it will be another nagging, and he originally wanted to learn how to cook, but who knows...Master Ye is not as good as his!

"That's all right!" Wang Xu nodded, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said: "Then I don't bother to go, anyway, it's meaningless, that Chen Nan'er doesn't care at all!"

Chen Naner? Wang Xu quickly thought of a person in his mind, the girl who hated her barbecue! Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions and can't do anything by themselves.

But today there is a new beef skewers, so I have to inform the guy Chen Ming. This guy seems to have never eaten delicious food in his previous life. He didn't eat grilled gluten two days ago. He kept sending messages to harass himself. He was going crazy.

If I don't eat it again today, I'm probably going to kill myself and trouble myself.

Thinking of this, Yang Song edited a text message with his mobile phone and sent it to Chen Ming.

"At two o'clock this afternoon, new products are on the market in the old place, don't forget."

Then I put away my mobile phone, said hello to Wang Xu, and walked outside, came to the food court, found my car, unlocked it, looked around cautiously, made sure there was no one, and bought it from the system I put 20 kilograms of beef on the cabinet, and then pushed the car toward my place.

That place was the corner of the corner that was squeezed out by other vendors last time. This time it was the same. However, Yang Song found several roasted gluten shops. The decoration of the car was exactly the same as his own, even the brand was the same.

But the text above is different.

"Roasted gluten, discount 20 yuan a bunch today!"

Smelling the scent, it seems to be pretty good, but compared to my own, it is really not a little worse! I never imagined that it was only a long time before I had a copycat product, but seeing the stall owner sitting in his position and scratching his feet leisurely, Yang Song couldn't help but laugh.

This smile caused Yang Song to attract the hawker's attention. At this moment, several stall owners looked at Yang Song angrily as if they had seen their enemies.

Yang Song was not in a hurry when he arrived, and walked towards his position. Before, he could find a position at the center point. Now it is fixed at the corner of the corner. Yang Song doesn’t mind at all. The location is still very quiet at least.

Put the trolley in place, Yang Song took out the beef that he had prepared before, and began to cut it carefully. The roasted gluten was all placed in the basket. Now Yang Song does not need to be roasted in advance, and now he has figured it out. There are two ways in the system, one is to directly bake it for yourself, and the other is to slowly grill it with charcoal in front of others, so that others will not doubt it!

After all a hundred beef skewers were cut, Yang Song sat on a chair and hung out the previously prepared sign. Today, there is no more grilled gluten, and there is another skewers.

"Happy beef skewers, make you feel happy! Price 300 yuan a skewers!"

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Ming, telling him that it was open, and he wanted to eat delicious food quickly, and it was gone when it was too late!

After finishing all this, Yang Song continued to click on the prestige group and found the group name: When does the boss go to work. Found that the news inside was 99+, Yang Song didn't bother to look at it, and directly sent a sentence of @All members.

"@All members, I have already set up a stall. If you want to eat skewers, come to the old place. There are new products on the market today!"

As soon as this information came out, the prestige group was completely exploded!

Koyanagi: Damn it! I have eaten a piece of roasted gluten for half a month, and there is a new product today! Then I have to taste it!

Green Elf: That's right! New ones should have been out long ago, not to say that roasted gluten is not good, it is almost time to change the taste!

Furong Woman: Boss, will your new product be more expensive? Although the food is delicious, it is too expensive for us to eat!


Yang Song didn't even see some of the following news. After sending the message, he took back his phone, sat in a chair, and started roasting beef skewers.

"Hey, do you smell it? It smells like beef! Where did it come from?"

A girl was walking down the street with her boyfriend, and she could smell Yang Song's beef skewers from a distance. The boy stood by and glanced at his girlfriend dozingly.

"Isn't it just beef skewers? If you like it, let's eat it now!"

"Really? Baby! You are so kind to me!" The girl looked at her boyfriend with happiness.

The young couple searched for the taste all the way. They saw a lot of barbecue stalls on the way. They stepped forward and asked, "Boss, is this beef aroma from your side?"

When the boss finally saw a visitor, he hurriedly yelled, "Oh, handsome, you are in the right place. My beef skewers are not made. It is the most tender and delicious in our family. Up!"

The girl saw the boss skillfully take out a handful of beef skewers and put it on the fire for barbecue, leaned forward, sniffed, her little head shook quickly.

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