Super Cookery System

Chapter 23: Break up without buying?

Chen Ming was eating beef skewers, and he suddenly laughed when he heard this, and said happily, "Childcare? Are you afraid this is the first time you come to this street? I don't know how others are doing, but Yang Song here, as long as you eat it once, I promise, you only want to eat his food next time, someone else’s? Just two words, it’s the same as chewing wax!"

"Fart! No matter how expensive the beef is, you don’t need three hundred skewers. Do you think we are a fool? Tell you! I can go to the price bureau to sue you! The sky-high price of beef!" The boy now felt a little frustrated, pointing to two People began to shout loudly.

Yang Song didn’t want to embarrass them, and said directly to Chen Ming, “Forget it, my beef skewers are indeed expensive, no wonder they, if you really don’t want to eat it, it’s fine. I don’t have the habit of buying and selling. !"

At this moment, four or five people rushed over from a distance, all sweating profusely. They ran over while wiping their sweat and greeted Yang Song.

"Boss, I'm so hot today! Don't you know how to set up a stall later? Hurry up! I want ten skewers of grilled gluten, pack it!"

"Bring me five skewers! Pack them all! The company people are still waiting for me to go back!"

"No problem!" Yang Song nodded with a smile, took out 15 skewers of grilled gluten and put it on the charcoal fire, and handed it to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming had already eaten three skewers of beef at this time, grabbed the grilled gluten, and started to eat. He ate three skewers of beef in one go. It would be good to change to grilled gluten.

The bald middle-aged man saw the sign, he laughed, and happily said, "Boss, is this happy beef skewers the new product I'm talking about today? It's interesting. Give me one!"

Got it! This master didn't even say the price, he just asked for a bunch! The expression on the boy's face is getting more and more exciting!

The girl finally couldn't help it this time. She had been standing by and watching others eating for a long time, and her saliva was almost draining. Her boyfriend still looked stingy.

"Boss, give me two skewers of beef! I'll pay for it myself!" The girl shouted directly at Yang Song, she didn't even look at her boyfriend.

Yang Song was a little surprised when he arrived. He didn't think that the girl seemed to have some money, but he didn't think much about it. He just wanted to sell the skewers, so he nodded, grabbed the beef skewers and started grilling on the charcoal fire.

"Baby, you can't take it! This boss made it clear that he was cheating money with his friends here, you can't be fooled!" The boy couldn't care about so much now, and he stopped the girl and shouted anxiously.

The bald middle-aged man was also happy when he heard it. He laughed, took out his business card, handed it to the boy, and smiled: "My dear Liu Wenwu, bullock cart logistics is my industry. You can find it on the Internet. I Such a person, just to lie to you with a few hundred dollars in cooperation with the boss? You are too dear to me!"

Bullock cart logistics is a well-known company in the entire Los Angeles city. Almost all the long-distance logistics in Los Angeles are handled by bullock cart logistics. There are almost dozens of branches across the country, and the bosses are worth two to three billion. It seems that I really don't want to do such a small thing.

The girl glanced at Cheng Gong with a cold heart, and said coldly, "Cheng Gong, I know you are reluctant to bear these hundreds of dollars. I don't blame you, but now I use my own money. You have no reason to stop me. Put?"

Yang Song was also grilling the beef skewers at this time, holding it in his hands a little awkwardly, and asked carefully: "Then two, do you still eat this beef skewers?"


"Don't eat!"

The two young lovers gave different answers in unison, but the girl became more and more disgusted with the boy. She directly pointed her mobile phone at the QR code, scanned it, and paid 600 yuan directly, and reached for the beef. The string is in his hand.

"Cheng Gong, if you really can't bear so much money, just tell me, I won't blame you, but your behavior makes me sick!"

After finishing talking, the girl directly stuffed the beef skewers into her mouth, and just chewed, her eyes widened, this delicious!

Liu Wenwu smiled slightly, clutching a bunch of roasted gluten, and asked, "Girl, how is the boss's craftsmanship?"

"Oh my God! This is the first time I have eaten such delicious beef skewers! Boss, are you the **** of cooking?" The girl can no longer control herself, and desperately stuffs the beef skewers toward the innermost. Keep asking Yang Song.

Yang Song smiled helplessly, glanced at Cheng Gong, who was looking at him with full hatred, and shook his head: "I'm just an ordinary person, doing a little business."

According to Teacher Gu Long, if his eyes can kill people, then Yang Song is now being stabbed by this man named Cheng Gong!

Cheng Gong was still standing next to the girl, seeming to want to save something, but saw that the girl kept ignoring herself, just eating beef skewers with a contented expression, and Chen Ming and Liu Wenwu were still watching with abusive eyes. Himself, eventually he couldn't help it, gritted his teeth, turned and left.

Although Yang Song has never been in a relationship, he can understand the situation now. This little couple has broken up. He doesn't want to. The old saying is good. I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one. What happened to marriage? I just sell a barbecue, abruptly torn apart a pair of young lovers in front of my eyes, committing evil!

The girl had a relatively small appetite, and she was full after eating two skewers of beef. Then she saw the grilled gluten again. She was a little curious, but after listening to Chen Ming that Yang Song only sells 100 skewers a day, he quickly packed two skewers for roast I am going back to taste the gluten. The food baked by Yangsong is too delicious. Although I haven't eaten it yet, I think it won't taste bad.

After the girl left satisfactorily, Liu Wenwu also left. Now only Yang Song and Chen Ming are left in the booth. The latter is taking out a toothpick from his pocket and is happily picking his teeth, Yang Song moved A chair was thrown beside him, and he wondered: "How come you don't go to work every day, just wandering around?"

"I don't have to go to work. Besides, I don't bother to have such troublesome things!" Chen Ming, as a rich second-generation, is actually unqualified. The normal rich second-generation is all about eating, drinking, and betting. This guy, except for one , There is no other hobby.

Even Yang Song thought more than once, is this guy really the rich second generation? Not even a girlfriend.

But Chen Ming didn't care at the time. After he finished picking his teeth, he suddenly asked Yang Song a little mysteriously: "Do you know who the girl was just now?"

"I don't know! Do you know?" Yang Song has no interest in such things. Wang Xu didn't care about what Chen Nan'er said last time.

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