Super Cookery System

Chapter 30: Kitchen residue (pseudo)

"That's the case. I invited a few friends over to make trouble in the room tomorrow. I didn't know that you were back. Now that you know, I still have to tell you. I wonder if you find it troublesome? "

Yang Song is a guy who takes good care of others. Originally, he had decided to invite friends over for dinner tomorrow, but today I accidentally discovered that Meng Shihan is back, so I should ask this question clearly. After all, I am just a tenant, not this house. The owner is Meng Shihan.

"Well, okay! Go to bed!" Meng Shihan replied in a daze, turned around and was ready to sleep.

After receiving Meng Shihan's answer, Yang Song turned around and prepared to go back to the room to sleep. I am really tired today. Even if my physical fitness is much better due to the method of solving the bullseye, I still feel tired.

But before Yang Song returned to the door of the room, he suddenly heard an exclamation from Meng Shihan's room!

"Ah! Wait a minute! Yang Song! Wait for me!"

Yang Song was startled, his hands trembled, and when he looked back, he just saw Meng Shihan, who was changing the number of pajamas, ran out, frowning and asked, "Why are you still inviting people over for dinner?"

"How's it going for a meal? If you don't want to, just forget it, I don't want you to be embarrassed!" Yang Song didn't care much, but he invited Chen Ming, it's a big deal to go to him and get him to eat. Now, this guy, as long as he eats again, he can say anything.

Suddenly, Meng Shihan felt that he seemed a little uncomfortable. He had eaten such good beef today, and now he turns his face and refuses to recognize people.

Originally, she just hadn't been a guest at home for a long time, so she was a little surprised for a while. Now she calmed down and thought about it. She asked a little embarrassedly: "Then can I eat together?"

You are here to wait for me! Yang Song immediately nodded, and smiled kindly, "No problem, I'll be fine if I prepare more, but it should still be like today, doesn't it matter?"

"It doesn't matter!" Meng Shihan nodded, so delicious beef, how can one eat enough? I must eat more!

When he got the answer, Yang Song smiled and chuckled, "Well, it's late, let's rest early! Miss Meng, by the way, pajamas are very cute!"

After speaking, Yang Song hurriedly got into his room and couldn't help laughing slightly.

Meng Shihan didn't react at first, but when she looked down, she saw her little pink pajamas like a girl and she understood immediately, her pretty face flushed again, and she stomped and shouted, "Yang Song! You hooligan!"

The next day.

Yang Song had no class all day, and set up a stall early after noon, and sent a message in the prestige group as usual, telling everyone that he opened his own.

Chen Ming, let him eat for free tonight, so he didn't bother to tell him.

Today's time passed quickly.

All the skewers have been sold out in just one hour. Today is also a big day. Why did Yang Song treat guests to dinner today? It is because of this incident.

That is to upgrade the system again today!

"Ding Dong, because the host meets the conditions, the system is upgraded again!"

"Ding Dong, the host successfully upgraded to level three!"

"Ding Dong, because the host is upgraded to Level 3, the system will give the host a taste of roasted leeks and delicious roasted chicken wings!"

"Learn a taste of roasted leeks! The price is 88 yuan per string."

"Learn the delicious grilled chicken wings! The price is 188 yuan per skewer."

"Accept the task: sell a hundred skewers of roasted leeks in one day and get 200 experience points!"

"Accept the task: sell one hundred delicious grilled chicken wings in one day! Get 200 experience points!"

The series of news almost made Yang Song be stunned, but he knew one thing was that he had two more skewers!

Damn it! This time I actually gave two varieties, one is vegetables and the other is grilled chicken wings, which can be regarded as making up for some defects! In the past, there were only soy products and meat, but now there are more vegetables and poultry, but the prices are still the same!

Wait, Yang Song seems to have seen a strange logo, that is, there is a detailed explanation behind Yipin Roasted Leek!

What kind of thing is this? With doubts, Yang Song clicked on this detailed explanation.

"Yi-pin roasted leeks! Leek originally possesses special effects such as aphrodisiac, but its effectiveness is minimal. After the cooking of this system, the effect will be increased several times. If you eat two bunches in one day, you can achieve the aphrodisiac effect!"

This... my goodness! This is simply terrible! Does roasted leeks have an aphrodisiac effect? Speaking of this, everyone knows it, but eating so much has little effect, but eating two skewers in one day can be aphrodisiac! This is amazing too!

However, the future eh should be well controlled. If there is a girlfriend to eat, it’s fine, if there is no girlfriend to eat, then it’s over?

"The host can rest assured that if most people eat too much roasted leeks, they will not have the problem that the host is worried about. If it is not stimulated, the effect will only be transformed into the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing yang."

The system immediately understood Yang Song's meaning, and immediately explained it to him.

Yes, I can’t tell, you are still an old driver system.

Seeing that the problem was not serious, Yang Song directly clicked on the system interface and looked at his information.

lD: Yang Song

Sex: Male

Level: 3 (0/10000)

Cooking: 17

Skills: Pao Ding's solution to the bull knife method (Elementary: 831/10000)

Title: Kitchen Waste of Hard Work

Ability: kitchen waste (pseudo)

Acquisition: Juewei roasted gluten (100/100) / fine beef skewers (100/100) / Yipin roasted leeks (0/100) / delicious roasted chicken wings (0/100)

Kitchen waste? What do you mean? Does it mean that you are about to leave the realm of kitchen waste? Thinking of Yang Song here, he couldn't help but sway happily.

"Note: It's not that you can get rid of the kitchen waste by upgrading your level, but because the host has understood the whole cattle feast (not the full version) yesterday. If the host is still like a salted fish, the system will never come out! "

This... Yang Song finally understands this. No wonder he hasn't changed a bit after upgrading for so long. Even the cooking index has begun to change. It is this ability, but it is still a kitchen waste, not upgrading the system by himself. You can get rid of it, but you need to sharpen your cooking skills yourself!

Damn, say it earlier! Yang Song will hone his cooking skills a lot these days, and he won't be upgrading like he is now! This system is really a delay.

"It's not that the system is delaying things, but the host is too salty, and the responsibility lies with the host!"

"Yes! You are amazing! Everything you say is right! I won't argue with you!"

"One to say, one thing to say!"


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