Super Cookery System

Chapter 34: Attempt to steal

Chen Donglai stood next to everyone without saying a word. He was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't swallow that breath. Yang Song's family conditions were similar to his own, and he hadn't worked so hard before, so why suddenly he opened a barbecue stall and made a lot of money Up? I don't believe it! So I must come and have a look today.

Strictly speaking, Chen Donglai still believed in the news of Yang Song’s success. He came to eat as a pretense. He wanted to learn how Yang Song’s roasted gluten was made. When the time comes, go a little further and start a roasted gluten. One hundred or fifty yuan is also very profitable!

Yang Song and the others didn't guess Chen Donglai's thoughts, but just led everyone to their own building.

Wang Xu walked in an ordinary residential area, looking at the luxurious environment, and said with emotion: "Yang Song, where is your house? This place looks so high-end!"

"Go inside! I'm not here!" Yang Song said with a smile, leading everyone to continue walking inside.

Not to mention this small difference, two-thirds of the outside are all ordinary residential areas, which are more than 100 square meters, and further inside, the remaining third are all high-end complex residential areas. There are more than a dozen villas in a large area.

When walking to the complex high-end residential area, Yang Song pointed to one of the buildings and introduced: "It's here, everyone, come with me!"

"Is it here?" Wu Bin asked with some disbelief, "Isn't this a compound floor? You live in such a big place alone? Are you sharing with others?"

"You can say so!"

Yang Song thought about it for a moment. Two days ago, I could say if it was right. But now that Meng Shihan is back, it should not be considered as a whole rent. He rented with the landlord or with a beautiful woman.

The group of people walked upstairs and came to the top floor. Just opened the door, they just saw Chen Ming coming out, wiping his hands, and seeing Yang Song and others come back, and said with a depressed expression: "You kid said let us help, come by yourself. When I ran down, everything was done and everything was taken upstairs. I went to take a rest and my hands were exhausted!"

Chen Ming! Chen Donglai recognized this guy at a glance. The last time he went to work, he worked as a summer job in a five-star hotel. At that time, there was an upper-class party and he worked as a waiter in it. At that time, it seemed that the Chen group merged. In the big day of the company, he, as the son of the Chen Group, of course also appeared on the scene, and Chen Donglai remembered him.

After all, they are all the same surname, why is the same surname different? When they were born, they shouted the golden spoon. They were born with nothing, and they had to find food by themselves!

Now it seems that Chen Ming is still Yang Song's friend. This kid is fine selling things to make money, and he also knows the son of the largest group in Los Angeles. Making money in the future will not be a matter of a word.

Thinking of this, Chen Donglai's breathing became more and more rapid, because the fire of jealousy in his heart became stronger! The look in Yang Song's eyes became increasingly hostile.

There is a kind of person in the world who sees you not working hard and looks down on you. When you succeed in your hard work, he is jealous of you and despise you. Now Chen Donglai is such a person.


Suddenly Wu Bin yelled, Yang Song was startled, thinking that something was wrong, and looking at it strangely, the latter pointed at Meng Shihan sitting on the sofa watching TV with excitement, and asked: "That beauty is Who, is that handsome guy’s girlfriend?"

Yang Song knew who Wu Bin was talking about. He took a look and saw Chen Ming who was still talking to Meng Shihan. He smiled and said, "It's not yet. I just don't know if that kid can succeed. If you have the ability, just Chasing her, my landlord is called Meng Shihan!"

Wang Xu gently wiped the corners of his mouth, stepped forward, and whispered to Yang Song: "No wonder what your kid said that day, Chen Nan'er, you didn't look at it. I knew a beautiful woman like this a long time ago. Sister and brother love? Yujie plot?"

"The dog can't spit out ivory! I'm going to work, do it yourself!" Yang Songbai glanced at everyone and got into the kitchen and started to work.

He looked back cautiously, and after making sure that there was no one, he immediately got five catties of beef from the system! Two kilograms of sliced ​​shabu-shabu, and the rest are all cut into skewers. It is not enough to make it by yourself. It is a waste to eat it!

The best shelf life of this beef is within two hours. If it exceeds, the taste will not be so good, but it is far better than many beef!

The slices and skewers were done in one go. Yang Song had already prepared the broth hot pot upstairs. This time he used charcoal, which is the old-fashioned hot pot, which is more flavorful. Yesterday, I used the electric pot, mainly for many things. Not ready, try the copper pot today, maybe it's better!

Chen Donglai saw that Yang Song got into the kitchen and was busy. He walked forward quietly, observing what Yang Song was doing, and saw that he was seriously cutting beef. The knife was extremely skillful, and it didn't look like it. The guy who just started to learn how to cook.

"If you want to see it, watch it openly! How bad it is to sneak!"

Yang Song, who was facing Chen Donglai's work, suddenly dropped this sentence. Chen Donglai was shocked. The latter stammered and said, "Who...who sees you doing things? I'm looking for the bathroom. "

"The bathroom is right next to it. It's easy to find!" Yang Song didn't order it, and walked out with a large plate of beautiful beef skewers. It’s up to you to make good noodles, whether you can learn my craft!"

"Fart! Who said I'm going to learn secretly!" Chen Donglai was pierced with cautious thinking, and his face suddenly turned red. It was originally black, but now it seems that the black is a little reflective.

Yang Song didn't bother to argue, and shouted at everyone: "Okay! Wash your hands and eat! All come to the roof top! Miss Meng, remember to call Grandpa Meng to eat!"

"I see!" Meng Shihan nodded, took out his mobile phone, and called Grandpa Meng!

Chen Ming had already been to the toilet once before. This time, he waved his hand and shouted: "Whoever wants to go to the toilet and wash their hands, all come with me! Go here!"

Chen Donglai now sees that Yang Song already knows his thin cement, so he has to follow Chen Ming to wash his hands dingy.

When Yang Song walked to the roof garden with beef skewers, he happened to see Grandpa Meng running up smilingly, and when he saw Yang Song he shouted, "Xiao Yang, I'm going to eat your delicious food again today!"

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