Super Cookery System

Chapter 37: Own barbecue technique

"Is this guy the prince of the Chen group?" Meng Shihan leaned close to Yang Song's ear and asked Yang Song who was chewing chicken wings in a low voice.

Yang Song looked up at Chen Ming who was humming a barbecue. He nodded and said quietly, "Maybe! He eats so many things every day, and he is stupid every day. How can he not have any money? Row."

"Why don't you go ask?"

"Ask what, anyway, just give us money!"

"Really not going?"

"No! I want to go!"

"Neither will I!"

Just when the two people were fighting, suddenly Chen Ming ran over with two bunches of dark baked potatoes, and one of them gave a bunch of them, and shouted excitedly: "You guys have a try! I just Roasted, it smells delicious!"

Both Meng Shihan and Yang Song were stunned. They looked at the baked potatoes on their plates. Wherever they are, they are baked on charcoal! But it's not easy to say anything for a while. After all, it's the first time someone has done it. It's not easy to break the hard work of others.

"Hurry up and try it! I've been baking it for a long time! I'm so hot!"

Chen Ming saw the two people not talking, and urged again. Meng Shihan swallowed and asked with difficulty: "Chen Ming, is it the first time you bake something?"

"That's right! How? Don't you think I'm exceptionally talented?" Chen Ming took a sip of cold beer, took a long breath, and looked at Meng Shihan excitedly.

What should I say? Meng Shihan suddenly became poor, and he was embarrassed to just say that he was just rubbish!

Yang Song didn't have any pressure when he arrived. He put the potatoes on Chen Ming's mouth, and said with a smile, "You take a bite first, come and taste your own delicacy."

"it is good!"

Chen Ming didn't think too much, he opened his mouth and bit down, and then he chewed it with a click in his mouth. Where is this potato chip! It's all potato chips. No, it's charcoal potatoes!

"Bah, baah! What's this! It's not easy!" Chen Ming just chewed twice, his face turned into a bitter melon face, he vomited out desperately, grabbed the mineral water and started to rinse his mouth.

Seeing Yang Song's expression, Yang Song nodded in satisfaction, "You see it? This is your craft. You will never be near the kitchen, you know?"

"But..." Chen Ming was crying, "Isn't it said that boys who can cook nowadays are more popular?"

"That said, but you, let it go! It's okay to be responsible for eating in the future!" Meng Shihan also smiled, and casually threw Chen Ming's roasted potatoes aside.

"Or Yang Song, you can roast something else! Let's try it too!" Chen Ming suddenly thought, there is a chef here who doesn't need it, and it's nothing to let yourself toss.

Yang Song didn’t seem to have thought about it, how about going to barbecue by himself, except for the skewers provided by the system, what about the rest, he immediately became interested and nodded, “Okay! I’ll try it now. Eat, don’t laugh at me, I haven’t worked out any other delicious secrets!"

"No problem! No matter what, it should be better than the charcoal grilled by Chen Ming!" Meng Shihan also said with a smile, and by the way despised Chen Ming again.

Just as he wanted to try it, Yang Song took a corn and potato chips and walked to the barbecue table, skillfully placed the ingredients on the grilling net, and then began to barbecue.

In any case, the system has configured itself with the most fragrant barbecue material, so Yang Song only needs to apply it according to the normal measurement.

After a while, the aroma floated out. After these days of barbecue, most of them were made by Yang Song watching the system. Have you ever seen a pig run without eating pork? These two ingredients are just as good as they are!

The two things are cooked quickly, almost two or three minutes, they have been roasted, the surface of the corn is golden, and the spices on it are evenly spread. The sweetness of the corn, with the stimulation of the barbecue material, is very good together. Suitable.

The potato chips looked soft, but Yang Song knew that there must be the crispness of the potato itself, and it was crystal clear, and looked very beautiful.

"As expected of the chef! Such skewers are tempting to smell!"

As Chen Ming said, he was about to reach out and take it. Yang Song patted his hand and said, "That's all, if you eat, how else will others eat?"

"Then can't I taste it?" Chen Ming deliberately looked at Yang Song pitifully.

Seeing Chen Ming's expression, Yang Song felt a chill, and quickly said: "Don't make trouble, I'm so sick of it, I will give you food! Wait a minute!"

With that said, Yang Song removed the corn and placed it on the plate, and then cut it into eight pieces with scissors. Although it was a little thinner, at least everyone could taste it. The potato chips are a bit small, a total of three pieces in a bunch, just cut in the middle.

After the ingredients are sorted, everyone can chopsticks down.

Chen Donglai was the first to pick up a piece of potato and put it in his mouth. It was crispy and sweet. The taste was really good, but to be more careful, it was at the level of a normal barbecue stall. It was a little bit delicious at best, if it was as delicious as roasted gluten. , It is totally unattainable.

"Cut, this potato is just like that. I thought it was so delicious!" Chen Donglai put down his chopsticks and finally felt relieved. This kind of taste can be made by himself. It is true that Yang Song is a **** and he can make everything. So delicious!

"The taste is good, but it is only average, Yang Song, your craftsmanship is average!" Chen Ming took a bite of corn, shook his head, and sighed.

Meng Shihan tasted both, and he was a little disappointed in his heart. Indeed, this kind of taste can only be counted as an ordinary barbecue chef can make, and it is not as amazing and scary as grilled gluten.

Beef skewers, in fact, everyone thinks that why Yangsong is grilled so delicious, most of the reason is because this beef, after all, is so delicious when eaten raw, let alone a little processed.

However, this grilled gluten is completely ordinary, and even the grilling materials are the most ordinary, but I don’t know why, it can be so delicious.

But Yang Songping tasted his craft, but he showed a satisfied expression on his face, nodded appreciatively, sat on the chair, slowly nibbling on his roasted corn, and said with relief: "It's not bad. How bad is the craftsmanship, this is pretty good!"

Elder Meng also frowned and asked, "Xiao Yang, are you satisfied with this kind of craft? People can't do this, because there are two particularly delicious things, so I forgot to prepare new delicacies!"

"No, no, no! You have all misunderstood. I used ordinary means to make these things. The taste is like this, I'm very satisfied!"

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